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Everything posted by h90

  1. the mother was drunk and hit the dogs....not the son drunk
  2. There was once a study...no in Thailand, that if you use todays weather as forecast for tomorrow it will be more accurate than what the experts with the expensive computers do. Would also work in Thailand....only at the season change you are wrong but that you are always right,,,,
  3. He has a diplomatic passport like all the elites.....Also Bill Gates....Visa is only for the poor....
  4. What many here did not read "over her consumption of alcohol" So more to the story than crazy son...drunk mother....
  5. depends on if the maintenance is made by a politicians friends company....
  6. Preventing that some local politician give out some booze in front of the election tent.... It is more logic than the daily no booze times.
  7. Prayut did nothing the last years...which is the best I can hope for. Leftist usually are catastrophic on the money.
  8. Health is a money maker....they wouldn't want to give that away
  9. I never see men in latex looking like Freddy Mercury when I go on the market. And actually as I don't have a TV I don't see these parades.
  10. but when they ban normal cars, the EV will sell...not because the people want it, but because they have no choice.
  11. Than why should they be so easily recognizable (as bignok writes)?
  12. What has that to do if the government is democratic or not? You can have a very nationalistic but democratic government.
  13. In my country we would provide free housing and free money to illegal immigrants which leads to the people voting more and more right wing parties. Which than surprises the other parties
  14. yes it is an irrelevant distraction....can be done after 2 years in office.
  15. Not only South America....Iran...comes into my mind, when the elected government got to friendly with the Soviets
  16. Really....I never know that.....but I never think about with who people may have sex...I am not much interested in other peoples life.
  17. I didn't calculate it, but PTP + the small parties + BJ + Dems should be somewhere the 250 in the house which they need to govern. Than they would need on top of that half the Senators which might be difficult but maybe possible
  18. yes in theory, but are there ways for the parliament or ministers to force the speaker? Like bringing in a law with certain amount of MPs sign it and than it must be brought to the house for discussion? Or a minister brings a law? If there is no such way the speaker would have too much power, but with that sloppy constitution nothing would surprise me.
  19. yes sure USA will favor a party that is pro China and anti USA equally than a pro USA anti China party..... Of course they try to influence elections. Everyone does that...nothing wrong with it.
  20. They'll of course do everything to let the MF look like the bad people who failed and PTP comes to the rescue of democracy. If it works is a other case but they'll try to find some spin.
  21. But I doubt there is much love for the PT....The senators just dislike them a bit less
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