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Everything posted by h90

  1. good clean every days wine from the farmer in good quality was 1-2 Euro per liter in Austria.....prices might have changed and it is now 2-3 Euro per liter. you could buy wine in tetra pack...surely not a top product, but clean taste and no headache...was 1 Euro in the supermarket...maybe now 2 Euro
  2. not a free pass, but the taxes on wine are way higher than in many countries.....having VAT is fair enough...or maybe an extra 10%.....
  3. Just bought some Rum from Cuba, a very fine product...and thought myself why Thailand can't do the same?
  4. And a lot chemicals are used in Thai beer. I once was on a scuba diving boat with a salesguy for it from Germany...who visit the Thai factories and he called it an extreme usage that wouldn't be allowed in Germany.....And that the factories are very old fashioned. that the Singaporian customer are way better in production quality. That happens with lack of competition. Yes many of the Yellow who were against dictatorship (of the Thaksin Oligarchy) and state control did not notice what Prayut did with the freedom of money, CBDC, immigration, vaccines, import/exports, freedom of business, alcohol, beer....Because it was their guy so they didn't criticize him. If Thaksin would have done the same they would have been on fire...
  5. "Do you bathe in the waste water?" Yes..... in 2011 outside was about 1.5 meter water and inside we controlled it for about 20cm with pumps...having to walk thru it every 1-2 hours to check everything is OK. (we have there 4 CNC lathes that can't be moved (several tons each in the middle of the building)). For about 1-1.5 month (can't remember with waking up every 1-2 hours I lost track of time). I had there an accident falling and got complete submerged...even my head...but didn't got anything. Neighbor woman, liked to walk thru the water and got a nasty skin infection....looked like a strawberry cake all over her body. Luckily the army helped her, picked her up and brought to a doctor. We had all the food and water stocked up, as we know it comes. But at that time we had no medicine.....need the basics, coal tablets, antibiotic creme, antibiotic tables, painkiller, Vitamins at home. It is all stored at 5-8 degree in the vegetable area of the fridge. And the costs of having it at home are minimal.....if we never need it, even better.
  6. No they can't neutralize the voting...but they can bend the outcome a bit. And that are individual people not a monolithic voting block. They can't do something against an overwhelming majority and MFP decided themself that they don't want the vote from some parties. That a party with such extreme ideas win the election could no one expect. When there is another majority in parliament the senators will vote for it and it will be also the voter decision. (As >50% of the MPs)
  7. Thank you! I thought that might be the case...a pharmacist would know what ophthalmic solution mean....
  8. yes but you won't find some investment banker, politicians or prince charles etc...self appointed HiSo with tattoos. Not people who want to present themself as very honest and responsible. (with investment banker and politicians that are actually the true criminals....but they pretend to be honest)
  9. all kind of religious symbols...... sure some religions will also recommend that...there is all kind of crazy stuff around....can't take blood when having a surgery...can not eat some animals....beavers are fishes etc....Sure you will find some tattoo somewhere....
  10. Had a strong pain in the ear....most probably infection. Looked up some ear drops with antibiotics....pharmacy had nothing....I asked what they had. The pharmacist put into the computer and spoke english infection-bacterial-ear-outer And gave me a product called Cravit 0.5% Levofloxacin. Worked perfectly I thought just in case we get flooded again (water comes up the toilets/Sewer) I better have something like that on stock. And when I looked I saw the words "Ophthalmic Solution"....Ophtsomething is eye not ear. Did they give me something complete wrong, or maybe it doesn't matter...antibiotics solution can be used universal? Because if it matters I want to stock some ear drops as well
  11. All a question of money.........and not a coalition, just voting yes with the excuse of protecting the monarchy (and of course some money changing hands) The Dems don't care too much what the promised yesterday.....I recall Abhisits...... But the military parties.....interesting, I didn't thought of them....I guess the PTP activists would not like it.....But what would the mass of the voter say when it comes together with some free money? I have seen stranger things: the election of Abhisit for example....with the MPs locked in the hotel without telephone and Thaksins wife trying to pay more than the others but unable to call.....
  12. 151 vs 141 MPs...and that is what counts. That is almost the same strength.... But if MFP think they want all positions for themself than they should try to make a coalition without PTP...should be possible with BJ+Dems. If they don't want that than they must share. No way around that. And that without the senator problem....
  13. Thai Airways was one of the best Airways worldwide under government control.....but than they screws it up. A national airline is helpful for a tourist country...and in the past with the beautiful traditional clothes it was really something to show....But yes they screwed it up. It might be cheaper to have it private and pay the private company for some government wishes (like routes that don't bring profit...but do bring good tourists...sure a private company would also run them, if they get money for doing it)
  14. With almost the same amount of votes they deserve almost the same power. If PM goes to MF than Speaker to PTP. On the ministers of course it depends on what minister...health and defense make a lot money.....so you can have less ministers but more important one. MFP is far away of having a majority alone so they need to share with coalition partners.....and one that is almost as strong deserves almost as many positions.
  15. That was before the election......not a complete new phenomena that parties don't fullfill their promises.... I did not calculate it yet but I think it should be just enough PTP+the small+BJ+Dems....But it would need more senators and they sure don't like PTP much. But if they promise to not make any problems with the monarchy the might convince them. Beside that they might be able to buy some MPs from the military backed and from MFP to vote them....100 Millions is the going rate the rumors says.
  16. why? Service issues? Second hand purchases in Thailand are a big questions....I know a turbo diesel who only got a engine oil that cost 30 Baht per liter.....I don't know what this is and what doggy source......but it survived the owner
  17. what is running around like that unhinged? I see dogs a car and a woman.
  18. They deserve the speaker....but if MF is not sure about their PM, they can give the PM to PT. Which is not unusual that second or third strongest has the PM and take the speaker. You can't have everything when you need coalition partner
  19. not 24....14 millions....PTP would be in a government
  20. My wife....not much money on the bank account....they kicked in the door to give her some millions in credits, just because we paid back the loan we had on the company building in time. Luckily she is a smart one and turned it down. But I would like to see the regular Thai turning down a million....or recently 2 million credit line....you pay only for how much you are in the minus.....Sounds good but is a slippery slope, if you don't have discipline.
  21. Well some could have afford it if the government wouldn't have done lockdowns...
  22. You have in Thailand also religious tattoos....not for prostitutes....
  23. Well in the company I work, a tattoo is a big minus point, even for a machine operator. And staff with tattoo can't have customer contact as it looks bad for the company.... A woman with religious tattoo was seen as not very trustworthy because of her superstition. Not very much accepted in the upper class.....You won't see some politicians with tattoos....
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