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Everything posted by h90

  1. The first logical and easiest step would be cancel the taxes for the poor....It is a shame to tax people who have hardly enough money for food.
  2. maybe for the cleaning woman who now has a workplace again in Phuket. A few month ago the hotel my parents always use was still almost empty and they just started hiring people back and the massage out of the street also got populated again, the small restaurant full again with new staff...so not all for the rich...
  3. That surplus is actually money stohlen from the general public in form of taxes. Tax collection vs. what is used from it to help people is total minimal....It is in the best case mostly used for a bloated bureaucracy, military, corruption and a few streets.....
  4. Wikipedia does not agree with you. They have him as Party Leader which is basically always the PM candidate of the party.... copy paste from Wikipedia
  5. I complete agree....my opinion as well....Who gave Prayut, Anutin, Pita, or Trump, Biden, etc etc the right to decide what I can do with my body. I agree with laws for safety....no murder, no stealing, not lying to customer (selling dangerous food as clean). But everything where I don't harm someone else should be my business....Putting resources to find user and dealer of steroids for bodybuilder...why is taxpayer money wasted on that???
  6. Or they truly believe everything the indoctrination tells them.....That would be worse if they are just corrupt and it for money. I see that more and more that students just believe every propaganda...different than before where they didn't believe anything...even when it was right. These educated people who are in lockstep frighten me more than some narcotic user.
  7. Well the immigration fees are not much...I am happy to pay them or even much more...but the agent costs...And alone the curiosity that Work Permit and Visa needs basically the same documents, twice.....And all on paper...in the immi in BKK sometimes you see them transporting the papers....it is unreal...they get all born again as tree.....
  8. There should be no laws at all that makes plants illegal, prohibits to grow something at home and consume it.
  9. Here outside, on the edge of Bangkok there are still many people masked.....but in the last few days it dropped from maybe 99% to 90%. When you look at the nice people it is like 98%. The people selling things on the market like 70% As less educated as more common sense.
  10. but also a waste majority can drink it without murder and violence.... But yes.....our foreman was foreman of many labor before and every week there was some serious alcohol related problem...and the next morning all was good again...if no one had the knife in the stomach... I don't want to ban it...but I have no argument why it shouldn't.
  11. I have seen people getting really sick (not need doctor but stay in bed) who didn't had any flu the last 30 years....everyone got sick once. That is too much of an coincident.... So there was a new disease.....And I am pretty much as much conspiration theorist and anti vaxxer as it gets but there was Covid...or something new. That I am 100% sure
  12. Thanks.....what do they do in Thailand if you don't finish but don't want to leave? In Austria when I studied you could be student till you die 100 years old. No limit at all.
  13. we have antivaxxer in the office, but they kept it to themself....just they didn't went when the bus brought the others to the vaccination. Than month later showed me some videos of some side effects........I know 4. Some statistic said 80% took the vaccine so 20% did not.
  14. Not something like in Europe? Speaker of the young.....(fill in your party list)....38 year old student? We have plenty of these in the 2nd, 3rd tier of politician in Austria and Germany.
  15. yes and the people in power will do that nothing change....digital ID and digital money will guarantee that the authority figures can check everything. Not like now the people kowtow.....turn around and do exactly the opposite of what they sincerely promised.
  16. From my experience "will change independing on the government" It got worse with Thaksin and continued the same as if T would be still in power....no matter what government.
  17. yes every year the same dance with the same documents....nothing has changed.... If they just ask: Any changes....50.000 Baht fee. It would be cheaper for me and Thailand would have a big profit. Or just make it a 2 year visa and a 180 day reporting...still only half the work
  18. I didn't read anything from right wing terrorists that killed hundreds of LGBTQ people. What I read are mean words. But mean words isn't terrorism. That is just not very polite.
  19. as there is a lot aggression in US/UK. But Ladymen are part of society for a long time in Thailand, it would be better to not follow US.
  20. and they don't need to worry about re-election...what the voter thinks. 60 something Senators are needed. I think BJ would also have something like 60 MPs. Don't know what that means for the negotiations. They only need to pass the vote one time......I don't know how a non confidences vote is regulated in the Thai constitution.
  21. And it is self amplifying....If most parents would take care of their kids the few one who don't wouldn't find a bad influence that easy and per random chance hang out with some good people.
  22. beer....but most people can handle it without violence...they would disagree.
  23. And a minor problem in compare with food problems. I don't know a single person with long covid, but I can't tell how many I know with diabetics type 2.....And we have Covid headline and not a single word about the deadly food. I actually know someone who had both feet amputated and one woman that has a complete broken kidney (5% working). If Covid would like the clowns would hold a press conference every week.....And maybe masks would also help....
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