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Everything posted by h90

  1. Now he came to power in the 2019 election
  2. I would keep the fuse box up, unplug everything inside and check if something is moving. I could imagine someone connected after the fuse box (if the wires are not on top of the walls.)
  3. The Universal Health care was a project of the Democrats. Which had to be postponed because of the 1997 crises in which the group around Thaksin was heavily involved. Thaksin implemented it after the Dems repaired the finances, but it worked extreme bad as he didn't gave budget for it....Health care but no money for medication. That was repaired in a later government (can't remember which one). He did it and that is an achievement, but the time was ready for it. He did some good things, no question, but he was also terrible corrupt, sold many things, sent military to Afghanistan and called Bush his best friend. I recall his speech about doing a subway direct below the BTS to bankrupt them. Banned selling the beer during the day, started the xenophobic immigration laws....It was a daily PR show.
  4. What fairy tale is this? When you are banned you are banned...and for good reason. To just rename your party is gaming the system....They banned the owner because of his criminal activities from the court cases he run away and his nominee also run away from court cases . The courts are not controlled by Prayut.
  5. I think you have a serious problem understanding a multi party system. He won the popular vote and he has with his coalition partners the majority in the parliament. You need a majority and he has a majority. To be premier it would be good optics to have the majority of votes..he has the majority of votes. That is the fact even if you don't like him. I neither like nor hate him. I think he did little the last years which I as libertarian prefer over some dictatorial style, like Thaksin. But he didn't reverse the many nonsense of Thaksin so I am really agnostic.
  6. yes I use extended screen...but just now for example when I go from the left to the right monitor with the mouse down where it shows the date it get stuck. A centimeter higher it works....as the monitor are different in height (and that set).....but I almost don't notice it. But with one big and 2 small monitors it was more noticeable
  7. that are two different parties Phalang Pracharat: 8,433,137 Pheu Thai: 7.920.630 Future Forward: 6,265,950 So he got by far the most votes and 7.9+6.2 is not 16 Yes it was not kosher because of massive vote buying from Pheu Thai. But really all are vote buying in Thailand but Pheu Thai has the deepest pocket.
  8. The only family.....So all but Thaksin are evil? And he is a saint?
  9. There was almost civil war (or some say it was already civil war) we knew a guy who lost his foot, and everyone know the pictures of the guy who lost his hand. Staging a peaceful coup and than after stabilization doing new elections is preferable to have a real civil war. First loosing tourism and than the whole economic would be a far bigger problem than ousting some corrupt oligarch. And population saw it as minor wrongdoing as well because Prayut afterwards won the majority of votes from the population.
  10. Not eating all the day is no problem at all, but not drinking fluid in a climate like Saudi Arabia is something I didn't think off. No problem in cooler areas...still not good but doable.
  11. I worked a lot with 2 or 3 monitors and they were always different one, but similar resolution. No real problem in Win10. Only if the size is different, it happened a few times that I could not move the mouse from one to the other because of different height. But that can be adjusted in Win 10, and it need like 0.5 seconds to move over 2 cm higher. Can't really call that a problem. Other problem were the available connector on the computer (I don't know how they are named) so I needed some adapter cable....Also an issue of only 200 Baht and works without problems. Or short version there is no problem at all with different monitors as long as the resolution is the same. (If there is a problem with different solutions is the question for my original post). Differences in brightness can be adjusted perfectly for normal use (don't know for artistic work)
  12. To who? Here in the West of Bangkok is all full with Muslims and I can't recall he came personally to me to wish me Merry Christmas
  13. Future Forward and Thaksin are oligarchs. Prayut is more the old elites. So it is which part of the elites. But of course no poor honest person.
  14. Last election: Popular vote Pheu Thai: 7,920,630 Palang Pracharat 8,433,137 That are 500.000 more votes for Prayut. Thaksin did vote buying like never before and most of the middle class hate him. Also the complete south hate him. Of course also many people mostly North and North East love him, but by no means "Thais" in general.
  15. They open brag about it....what to do with these useless eaters...maybe videogames and narcotics keep them pacified.....etc....only need to listen to the World Economic Forum....Their public speeches.
  16. If I get locked into a 15min city in Pattaya I may not live long but I live happy even if I own nothing.
  17. how about doing both and save money on useless bureaucracy....do you know the government buildings in Bangkok? They are big as cities and Thailand has I don't know how many provinces with local government. Way too much bureaucracy. (not that I am much fan of military, but Thailand had almost a war a few years ago with Cambodia, Myanmar is very unstable. Lot of tension between China, Taiwan and USA and I have seen two floods in both the army was very efficient to help).
  18. And it would make sense to make trains so cheap and comfortable that we like to use them instead of car/airplane. And solar panels are great. My solar panels produce the electric when my staff needs aircondition....it is perfect. No one is burning oil for fun, no one likes dirty air or dead birds...aeh no my mistake they come from the green environment friendly energy...we all love dead birds and bats..
  19. And don't forget that the people with such good ideas fly with their private jets to the climate conferences. I don't know how much fuel a private jet needs....but for sure a poor person can go a few times around the planet with their small car when they fly half the planet with a large plane
  20. The concept is: As many people as possible should live in big cities as they need less carbon as 1 family country side houses. Than build infrastructure that has all you need in a 15 min walking distance (not driving)...you know that central planning thing that has a great track record in history. So your doctor wouldn't be the problem if you think for dense downtown city areas. And you get permits to leave like twice per month or so. If you are over you pay a fee (so you don't get shot you only pay) I always thought that is complete crazy dystopian AJ level nonsense. But to my surprise some people like the idea. To my even greater surprise people who left their country to travel to Thailand like it.
  21. That was what the topic is about "Will you support laws and regulations that will limit your personal movement" laws and regulations that limit your movements. That is what poster "connda" asked for
  22. The difference is if you don't leave often because you can find everything you need, or if some dictator forces you to stay there only. I rarely go further than 1km most of the time, but I would not want someone put a fence around me. Beside that you violated that 15min rule massive as I doubt you were born there. You traveled there in most probably more like 15 hours.
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