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Everything posted by h90

  1. And simply nothing will happen, they can only arrest looser and the war will end in some kind of compromise. For sure not in a complete defeat of Russia. So the arrest warrant is just symbolic
  2. I also saw that, but I think they just walked over the border it is a very long border
  3. both Putin and Selinsky will charged in the Hague shortly after they are finished with Bush, Obama and Trump.....so never
  4. yes Prayuth himself polluted Bangkok......You shouldn't believe every propaganda.... Somewhen at Thaksins time they started to check trucks and normal cars, and that got better every year....20 years downtown the houses were black from the truck smoke and normal cars got way more modern....that is like 90% improvement. Probably on the edges of Bangkok the smoke from burning fields enter....which is a problem since long before Prayuth I remember that often airports had to be closed because of the smoke. It might got worse over the years or maybe the people just got more hysterical.....it was unbearable bad in the past as well
  5. Some left before......and some did not ask for permission and went to Poland and when Poland started to cooperate with Ukraine they flee further. I read a report that in Turkey there are Russian and Ukraine tourists side by side. I don't know how they manage that.
  6. That is another story.....But Ukraine is not friendly to people who they think might have collaborated with Russia (and what choice did they have). When the Ukraine made their offensive they went all to Russia.....The situation is not as simply as Russia bad, Ukraine good....
  7. Well in Bangkok the air is as always...not brilliant but improving over the years. And the tourist spots like Hua Hin, Phuket, etc don't have that problem. So it is not everywhere
  8. a big amount of Ukrainians are also in Turkey and Russia (the Ukrainians of Russian heritage, or these with Russian Orthodox religion)
  9. I like the idea of using 24 Volt....24 are easily survive able. I always think the Thai water heaters are scary
  10. h90

    Extradition Laws

    there are lot of cases of people overstay 20 years....without Visa but keeping low profile you won't get caught easily. And hopefully the war special military operation wouldn't last forever
  11. h90

    Extradition Laws

    May I correct your sentence "and people fighting dying for their country are generally stupid!" and that is if you are lucky and not just survive with missing limbs.
  12. h90

    Extradition Laws

    If I remember right the passport of Edward Snowden was canceled while he was traveling.
  13. I have an older Panasonic: No problems at all. Had a newer Mitsubishi: the motherboard (big computer board inside) burned out, which was poor designed Have 2 Haier Aircondition (not fridge) which both got a stuck compressor very soon. Maybe it was just bad luck but I don't buy this brand anymore....
  14. Beside the oceans which is really bad...and the great idea to shoot some uranium (which burns/explodes and sprays the dust everywhere) in Ukraine, the by far bigger damage on ourself is the nutrition. All the damage we do to nature is less harmful for us than the crap we eat. Which shows the mindset as well how can we expect that people take care of nature if they don't even take care of themself.
  15. Did you read what I wrote? Obviously not. Hint: in the 1970s there were no webpages. But obviously your are not interested in any honest discussion. Ask you parents or grandparents how it was then. It is not a fact that I need to proof, because I don't want to win a discussion, I am only reporting how it was then. I don't care much if you believe me or.
  16. Here in the company no one wear mask anymore, but when they go outside ridding their motorbike the put on their masks (no it is not for pollution). A few weeks ago our foreman was sick....looked sick and was coughing. He didn't wear a mask inside....but did so ridding the motorbike home. It got something like wearing a TShirt. You can walk outside without TShirt (as man), but you don't do it. Does not seem logic. During peak-covid...staff worked very separated from each other, all wore masks in the company. When lunch time, they sit together skin on skin (not enough place) eat and talk and laugh without mask. Afterwards they put on the mask again and distance..... Doesn't seem strange to them...
  17. I don't understand your point why it is not suitable as a recreational drug
  18. No it is not, as I am old enough to remember and all the great ideas how we can geoengineer to warm up the planet. Like painting the polar ice in black color. Because of the cooling the harvest will be much smaller and millions will die.....Soon afterwards was peak oil. As we make fertilizer from oil or gas, with lack of fertilizer millions will die. It was in the newspapers, it was discussed in families. The cause was industrial production and both particle and SO2 in the air that cause the cooling. I can't remember why the SO2 should cause cooling. Particle because they block the sunlight.
  19. First force everyone to wear a mask that doesn't help....specially these made from normal clothes fabric. Than a few month later force everyone to NOT wear a mask even they are helpful against all the dust in the air. Maybe everyone should take a minute look into the mirror and ask themself if they are a totalitarian. Everyone should relax....if you like a mask wear it, if not don't wear....similar as with the motorbike helmet in Thailand.
  20. I hope that never happens and I hope they don't kill you. It is common to put narcotics in other peoples luggage. If it happens to your luggage you get the death penalty in the system you like. No if's or but's
  21. The drug dealer is not the root of the problem. If you shoot one, there are already 3 more waiting to fill the gap because the money is good. You must take the money out of it. Like Anutin did already with cannabis + kratom. Or like we all do with Alcohol. Only the Saudis kill alcohol dealer. These crazy modern drugs are the result of crazy drug politics. (there was the same during the American ban of alcohol). Allow the plants for morphine and coca plant. Hand out drugs for already addicted. If the Yaba addict can get his pills at <50 Satang per piece in the pharmacy the drug dealer has no interest to make more people addicted. The drug mafia will go out of business and billions of money is saved (police, courts, addicted people who make crimes to finance their addiction). Beside that the philosophical argument: It is my body, I am not owned by the country so the government has no right to decide what drugs I use or not use. If I kill myself with narcotics than this is my decision. In my school they invited some former addicts. The teacher left the class and they talked with us, they looked like hell, no teeth (amphetamins) but otherwise cool people not much older than ourself. That has a far bigger impact than the police shooting people
  22. There were a terrible amount of deaths that had nothing to do with narcotics. Beside that you can't fix drug problems with shooting problems. The root is a society problem and to reduce it, you must take the money out of it, not increasing the profit. Beside of being a crime shooting people doesn't fix the problem
  23. I was sick and got better again, never tested, might have been covid or might have been the flu. Wife same
  24. Not that it was discussed from the very beginning, that people had other Corona viruses and there can be cross-immunity in some people. That was a lot discussed on how many people may have that and if it protects against getting or only against getting very ill.... Looking back all the things that Dr. Yong posted on Facebook....not turned out as he predicted (to say it in a friendly way).
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