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Everything posted by h90

  1. Artificial Intelligence will cause many people loose their jobs.....as we can see it is easily more intelligent than many of us
  2. yes...I would say sleep is the most important, than good food, than moving the body (doesn't need to be hard exercise). I read from some sheep farmers in Bulgaria who get very old...they are outside all the day, but not hard labor, in the evening they sit together smoke, drink and play cards. But not excessive, all in moderation. They eat their products and what they find during the day. In Bangkok if you want to eat high quality organic vegetables it get expensive. I do daily 1-2 hours of sport, I don't count calories but I think I eat more than people who only sit. The price of a small tray of tomatoes with almost no energy in "The Mall" is so only rich people can buy that in quantity. It is way cheaper to eat some junk food. And the market close to me is not that good....cheaper but quality is not perfect. Banana come total green, Tomato have no taste. Melones get watered to much...in the center not good. It is expensive to eat good and time consuming (I only eat what I cook myself....half my body must be chicken already from "no time just fry some egg")
  3. Many doctors recommend 4000-5000....by coincident just today on youtube Dr. Campbell said that in Winter in UK he eats a 4000 a day. I didn't read enough about that topic to have an own opinion....I only want to say that some do recommend such high doses to maintain healthy levels...and they also argue what a healthy level is. There are a lot university professors who disagree with each other on that topic. Vitamin D is a bit of a hype at the moment.
  4. yes you are right....I should better say as least processed as possible. Yes I mean the deep frozen pizza. Of course wheat ground to powder is also processed. I would not even take the time to read what the WHO says. I lost all the respect I had for them. And somewhere they even said that people should eat less meat because of resources and global warming which has nothing to do with personal health. But the point that I wanted to make is: If don't eat too much processed food --> Eat what you cook yourself from basic ingredients and you vary what you eat (not like only Banana or only eggs) than it will be OK....if you eat too much fat or too little fat, too much protein or too little that all does not matter much, the body can handle it without any problems (if you keep things reasonable and don't do something complete crazy). We don't need perfect nutrition, we are as flexible as pigs. Only McDonalds, sugar, deep frozen pizza every day for many years will kill us......From eating almost only fat pork to eating almost only salad the body can compensate surprisingly well. There are people who didn't ate any carbohydrates for years or decades and are healthy and people who are living vegan who are healthy but you won't find a healthy 50 year old fast food eater.
  5. That is called service industry.....we cut ourself the hair, have financial products and from the profit we buy what we need from China which we lecture about their CO2 production. I am Austrian but politic wise we are not very different...
  6. Well athletes should know their body and the signs of it + have a greater fitness. But I know specially in competitions and specially when the middle age men takes some chemical help to improve their marathon times....
  7. Bubonic Plague.....lets lock down everything!
  8. a balanced diet is....no processed food, cooking yourself and as little as possible pre-processed materials for cooking. Ad some vegetables and fruits and you are good. Human body can do without problems from vegetarian up to keto or almost only meat without problems.....only the fast food and sugar kills. Everything else if there is some variety can be automatically balanced.
  9. 2x 1x does not mean anything you need to tell the mg With lot of Vitamin D you need Vitamin K as well else it might cause problems Vitamins that are not water soluble can't leave the body as easy and are a risk...E, A, D....4000 D is OK but only together with K2. Too much vitamins don't have a benefit...if you eat mixed with fruits, eggs and oils and get sun you don't need any supplements. Some more Vitamin C can't hurt but most probably doesn't bring much of a benefit.
  10. I saw the airport pretty full and I got told Phuket is full with tourists. But that might be wrong...or just full in compare to a year ago...
  11. And don't forget: Farang no take shower.....So they bring a lot virus to Thailand and prostitution and narcotics and corruption...that would all not be without dirty Farangs. Maybe better reduce the visa exempt to 15 days. Or why can't they simply transfer the money and keep at home?
  12. yes I thought why not give a 60 days...would be perfect for retired people to escape European winter without visa hassle. What is the logic behind it? Maybe they worry about illegal working? But some Farang making the scuba teacher illegally wouldn't be that big of a problem in compare to the extra profit
  13. yes but democratic elected....his party got the most votes and he formed a complicate coalition government.
  14. What is not true? I agree that both Thaksin and Yingluck were both ousted by a coup. (in practical terms, if I remember right Yingluck wasn't premier during the coup, someone else was for a week or two. Can't remember the name, just another puppet. But it was still against her). So where I am wrong?
  15. I personally doubt that he would reinstall the previous constitution, but he did promise it. I can't judge how much the public understood of it...but there was heavy campaigning against it. And after the constitution there was election in which he won most of the votes. When you look at the map Nord and Nordeast love Thaksin. But the South really hate him and in Bangkok the middle class don't like him that gives different impressions on up to where you live. But the discussion is pointless....your in your imagination evil dictator is calling for open elections and if people don't like him they will vote him out. My forecast is that it will be a very mixed result and coalition government with 3-5 partner that will be moderate in every way. Nothing big will happen.
  16. His objective were preventing elections so he staged a coup and called for elections??? We had elections and we are having elections now. That makes your complete argument invalid. If there were a coup and we would still have dictator Prayut, I would complete agree, but we had elections in 2019. That proves your "preventing election" argument invalid.....And he even got most of the votes
  17. Surely you'll find plenty of revolutions that got rid of democracies in history. But what is your point. The military went back to democracy without anyone forcing them. So they got rid of a pretty evil government, put up a new constitution which was accepted and than they called an election and won the majority of votes, but not the majority of seats because their own constitution did not favor them and now they call for new elections even the polls are not that great. I can't see any evil here. Suthep and before Sonthi both don't like the military and always wanted reforms that change everything. Both went into jail. The obviously prefer the military over Thaksin but there is not much love. But again what are the evil things you see from Prayut? I don't see massive corruption like under Thaksin, I don't see shootings on the street as in war against drugs. I don't see wars like sending troops to Afghanistan. I can't see made shootings with Cambodia like we had with Abhisit. I can't see much good things Prayut did, but I can't see any bad things....it was a calm time of stability. And if the people don't like it they can vote him out. Not different than in any other western country
  18. So that USA is independent from Britain is not acceptable for you, right? Because that was illegal. Or France should be still a Kingdom, because the Revolution was illegal broke a lot of laws. My point is: Things change in an imperfect way. We have to live with that. No it was not dying, protesters were dying....we know one who lost his foot. Companies didn't pay taxes, revenue department agreed. The South talked about splitting away from Thailand. Police and military were split inside. There were already cases in which some units blocked other units. It only need one case (or a staged case) where one policeman shoots an soldier or one army unit shoot at another and there is civil war. The dock worker labor union organized itself in a paramilitary way. Some red shirt groups did the same. Former communist fighter boosted on TV that they still have their weapons and are ready to pick them up. Maybe some of it was just empty talk. But see what happened in Ukraine when some sniper shot at both police and demonstrators. You could have got that here as well. And look how many coups were in Thailand....Many and always the military finally stepped back and allowed elections again.
  19. From what country are you speaking? There was lot of discussion and criticism about the constitution and Prayut got asked and it was on TV what happens if the constitution is rejected. He said than the old constitution will be reinstalled. And the constitution was accepted with >60% so by no means it was close. And that even the opposition parties promoted to vote no. I don't know where you are from....But did the American vote for their constitution or for any changes, did the Germans vote for theirs or the French? These were made in the backroom by the people in power without asking anyone.
  20. yes that does not contradict what I am saying. And Suthep went to jail/court on and off (with release on bail and going into jail again), tried to escape into monkhood which did not work. No it is not a shameful episode. It was not great, but it was resolved with relative little loose of life (and limbs because of police brutality). A truly shameful episode was 1992. 2014 was a sign that Thailand learned from it and did not repeat it.
  21. We complete agree that something must be done. And the laws are a complete joke....there are people in prison which shouldn't be there and people running around who should be in prison. No the dealer are not killing lots of people. Neither do car of firearm manufacturer. The dealer only fill the demand. If you kill dealer, prices and profit will go up. It may reduce the narcotics a bit but it does not fix the problem and cost a fortune + makes the mafia stronger. The only way is to take the money out of the business. The steps with Kratom and Marijuana were already good. The only way is to give addicted people their narcotics in the pharmacy. It will bankrupt the dealer. It will end all criminality which is done to fund the narcotics. Unfortunately it will also remove the heavy user from society in a rough 1-2 years.
  22. It doesn't hit the big news, but have a look what criminals get pardoned from US presidents and what the reason is....it is as scary as Thailand
  23. they were legally ousted from power.....as the winner writes the book of history and in this case they wrote that into the constitution. But beside that: Thailand was on the brink of a civil war with already injured and death people + massive economic damage. Specially in the coup against his sister, Prayut tried till the last minute to negotiate a peaceful solution. Which would have been the PM to visit the king and telling that she is unable to govern the country and ask for an emergency government. They hoped that than the king would call in a temporary government from bureaucracy and retired respected people which pacify the country and call for new elections. The government rejected that. The alternative would have been civil war with all the tourism goes down to nothing. There was already talks that the complete South declares itself an independend country, under the king but not under Bangkok rule. There was also already a tax boycott many companies didn't pay taxes anymore and revenue department did not enforce anything anymore.
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