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Everything posted by h90

  1. And don't forget that the people with such good ideas fly with their private jets to the climate conferences. I don't know how much fuel a private jet needs....but for sure a poor person can go a few times around the planet with their small car when they fly half the planet with a large plane
  2. The concept is: As many people as possible should live in big cities as they need less carbon as 1 family country side houses. Than build infrastructure that has all you need in a 15 min walking distance (not driving)...you know that central planning thing that has a great track record in history. So your doctor wouldn't be the problem if you think for dense downtown city areas. And you get permits to leave like twice per month or so. If you are over you pay a fee (so you don't get shot you only pay) I always thought that is complete crazy dystopian AJ level nonsense. But to my surprise some people like the idea. To my even greater surprise people who left their country to travel to Thailand like it.
  3. That was what the topic is about "Will you support laws and regulations that will limit your personal movement" laws and regulations that limit your movements. That is what poster "connda" asked for
  4. The difference is if you don't leave often because you can find everything you need, or if some dictator forces you to stay there only. I rarely go further than 1km most of the time, but I would not want someone put a fence around me. Beside that you violated that 15min rule massive as I doubt you were born there. You traveled there in most probably more like 15 hours.
  5. yes that why I need the new 4K monitor because I had to give the old HD monitor ????
  6. yes before I had 3 monitor on my main computer. If I get an email for an quotation, I have the open email/Thunderbird on one screen, calculation software on the next screen and on the third the excel with the raw material. Somehow I never found it comfortable to adjust some windows with the content. Or drawing something for the 3D printer on one screen and have the email open on the other screen and webbrowser on the 3rd. Unfortunately Mrs. h90 demanded that I give her 1 monitor so now I am down to 2.
  7. Wow that is a nice setup!
  8. such minor problems wouldn't be a problem. I worry about catastrophic driver mistakes (like scale up is not adjusted when dragging a window to the other monitor) that makes working impossible. When the screen is small things are hard to read if I don't wear the glasses. But if I wear the glasses a 27inch is not that sharp anymore in HD....And 27inch HD is now <10K Baht....But I don't want to run into problems
  9. Before it comes to the dual pricing, I would refuse it for the medical certificate
  10. And the easiest proof is that people who promote it, by themself a house direct on the beach, don't worry themself about the rising sea levels.
  11. Discuss in an open/honest matter if it is the best to put the normal people in an open sky jail? Seriously? If that comes I immigrate to North Korea because they have more freedom than that.
  12. It is well known in Thailand that he is a World Economic Forum member, which is not very popular at the Democracts base.
  13. I buy a 27 inch monitor to use together with my 23 inch one. Brand AOC. I want to use a 4K for the 27 inch and use it together with the HD (normal one) on Windows 10. Does that work without problem or are there any weird scalling problems to be expected?
  14. My Mrs. just yesterday told me about a retired teacher who lost 1 Million with a fantastic investment...put in 1 MBaht and get back 4 Million after 10 month. Never got anything (what a surprise)
  15. I wondered if they just took a bad photo of them....they are really not that pretty.
  16. They should find a solution to lower the prices far more. Maybe a nuclear power plant, that makes Thailand also less depended on fossil energy and changing prices.
  17. I think he is very influential...it is him who started that all. It is the politicians who change the public opinions not climatologists. When I turn on the TV (if I would have one) I see Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, lots of Green Party people, etc...I don't see any climatologists.
  18. The West of Ukraine...noone wants the center of it. The West is almost Polish. And why is that outlandish? It sounds very logical. Hungary did complain that Ukraine treat the Hungarian minority badly. If Ukraine complete collapse (no active government) it sound logical that these countries protect their minorities that are direct at the border with some protected zone. There might not been concrete negotiations but for sure it is not outlandish and for sure Russia would like it. Poland might consider it too expensive or political risky. If it brings peace, why not...everything is better than having people die.
  19. Al Gore said so...I don't have a link but I remember it...Bangkok+lots of islands were mentioned.....
  20. Ours a foreigner could come in and steal everything including his food and he wouldn't care. If the water would be 30 cm high he would only hop up the sofa and continue sleeping
  21. Of course it can be a worthless piece of misinformation, because both sides fight a propaganda war. But several sources claimed that it happened...that can be all nonsense of course. But the west of Ukraine is very Polish influenced so it would make sense and similar things happened in the past (when Poland got shared between Russia and Germany). But even if did not happen it is for sure something both countries think about as it seems very logical
  22. Can also buy pill....cost almost nothing....these pills for animals were popular during covid
  23. he talks a lot nonsense of 600.000 Hiroshima bombs and boiling sea.....
  24. 2012 Bangkok will be submerged...that was sure in 2000
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