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Everything posted by h90

  1. recently I noticed a reverse when they get older....they get slimmer again, thanks to kratom and Yaba....
  2. PM2.5 is not good but a rather small problem in compare
  3. biggest is most probably CP with the 7/11 fastfood and many of the sweet drinks are Thai (TC Pharmaceutical with the krating deng and 100 other products). The bad influence came from America but it is now a global (un)culture.
  4. You gain weight from eating too much. But with sugar or easy to digest carbohydrates you get much faster hungry after eating the same kcal...so you eat more. Or the other way around eating more fat is causing a more stable blood sugar without the spikes in both ways. So keeping slim is much easier. Of course fat+sweet is the worst of both. The point is the low fat products are actually making you fat.
  5. My wives sister and 2 staff got type 2: no word from any doctor to change lifestyle...just take medicine.
  6. That is uncivilized, but we had these fun in Europe in the 1970s also and no one was fat there....(And I almost won). It is ugly but won't make you fat.
  7. yes and? that is meaningless.... You aren't eating a fixed 500Gram and depending on the calorie density you get bigger or smaller. eat worth 500 kcal of white bread with jam and fat pork and check when you are hungry again. 2-3 hours after the easy to digest carbs...half a day after the fat. Beside that fat and protein is essential but carbohydrates are not. Because you need the essential fatty acids. So over all it is easier to keep or reduce your weight with fat food than with carbohydrate rich food
  8. yes normally on healthy people throat infections clear on their own...just it is very unpleasant as you can't sleep if you have a bad one and generally you don't want to have a strong long infection in your head as it can cause other problems....I would eat antibiotics if it doesn't get better in 3 days
  9. Not everywhere...the former Soviet countries and other not so modern countries are way better off....Worst is USA/UK/Australia (not sure about AU) and everywhere else it is less, up to how modern their food is
  10. it is not about including sugar, it is about the huge amounts of it, in every food even food that is not sweet. It is not the sugar in the coffee it, it is that there is no single meal without it
  11. I have it only very light...my grandfather had it strong and he got rid of it with sun....all the time full sun on it and it disappeared.
  12. Many years ago a speech from the former queen was about the sugar in the food....sugar does not belong into Thai food and she doesn't know why they put sugar into everything these days. It is not original. I don't know myself....I just repeat what I heard like 10-15 years ago
  13. No but there is no reason to put some chemicals into your food and even less with the purpose to mask low quality ingredients. So keep it out.
  14. You contradict yourself: no fried food: Why? no sugar: yes absolute agree no processed foods: agree 200% low, low carbs: Low carbs is a good idea lean meat: No if you eat low carb you need to eat FAT meat, not lean not as much fruit as you think: yes...but no one ever got fat from too many apples, mangos and bananas, even they are too sweet veggies until you are sick: No....eating veggies is good but we aren't cows fish: yes eggs: yes....I still eat a 4-6 every day
  15. And again the salt isn't the problem at all. Fat is not really the issue. Bad fats is a health issue but you won't get fat from fat pork. It is the sugar and carbohydrates.
  16. that is a lot better than hammering their mobile phone only
  17. slipping at home has one of the highest death rates. It is always the example for people against speed limits, against safety belts, against covid restrictions etc......But the point is right...many people die from it. A popular bodybuilder also died that way
  18. Well Greenpeace is no trustworth source....They are as trustworth as Anutin
  19. Well...a few people who were before angry are not more angry...but most people just don't care. All over Europe the parties that pushed the "vaccine" do not loose any elections.
  20. 18-7=11 days I found this: https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?page_id=1666 says 15 days so it should be all OK
  21. Monday 6th is a holiday or? I don't think the Immi has open....I don't know but it would surprise me if they are open
  22. I am sure you can do it about 2 weeks before. But not sure if it is 13 days, 14 days or 15 days.
  23. I could not sweat afterwards....I am very sporty and ride the bicycle a month later and I had power like a 12 year old girl.... But after 6 month everything was back to normal...it only need time
  24. 4: farang no take shower
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