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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. It's always funny when these uber-rich guys bring up morals. The alliances between these guys is strictly one hand on the buddy's shoulder, the other on the dagger. EM knows DT is going to try to grift him, and DT is pulling as much $$$ out of EM as he can. I am waiting for the part where DT tries to get rid of him -- you needn't be a psychic to know it is going to get ugly. On the lighter side I wonder if when Bezos and DT are having a personal chat if they discuss their wives' boob jobs. 🙂
  2. DT is not a strong leader, he's a bold salesman. This is his salesman's smile
  3. Probably Sun Microsystems. I used to do contract work there pre-bubble burst. One thing I credit them with is they put a lot of resources into coming up with new protocols etc. A lot of them never made it to market but they did cooperate with their "enemy" companies (like MS) on developing stuff like wifi and Bluetooth. They are the ones who created Java which became Sun's flagship product, but everyone who worked there knew Java itself wasn't the revenue earner, it was those million-dollar servers that kept the lights on. There was a lot of Mean Girls -style public banter between the CEOs, and when Ellison took over Sun their CEO looked like he was due for a pre-frontal -- both of those guys possess a "strong sense of who they are." I shorted them but made a big mistake: I did it too soon, 1999 was the year the NASDAQ doubled. As for the subject of the thread, be assured some of that investment is going into the Mar-a-Lago tip jar.
  4. Phuket BiB needs to have some butterfly nets for these incidents.
  5. I think he should visit Africa. They've got women there that just their booty weighs more than most Thai women. . . . they never go back
  6. There probably hasn't been a Hollywood movie since Soldier Blue that has that gesture. It was the first mass-release film that showed the natives as people, even victims, instead of scalp collectors etc.
  7. Is there a Thaksin crypto-currency yet?
  8. Would it be (legally) possible in the US to cancel the citizenship of a naturalized citizen? Once DT feels EM has outlived his usefulness he'll seek a device to get him out of the picture. He's been sending signals since last month.
  9. Hopefully the scum will not punish his family members to send a message.
  10. India has a nationwide public toilet system, it's the railroad. People relieve themselves on the tracks. You can be traveling through the countryside, and when you notice people squatting on the tracks appearing it means you're near a town, As soon as they stand up creatures such as dogs, rats and crows will feast upon the new deposit. The circle of life. It was not uncommon to see people relieving themselves in the streets of NYC up until the 1960s or so. It was done discreetly between 2 parked cars.
  11. Oz should make him ambassador to the US, the new president will love him. That hairdo will look great with a red cap.
  12. Looks like a primitive mating ritual. Chaos on Pattaya Beach I like that, it sounds like the name of a bikini & biker movie from the 1960s.
  13. I would think that if one quietly slipped in to use the toilet and then left the shop no one would give a toss. Rules like this for the most part are only enforced when someone is being a nuisance and a bother to the paying customers. I've seen non-customers hogging all the electrical outlets to charge their gadgets. It is a place of business, not a homeless shelter. I don't get what all this carrying on about the quality of their coffee, it is either a joke or some blowhards who are looking for something to say to make them sound cool. Or these are people who think instant coffee is the good stuff.
  14. I hope someone gets a drag act into the lineup, see how these conservatives handle it. A Marilyn Monroe impersonator would steal the show.
  15. And there will be a glory hole in the men's room! C'mon you Republican dads, the cat's out of the bag!
  16. If there were to be a major international incident it's quite possible a US aircraft carrier would be right there in the gulf, or adjacent to it.
  17. No need of a crystal ball to see changes ahead in the US, which could affect delivery, parts, etc. Oh yes, and those shifting alliances possibilities.
  18. I'd like to think DT was fishing for an approval from President O and he brought up Greenland.
  19. My guess is that when the seating was being planned there was some consternation about who would sit text to the toxic orange guy. I could even imagine a minor spat between the Obamas and the former president threatened his wife to "sit her azz next to DT." On the other hand Carter's ancestors were slaveholders (that's why so many Black folks in the US are named Carter) and maybe that had something to do with Michelle's absence. If you look hard enough there is a clip from SNL where Ray Charles is the guest, and he introduces the song "Georgia On My Mind" with a dedication to the president (this while Carter was in the WH) because "his great grandad owned my great grandad." On the other hand there is a saying in the US Black community that "sometimes the sh_t comes down so hard you just have to laugh." Or Obama was laughing at DT, not with him -- big diff. Maybe Obama was the only one chill enough to handle DT, if only for funeral, and he volunteered.
  20. Where does it say anything about it being intelligent? Obama knows who he is talking to, it was probably a fart joke. After all the bs that DT has talked regarding Obama and his family Obama's ability to laugh with this blackguard shows he has an ability DT does not: he can get past trash talk. Maybe she thought it was for Jay-Z 's father.
  21. Nothing like a drunk woman to get things sorted out.
  22. While staying in Malaysia I enjoyed their English-language newspapers. Seemed every other week someone would be arrested trafficking an attache case filled with stolen credit cards. Gotta wonder where they got them. The "ring" was said to be run by Chinese, but it was never clear if they were Malaysian Chinese or PRC, but the articles assumed the cards were Chinese. Or maybe it was just the same damned collection of cards that would get lost in police storage after the previous busts. 🙂
  23. There you are, folks, survival of the fittest, right before your very eyes.
  24. Akron, Ohio, USA. Absolutely.
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