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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Saw the headline, then the Fox logo, check your brain at the door. With so many of the articles in here coming from Fox, The Hill, et al someone may get the impression that this is a MAGA operation. Fox is not news, it's fiction. If one of these Fox blurbs seems like it may be legit, I'll check it against other sources. But it is the stuff they leave out of their reporting, and their loyal viewers don't check other sources so they never learn about it, THAT is the dangerous part.
  2. Take a pic of yourself with a good haircut and show it to the barber next time. "Me him same-same." If you want it buzzcut short point to the electric clipper and tell him the razor size; you'll want to gain a little knowledge about this before you tell him the number.
  3. Christie is at his best behaving like a Jersey boy. When he does his political dodging he is completely unconvincing. The other day a reporter asked DeSantis something about 1/6, and DeS said he has no comment because he wasn't there. Christie remarked "he doesn't have a television?" That's what I expect and appreciate from him. Liz is a GOP pariah at the moment, but when all this MAGA goes the way of the Tea Party I expect her to run for the WH, but not in this decade: 2032 or 2036, if we still have elections by then. https://www.salon.com/2023/06/29/liz-cheney-is-right-were-electing-idiots--and-shes-a-more-idiot-than-most/
  4. Start to collect anything on paper/digital that you can get. If the BiB have records of when they got called to your place get it (try to find out from Thai friend what the size of the tip should be). If you are going the divorce route if she has a police record, perhaps doing one of her performances in public with other people present, she wouldn't do too well in the case. On your side, well, their may be sentiment in the judiciary against handing over a Thai to be raised by a farang. I don't have experience with this, but I'm sure others here on AN have.
  5. From the public persona of the guy who runs the business I would expect the report of any problems with the product will be met with wise cracks and attempts at personal insults.
  6. Zuck does make an effort to keep fit, and is a bit younger. The other guy looks like any middle-aged Pattaya farang that's been living on beer and bargirls for five years, if you've seen pics of him with his shirt off you know what I mean. The interesting thing will be the lawsuits and counter-suits after the fight.
  7. My opinion of Lindsey will not change until I see him show up on the Senate floor in drag. I think he would be a great Blanche Dubois. He's probably done her before. Scarlett O'Hara could work too. If he wants to play it evil, then Regina (the Bette Davis character) from Little Foxes. Well, he is getting on in years, so maybe Maw Kettle. But really though, I don't have much optimism for bringing DT to justice in Georgia, them good ol' boys will do some kind of intercept. All hope is on the Federal case
  8. Fox network alert! Joe Biden is completely upside down! His nose runs and his feet smell! Almost as bad as Obama, who one day wore a brown suit. Who would vote such people?
  9. I spent some time in Nepal in the 1970s-80s. There were "pleasure rooms" where tourists gathered to smoke interesting things. A common sight at these places were European guys doing semi-drag Greta Garbo impersonations (brim hats, feathers boas, etc). The locals would giggle at them and that was about it. As for history and traditions https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Hijra
  10. Some people who take their drinking (alcohol) too seriously say that you're not really drunk if you're not vomiting. Maybe your neighbors feel that way about choking on pot smoke. I was living in an apartment building and I realized my downstairs neighbor didn't appreciate the smell of my smoke until she started to spray perfume. Maybe aim some aerosol scent in their direction.
  11. It's sad that so many of the topics used for this forum are sourced from Fox network. Could be Joe was making a b-line for the little boys' room.
  12. Retribution for what, exactly? For not voting for him? This is grade school mentality.
  13. Recall O'Reilly became obsessed with Obama's WH logs, would make daily comments on it, talk about "fishing expedition." This is the kind of idiocy that network cooks up.
  14. Quoting from The Hill article transcript: “He said that I wanted to attack Iran, isn’t it amazing?” Trump says on the recording, referring to Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley. “I have a big pile of papers; this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this — this is off-the-record, but they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him.” Throw in a few more of: Isn't it amazing? Can you believe that? This was him. Can I believe that? Obvious set-up. Just randomly reach into a pile of papers and that particular one comes out. Yeah sure, just like it was Antifa that stormed the Capitol on 1/6. Aw, it was all just bravado anyway. Trump is testing out a surprising new defense strategy: admitting he's a liar
  15. And so many of his appointees turned out to be just visitors. But what it bought for Hunter is the best possible excuse for not visiting his parents.
  16. It looks like pixelating guns etc on television is not paying off.
  17. So he was thinking he could disparage Milley by accusing him of wanting to attack Iran. I guess he had been too busy running his scams for the 10+ years before he officially entered politics to know that there has long been sentiment in the right-wing side of US politics to do just that. This news getting out may actually be a negative for the orange guy with the neocons and other gung-ho Americans. But listen to his delivery on the recording: can you count how many times he says "this was him" ? Slimey sales techniques, like DeSantis giving a speech and managing to say "woke" 12 times within 20 seconds. “Isn’t that interesting.” That's not the way he talks, it's part of a prepared performance.
  18. Not only that, he didn't like his bed (or something) so he sued the prison and got a load of money from the lawsuit.
  19. I think so too. There was a movie a while back called "The Magic Christian." A cynical comedy, this stunt right out of there.
  20. The Weaponization Committee is well-named, it is a weaponization initiative doing the bidding of an orange-colored ex-president. Durham's own words are an admission of the farce and duplicity of his probe. Another case where they admit their guilt by trying to blame the other side of doing the things they themselves are.
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