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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Great news! How exactly did God deliver this plan? (asking for a friend) Heaven has been around since Genesis, I would think it is in need of renovation -- central heating would be nice. Future news today! Conservatives question why the US is not mining cheese on the moon, congressional GOP wants answers!
  2. He defeated a Bush (er, a Bush family member ???? ) not long ago. I have to wonder if this is a takedown attempt by unseen entities in Texas/GOP politics. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/24/texas-attorney-general-runoff-results-ken-paxton-george-p-bush/ As cowed as the invertebrates of the GOP might be these days, be sure there are members looking past their present tangerine nightmare (like Liz Cheney and Kinzinger) to leadership when they return to their lock-step unity. For those eager to see the MarALago guy go away, bear in mind what this new order will bring.
  3. Hang on there, Ronnie, she may make the cover of True Crime magazine with the caption "Living With That Man Was Pure Hell!"
  4. Late 1960s in NYC when I first learned about this stuff the competition was who could roll the thinnest joints. There was a legendary strain called Chiba-chiba that was supposedly from Africa, and was very strong. I saw people roll joints of it that were just slightly thicker than the lead in a pencil. All mythology aside, two tokes and you just might hear what the doorknob says.
  5. Living proof of the saying the good die young. He and his missus attended the Beijing Olympics in 2008. There was a shot of them on television, they were given some bleachers seats in the direct sunlight, no VIP section for them! They didn't look very comfortable, the report was they only stayed a few minutes.
  6. I get the impression he really doesn't understand what is going on, he's a middle-aged guy who wants to play soldier. He wants to overthrow the gov't but does not think ahead to what will replace it. There is no MAGA agenda (other than saying there is an agenda), there is no MAGA Thomas Paine! MAGA is about T____ as supreme leader, autocrat, and the country catering to whatever comes out of his mouth. What is most impressive is the people who voted for him in 2016 think that they will be treated better than those who didn't, who will somehow be punished or excluded from all the MAGA benefits (whatever the hell those are supposed to be). During the quarantine I heard MAGA types saying "this isn't supposed to be happening to us." No more elections after this one, should he manage to get back in office. Bannon has been saying since before the 2020 election that "elections don't matter any more." For more on this do some searching, it's all out there. DT moves from moment to moment, generating outrage, getting attention, and accumulating "likes," with little concern for the big picture. The two scariest characters in MAGA world are Bannon and Mike Flynn, who both have an eye on the big picture. The way it tends to work is when an autocrat is successfully installed among the first orders of business is to kill the guys who put them there, out of fear they may do it again with someone else (possibly themselves). Lesser authorities will be servile shmucks like McCarthy and the rest of the Sedition Caucus.
  7. Among other things, Bannon is DT's spiritual advisor (allow for a little bit of imagination in that statement). If not for him, DT would have dropped out of the 2016 race after the Access Hollywood vid surfaced. It is Bannon who came up with the strategy to get MAGA fans to take the menial election-related jobs in order to bias the elections in their favor. There is video of Bannon (and also Roger Stone) talking about rejecting a 2020 loss months before the election. And here's the cherry on the sundae: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/1/18648732/steve-bannons-italian-monastery-political-gladiator-school-revoke https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/19/steve-bannon-us-constitution-tea-party-republican-state-legislatures He is the thread that ties the 21st century US fascist movement to the WWII European Axis and post-Soviet European fascism. Without him Fox channel wouldn't know about Orban or Lukashenko.
  8. Mr Smith may be taking an interest in him as well. This guy not only dresses in layers, he usually looks like he slept in his clothes. And he slept wherever it was he passed out.
  9. Maybe the conical joints have their beginnings back when mixing weed/hash with tobacco was pretty common (but not so in N. America at that time). The inch or so closest to the mouthpiece would be all tobacco, all the precious stuff is gone, so just toss the butt away. The pre-rolled joints sold in the legal shops in the US these days are usually in this style, looking like little baseball bats, so I guess it is now popular there.
  10. Did Musk declare the announcement a success, they way he did for the exploding rocket a few weeks ago? Chill out, folks, it's a long way to the first GOP primary.
  11. Sorry. Here, I give you new style durian. No need to cut, just hold the handle and pull the ring, opens automatically.
  12. I think one of the television cable companies should start a news channel that is dedicated to mass shootings, centered on covering active shootings live. I don't mean this as a joke. If people are disgusted and traumatized by these images then the message is getting across. Unfortunately it will not reach the politicians (from both parties) who stuff their pockets with NRA $$$. Good Christians can watch it to see when exactly their prayers affect the situations. Does this sound sick? Well, it is meant to.
  13. Yeah, she lost her legs. For Great Men like his nibs there is no such thing as too low. On the other hand this lack of empathy allows for him to be regarded in the same way.
  14. When I have sticky buds I delicately pull them apart into shreds and use them in bong or vaporizer, for joints not very different than rolling a tobacco ciggie. If I use a grinder all that sticky is going to stick to the grinder. In no way is a grinder essential. IMO, cor.
  15. "imported beer" from "Mrs Maisel" importedbeer.mp4
  16. It looks like that was dictated by El Tangerino hisself. The mention of Biden is bad form. "Unfairly" is a giveaway. It really isn't meant for Garland, it's for his rubes to get $$$ off of them. If Garland refuses he can build on his victimhood. But really now, who of us knows if they will be alive next March? Wow, I clicked the link and he actually said that! I thought it would be a joke page.
  17. Cow, pig, dog, sheep, horse, what's the big deal. Dog is on the menu in Cambodia too.
  18. Polite Society. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18257464 A comedy with a bit of blood, like Cocaine Bear. Or maybe a martial arts version of Bend it Like Beckham. Not some Bollywood schlock, but there may be a parody scene or two. It doesn't take itself seriously, and you shouldn't either.
  19. GOP Rep. James Comer Implies Biden Family Probe Is Really About Helping Trump In 2024 You know how in James Bond movies when he gets captured the master villain then tells Bond what his plan is, instead of just killing him? These GOP guys like to gloat in the same way, and to their own detriment. Like this Comer fellow. In the run-up to the 2020 election one of these guys said out loud in front of the media that they know they have Pennsylvania because of the voter suppression they enacted. But but but then they'll deny it, claiming they were misunderstood. This thing that the whistleblower is blowing, it it really a whistle? More like a butt trumpet. Little Jimmy J is now talking about Hillary, again. It looks like this weaponization committee is running out of gas.
  20. This way when he tries to dodge there will be a video capture of the event. But I'm waiting for him to come up with "that was some AI stuff, that's not me!" and he brings expert witnesses like Twitter Guy. If the judge demands he appears for the verdict it may be time to run for the airport: Russia, Hungary, or Belarus ?
  21. She has said that she could not run for AZ US senator because she the governor. Let's see how long that disassociation lasts. She is DT's shining flagship of a MAGA-election denier, he has told other candidates to be more like her.
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