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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Stolen erection: the moment you realize the lady you brought home isn't
  2. Blame whoever it was that put the pole there, him no good!
  3. The enemy of my enemy is my friend When that mutual enemy is vanquished is the time to be very, very weary of your "friend." As for Ms Cheney I see her as the force behind the committee, she's going at it GOP style: you did it, we know you did it, and we're gonna nail your _ss. Those addendums she puts at the end of the televised sessions is making an impact that gets their own commentary in the media, with her few sentences making as much news as the rest of the session. That is what I mean by GOP style. Democrat style is wringing of hands and saying "ooo, they're not supposed to do that!" and go back to sitting on their thumbs (don't ask for samples, just look back over the past six years and see for yourself). Like the GOP renegades in the Lincoln Project who took on DT in 2020 put it: we're doing it because the Dems won't. When a Dem emerges with a such a show of spine they are culled by their own party, one way or another. Bring back Al Franken! I do wish Garland would resign and someone who is active becomes AG. I suspect he, too, is afraid of the GOP, just like Comey and Mueller; I am not any sort of insider, but I suspect this cowering is part of the DOJ culture. I suspect that the committee sees it in a similar way, and they are holding back passing info on to the DOJ because it just might get compromised. As for having an understanding of the inner workings of the US Gov't never forget who Liz's father is. No one is afraid of the Democrats. Adam Schiff? Even his dog is not afraid of him, when I hear him speak I anticipate he's going to go into a sales pitch about life insurance. As for the coming GOP presidential primaries expect a first-class dog fight.
  4. I don't know if this product is sold interntionally: WD40 If available it's at least worth a try. It has a reputation for miracles. Also works for removing unremovable glue. https://www.instagram.com/wd40thailand/
  5. Used these guys for a while, all positive. https://www.earthclassmail.com
  6. Hey, give them a break, it's a change from "stolen election" and the other lunacy.
  7. Waiting for Fox to tell them what to think. Or give them "whatabouts." The might have to parry with the worn tropes, like cow farts and pizza parlor basements.
  8. Let's not ignore the cherry-bomb at the finale Liz Cheney: Committee informed DOJ that Trump attempted to contact a witness not yet seen in the hearings Oh wait, the DOJ. Nevermind.
  9. But with BoJo's statement that he'll remain in #10 until a new PM takes the position isn't it in his interest to delay that from happening? Of course he would say he'd never do that, that's his style.
  10. This might be a brilliant strategy, but I don't think so.
  11. OK, here it comes, can't have a thread about an Indian tourist without it. Then the wife says "and what has become of your gold chain?"
  12. Y'know how with some dogs the only thing that gets their attention is food? DT is that way when it comes to $$$. The stupid melts away right quick. Trump’s new money-maker: Political speeches to fans Who knows, he could expand it to include jugglers, lion tamers, women sawed in half, etc. Maybe Leon could do a little rocketship thing.
  13. The sick part of these stories is the sucker will still defend DT, claiming it was those slimy grifters who did it, not he. This seems to be the gist of Kellyanne's latest book as well.
  14. Rather than plea I think Rudy would do a "Vinnie the Chin" where he puts on a bats-in-the-belfry performance. (There is an old "Law & Order" episode with a character based on him.) https://mafiahitters.com/vincent-the-chin-gigante-the-oddfather-chronicles/ DT wouldn't do that, too vain. But wouldn't it be a hoot if his kids and his wife of the moment got together and had him committed to the loony bin! Lindsey I can't tell, the Dixie White guys live on their own planet.
  15. He ain't out until he's out. Yak yak yak but his carcass is still in Number Ten. Next time he leaves the building change the locks.
  16. He should be good for a few weeks of daily mentions in the media with this.
  17. Perhaps they forgot where they planted them.
  18. ♫ Police and thieves out in the street . . . ♫
  19. Russia running out of potatoes? What will they have for dessert now?
  20. Sounds like the work of Rupert Inc., very Fox News-ish. According to them Obama and Hillary are toiling away to tear the US apart.
  21. Don't forget the Pedo Tesla Guy. Megalomaniac pedo for sure, obviously working on becoming pedo dictator. Americans can thank their lucky stars that presidents need to be native born, oh wait, is the Supreme Court is looking into it? Republicans are ok with pedos as long as they are fellow Republicans. https://time.com/5019684/roy-moore-republicans-trump-christianity/
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