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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. On ‎21‎/‎2‎/‎2560 at 11:55 AM, smedly said:

    Just more evidence that what is going on at this temple has absolutely nothing to do with religion - it is purely political and as I said weeks ago is being orchestrated by the usual divisive people.


    Why are monks covering their faces - obviously they have something to hide

    Only allowing media they can control lol

    This temple is nothing short of a huge criminal enterprise

    They broke the law and were caught RED handed


    This has now passed any turning point unfortunately, the authorities need to start playing hardball and enforce the law and arrest those that are obstructing justice. Time for the kitten gloves to come off, this thing now needs some swift decisive action.


    I have a fairly good idea who is pulling the strings



    Going forward these temples need to come under strict financial regulation, this cannot be allowed to happen again.

    maybe the king will grant him a pardon and it will be all over.

  2. On ‎21‎/‎2‎/‎2560 at 0:26 PM, Thaiwrath said:

    I tend to disagree with this comment of his.


    I  came up against this sort of thing and used my cell phone to call the tourist police, there was no answer so I pretended to be talking to them.

    I told the guy that was trying to fleece me for1000BHT for a five hundred bill that the police were on there way and my Thai wife was coming as well.

    I only had a thousand note and said I pay the 500 so he handed me change then I handed him the note.

    He wanted me to hand him the 1k note but I wouldn't until he handed me the five hundred.

    It was quite nasty  they told me never come back I never did, it was a good lesson.

    Another one was patpong when I paid my tab to a nasty looking lady boy, again 1000BHt note they refused to give me my change, lucky my wife who was outside shopping came to get me and they caved in and gave me change.

    I take small  money with me now and don't go to those places they were just a oncer for me but a good lesson in the early days.

  3. 6 hours ago, harrry said:

    I hope they arrest her and anyone else that tries to enter the temple or refuse to leave.  It may not be politic to arrest a monk but a few  thousand lay persons would not cause a problem.  I think if they all got a year in jail for refusing to leave...and more for assulting the police there would soon be few people left.

    So much for peacefulness taught by Monks :jap:

  4. 4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Another Thai nutter with a gun.

    Although he was licensed for it, a severe punishment for discharging it in public would be appropriate.


    Amazing !!!!! Stupidity shown by the police , who should lock the nutter up for a few years and take his guns and license off him.

    No wonder this country is in trouble with loonies on the roads and loonies with guns---- ='s a lunatic asylum.







  5. 3 hours ago, LennyW said:

    The biggest blight on Thailands image has to be the inept and corrupt police force - tidy that up first would be a better idea!

    Synchronise watches BIB, then raid the two place at the same time , avoiding time for a cell phone to be used to tip off others.

    500 BHT fine , business  as usual.


    If you took one bag of rubbish out of a rubbish dump it would have no impact.

    Fighting a loosing battle, but being seen to be doing ones job looks the part!

  6. 6 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    ROOT out corruption,  any pumpkin can see this order will 

    be ignored.

    To reinforce your argument, I was at the lights the other day while 2 policemen on bikes were in the cue of bikes as well.

    There were children and parents everywhere on bikes, as school just got out-- with no helmets, the police did not blink.   :post-4641-1156693976:


  7. On ‎7‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 10:24 AM, 4evermaat said:

    Never did that run. But I was aware of a daily van service phuket to penang for about 800 baht.  The one to hat yai was more frequent and was 350 baht, but now more like 400-450 baht.


    "...There were no injuries in the accident and Mr Theerapong was fined B500 for reckless driving,” Capt Manop said....."


    Well, the no injuries part was good news.   Caveat Emptor 

    LOG books, log books, log books, logbbbbbbbbooooooks, I thought I dreamt that the empowered one was going to start log books.:post-4641-1156693976:

  8. On ‎31‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 7:25 PM, Bluespunk said:

    “You can’t just brew it in the back of a shop, in the back of your house, or in your toilet,” Prayuth said. “There have to be rules and regulations.”


    Clearly has no idea how well organised the set up of the guy, who was arrested last week, was.


    If you drink beer made in a toilet you get pissed .:passifier:

  9. On ‎1‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 10:21 AM, Get Real said:

    Not so good now, but maybe get better with time. Have to stay watching.

    From all the time I ever looked at TV's hotels or expat 6% fixed term deposits I never ever found them to offer anything that resembled a better deal.

    It is better to approach hotels and airlines and banks directly.

    If you see a cheap room in a hotel and ring the hotel they sometimes are even cheaper, if not quote the internet and they match it.

    Going to airlines own web site often is cheaper, more than often cheaper than cheap air fare sites.


    As far as investment goes, I personally brokered the best deal ever offered by internet advice by talking to the bank itself.

    Unless your stupid and invest in finance companies you get what you deserve.

  10. On ‎1‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 2:14 PM, cyberfarang said:

    Seems like that to me, they were probably on a drink and drugs bender. More self destructive people.


    Highly provable, maybe they passed out together, she woke up drank some more , then realised he was brown bread, , didn't know what to do, maybe she's a chronic alky / drug addict and a bit nutty.

    Very strange Dr Watson, I wonder if we will ever know what happened here.

  11. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thai boy went along with sex, then reported Danish man to police



    Picture: Facebook


    PATTAYA: -- Police in Pattaya have said that a 17 year old Thai youth willingly consented to sex with a 73 year old Danish man.


    But after the sex session in Soi Sunee in Banglamung - for which he was paid just 500 baht - he went to the cops with a welfare group.


    Arrested on a warrant issued on Tuesday was Arne Nielsen. He has been charged with having sex with a minor under the age of 18.


    News sources have described the boy as a katoey or lady boy.


    Source: STV Pattaya

    -- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-02-02

    If the boy, sitting next to the Danish man in cuffs is the 17 yr. old then he or she looks way over 17.

    No defence intended for the Dane, but I know many a story where girls aged 17 or less but look 20 or more, have set falangs up by ringing their mothers from the hotel room after sex, then the mothers BF, usually a policeman come to the hotel and extortion takes place back at the station, for whatever they can ring out of the falang, sometimes 100 to 500k BHT.

    I personally knew a man who got done by this girl, in  Buriram- who also had a Mama san getting clients for her.

    She was drop dead gorgeous , he saw her a few days later in a supermarket with another falang taking her shopping, she had heaps of gold chains on and he warned the man about her, but maybe to late he was besotted.


    Check ID card before proceeding to GO, if you can not pass go, go directly to Jail.:passifier:

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