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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 19 hours ago, thai006 said:

    another good falang ....


    He probably uses the gas money to take falangs on little tiki tours to make a bit more money.

    I met one like him who did exactly the above, he was a nutter, he got deported for life eventually by a village headman who's daughter he would not stay away from.

    They deposited him in Laos, he swam back across the river and went back to the girl, then they took him to the Hilton where they dumped him and it took a social worker to get him out after three years as no one knew he existed.

    I heard from a Monk I know that the idiot has sneaked back in on another passport as he held dual citizenship .

  2. On ‎28‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 2:59 PM, BarnicaleBob said:

    If you would have read the whole story, you would know that she had insurance but it did not cover her for driving a moped.  So her only mistake was to rent a moped without reading the fine print on her travel insurance policy


    NZ law says you can ride a moped no more than 50cc without a bike licence, but not sure about the aussie rules.

    She would need an international license to drive any vehicle here, although I have hired bikes with a NZ one, they don't care.

    I now have Thai license and full insurance.

    Insurance companies have that many out clauses these days that you need to read them thoroughly.

    My friend had his car stolen and the insurance company asked if the car had an alarm.

    He told them yes it did but it was not working, they denied his claim.

  3. 19 hours ago, localczar said:

    none of them can read or write, or get a job, but they can get grenades.


    In NA countries, drugs are easier to buy than cigarettes.


    Just the way things are.

    Probably stole them from daddy's army pack.

    But shocking that they had this fight at a temple.

    My friend has witnessed two killings here, one in a nightclub and another at a market where they hacked a guy to death with a machete.

    Very dangerous country now.

    Take care out there!

  4. 7 minutes ago, Geoffsilverfox said:

    Would someone please tell me what a '' Wolf of Wall Street-style boiler room scam'' is?

    Just Google wolf of wall st scam and the SUN article explains it well.

    Apparently Kenway had a bust up with a partner and then went to work for a rival company.

    That is when things spiralled out of control.

    There are three companies now under investigation.

    Kenway ran a call centre , calling people in Britain and Australia and talking them into investing in things like online gambling sites which they then sold off and investors lost their money, big money was involved, millions and millions of BHT.

  5. 13 minutes ago, al007 said:

    If what is being suggested is true, and the victim was running a a boiler room financial scam, then he got away too lightly


    These people prey on others, often pensioners, leaving them financially devastated, at ages when often they can not recover


    With more of this kind of Justice these scum might cease doing what they do


    In Little old clean and green NZ , these fraudsters are rife and living the life after ripping of finance companies as directors and hiding behind trusts and other laws NZ has just been through a massive rip off of pensioners throughout the country and only a few of the CEO's they call themselves got slapped over the wrist and still retained mansions and art work etc..

    They can hide behind the law in NZ , in LOS the rules of engagement would frighten these CEO fraudsters who just think they are so smart and laugh about it.

    This guy didn't get a laugh in the other day but I bet he had plenty before.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:

    You'd have thought that, if they thought it necessary to retain the same driver for a speedy getaway, they would have silenced him with another 9mm handshake before crossing the border and saved the tip too.


    The driver was lucky, then again if they bumped him there would be more to reckon with.


    One thing I know  for fact, that psychopaths think they can lie their way out of anything, they are usually quite intelligent and have little or no convictions, their biggest let down is when someone hurts them they want revenge and then they are not so smart they think they can lie and talk their way out of anything.

  7. Spain has some links with bad guys here.

    Shane Looker linked to Spain, the body in the suitcase  suspect never seen since.


    The Spanish man cut up and thrown in the river in Bangkok.


    Now another horrible murder with links to Spain.

    Spain the hiding place for villains , you never know who your sitting next to in LOS or anywhere these days.

  8. 20 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    They wouldn't be the first to have their rented bike stolen, sometimes by the renter, and fled to avoid the trouble and being persuaded to pay for a new one.

    I know of more than one person who has done exactly that. Next plane to anywhere, one way please.

    Renting a bike you will use in a murder, with your own documents really doesn't sound too smart.

    Some evidence that puts them at the scene would go a long way to resolving doubt..




    One of them is chubby, and I think their may be some CCTV, that will surface hopefully.

    The one supposed to be south African has a Spanish sounding name, the plot thickens.

  9. 7 hours ago, ffaarraanngg said:

    Suppose it couldn't have been a Thai hitman.


    I think the hit man was Thai and the police have the names of the men that hired the bike and their pics are on Facebook and news outlets. But could be wrong the Brit and the south African may have done it, seems to me, a bit stupid they left their names with the agency they rented the bike from.

    Cambodian Police will have to catch them now if they are still in Cambodia.

  10. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Custom had to be tipped ahead, because with all my traveling in and out of Thailand for 30 years, I hardly ever see someone being x-rayed of body frisked,

    mostly the custom guys just seat there glaring at the tilde after tilde of people

    shuffling out with the occasional luggage checking ....


    Never seen them look at anyone, so I agree, Maybe---- some African dude here got caught for something and to get off he tips the police.


  11. 2 hours ago, honoluludave said:

    Well that is going to be a 10x increase from what we are paying now. Wonder if the service will be more consistent? Plus that is a pretty steep penalty for unauthorized garbage collectors. Would have thought they would be happy with anybody picking up the trash


    Yes the poor guys that collect cardboard and bottles will be out of work, they do a good job.

    The corporate boys will be gathering and separating the rubbish now.


  12. On ‎19‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 4:22 AM, DM07 said:

    Lost for words! What a scumbag!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    I have seen ambulances trying to get through traffic in BK and what a nightmare it is for the drivers.

    Traffic ignoring them is disgraceful.

    The scumbag in this case should be doing a few years in jail, four hundred BHT  fine is an insult to humanity.

    The PM should be on to this and bring in some serious punishment for this sort of thing, then the traffic might move.

    I always think you would never make it if you needed a ambulance in BK, very sad.

  13. On ‎19‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 2:25 PM, Borzandy said:

    Normal, it's the weekly bus crash.


    I wonder when the PM's log book will start, and wonder if they will have to take hub readings and I also wonder if they will ever enforce it if it ever gets going.

    I drove to BK twice this week, as usual many trucks wondering over the rd, and crazy speeding and overtaking, glad to be back in Hua Hin, many crazies here now as well, getting worse by the day.

  14. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    And this is largely the result of being told from the time he was two years old, you are very special. You are a boy. You are of the preferred gender. You can do no wrong. 


    What Thai society needs to start doing, is to start telling their boys, from the age of two, your sister is far more special than you are. You are very little. You are not special at all. You will not very be taken seriously in this world, until you develop an attitude of respect, responsibility, pride in the work that you do, and honor. Until then, your sister will always be better than you. She works harder, she is smarter, and the women of this country hold the place together. Without the women here, this country would cease to exist. Productivity would drop off within a day or two, without their hard work, industry, smarts, and creativity. 


    This attitude of extreme entitlement leads to all kinds of destructive behavior here. The boys grow up thinking they are special, for no particular reason. The parents are committing a huge, and gross disservice to their boys by continuing with this nonsensical, traditional, mad, silly, dumb, abominable behavior. It must stop. It leads nowhere, and only takes the society and the culture further downhill. 


    Very well said, ri sara is the Thai word for stupid non sensical.

    I am taking my five year old back to NZ to start school before he becomes a complete lunatic, I have had more arguments than I can remember over what you say in your post, the women just laugh at me, the schools teach kids nothing and the women spoil boys especially if they are half Falangs.

    I will only come back here a few times a year, I was intending to live here permanently and have been but the poor boy has no hope here as the women are ruining him.

    Your quite right , they hold the place together and work hard , but can not see the wrong in spoiling boys into maniacs.

  15. On ‎20‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 6:04 AM, zorro1 said:

    More to do with the loss of face after the argument.

    Loss of face, loss of hair, he fell asleep in the chair, he must have been on something, he rode a Fino, picked up a stick, found a rock and smashed the Barber to death.

    More likely to be a drug addict, psyco nutter.

    One more off the street.

    Death penalty should apply here.

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