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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 18 hours ago, z42 said:

    As much as i support the authorities bringing drink drivers to task, I only wish the courts had a standard to be applied across the board. 

    Jenphop is in court now (lenient / negliible punishment expected). Chiang mai lady who killed 3 cyclists got a complete pass, and the redbull @$$#ole is unarrestable for the next 12 years.

    I don't see why some should walk and others get hammered in court and the justice system is allowed to have any credibility above say, a kangaroo court


    5 hours drinking, yes probably pissed, as are many expats I see that drink and drive in a state ,on bikes and cars every day.

    However this was a head to head , and the bike could have been driving the wrong way on the wrong side of the road with no lights.

    No excuse either for drunk driving ,however if he had of been sober he would have worked it out if the bike was doing wrong.

    One of my friends was relieved of a million BHT for hitting a bike with no lights in a black soi which was going against the traffic.


    This guy was asking for trouble driving under the influence, Take Notice, all you expats that ride your bikes and drive your cars everyday after the evening rounds, it could be you next.   :sick:

  2. 9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Yes sadly this is not uncommon in this part of the world.  A very public castration might put some of the morons off but in reality it is a very screwed up society 


    Unfortunately , castration may turn him into a nasty killer.

    Have to keep him locked up as well, never happen, he will be free soon but may have to relocate hopefully.

  3. 12 hours ago, tomacht8 said:
    The issue is that he broke the law in loaning out money in his name, and working without a work permit,” police Maj. Theerapong Prajukjit said Tuesday. “Foreigners can’t loan out money in their name.”

    So a foreigner can not lend money without a corresponding work permit.
    Next time, if friends, relatives or extended family members of your GF/Gig/Wife/Mia Noi want to lend money, tell them you can not.
    This is forbidden and illigal without a work permit.



    What we probably have here is a German man who financed his ex wife to loan money.

    He was probably enforcing or trying to enforce the collection of debts not paid

    back to her, or just carrying on her business.

    My friend gave his wife a million BHT and said that's it, this was for  her to loan money.

    She lent money to a policeman, he paid back first time,  then borrowed again- (the old con) then when he did not pay back the second time she gossiped about him being a bad man not pay back.


    Mysteriously a few days later a motorbike drove past my friends house and shots were fired into the house.

    The debt was never recovered.

    The German deserves a medal for bravery in the course of duty.

  4. 13 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    Sadly this appears to be par for the course.

    I know people get murdered all over the world, but what seems like a cover up to save face and protect the holy cow of tourism only has the reverse affect and damages the country even more.

    If only the powers that be could see this, for if they did, the finger of suspicion would not be raised following every death by "natural" causes.


    I think also that laziness , brown envelopes and total disrespect for some lives, lack of money for investigations all play in the farce murder investigations where you can hang yourself with your hands tied behind your back and still be a suicide victim..... shameful.


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  5. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no such visa and immigration certainly does not issue one.

    No police report is needed to apply for a non immigrant visa or extension of stay issued by immigration for any reason.


    Non immigrant O A  Thai visa, long stay visa issued to over 50 year olds

    Must have no criminal record in their country

    Can stay twelve months and re[port every ninety days, can have spouse and children.ect ect

    say sorry!

  6. 21 hours ago, stevymac said:

    What consulate is the most lenient?Spoke to Chang wattana today they said they need the 400k for 3months in bank and could not do the 40k a month. Also what letter do I need from bank to confirm the funds if I only get 40k a month? Cheers guys

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    If you want a OA marriage first time - I heard they require a police report from your country.

    My friend has a letter from the Australian embassy and his bank stating he has funds in his accounts, so he does not have to show money just letter.

    400k divided by 12 is 33.333 k Bht , I think that's all you need to prove as income or have 400k in thai bank.

    A NZ pension just scrapes in at  around 40k bht a month.

    There are agents that will do your Visa for you without police report and other things but not so cheap.

  7. 20 hours ago, ericnoodeeka said:

    what an amazing story, a web of lies, murder, drugs, infidellity, ....., how on earth do they get away with it for so long?

    if i dare to drive my car with a light out, guarenteed i will get done straight away. some people must be made of teflon i guess.


    How do you get a royal pardon for murder that vicious , I will just leave that one to the imagination.

    This guy is a psychopathic serial killer and should never be released.

  8. On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:40 PM, ClutchClark said:


    I hate to get in the way of your usual  Thai bashing but the Thai police completed the investigation. They only had trouble tracking down the husband and so they asked the assistance of the country he was a citizen of...which is how it works every day with the law enforcement communities of the world.


    The Dutch police did not travel to Thailand and perform the investigation. They simply reviewed the request of the Thai police and tracked Bert down right there at home.


    No ones heard of Shane Looker suspected in the body in the  suitcase, for a while now, even though Interpol are looking for him.

  9. 3 hours ago, Loeilad said:

    4 hours and 320 km....by road.....so you need to balance that against any savings a vehicle may make in terms or fuel, time saved and wages.......if a ticket e/w is less than this cost then a vehicle ferry might be the answer. Of course a vehicle carying cat is not cheap....there may be a few on the market - Tasmania and EU spring to mind as places using them.


    3 hours ago, Benmart said:

    Fortune telling is not my expertise.

    To carry vehicle and passengers they would need  a RO RO  roll on roll off and quite a large one.

    Where would it berth at Hua Hin??

  10. 23 hours ago, dddave said:

    Huge backstory here.

    Bangkok oldtimers here may remember a notorious 2004 murder case in Bangkok wherein a Israeli man murdered his wife in their hotel room, dismembered her, wrapped the body parts in towels and stuffed them into a suitcase.  He was seen on video hauling the suitcase downstairs and he then dumped it into the Chao Phraya.  

    It washed up downstream and was opened by someone who undoubtedly got the shock of their life.  It didn't take the BiB long to figure out who the murderer was...he had used towels from his room to wrap the parts and those towels had the hotels name embossed on each one.

    He was arrested, convicted and sentenced to life but somehow finagled a pardon in 2012.

    The perp in that murder was Eli Cohen, who is now the victim in this current gruesome affair.

    What goes around, comes around.

    Som nom nah



    18 hours ago, farcanell said:


    I agree.... without opening myself to accusations of racism or Thai bashing, but foreigners seem more likely to properly premeditate their crimes.


    anther couple of days would have seen the appropriately weighted down body part, disappear forever


    don't mess with Israelis, they are no longer the compliant victims of last century.


    Something bigger than the picture going on here.

    Israeli's are not nice people, the country is run by psychopaths.

  11. 21 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


    He was probably drafted in because the scheduled driver was too pissed to drive !


    I used one of these suicide vans last week after swearing never to do so again.

    The guy driving was a bit crazy, to fast and stupid overtaking as the norm for these maniacs.

    I went from BK to Hua Hin and was a bit dismayed that after going to Victory area that the Vans are now at south BK bus station.

    After a Taxi there I thought that - hey they at least look more organised from here.


    Now only if the PM could straighten out the drivers as well they may become safe, but as for now there was no falangs and only Thai customers at south BK terminal. 

    How many deaths does it take to wake up the road authorities in this country , stupid question.

  12. 3 hours ago, coma said:

    What a pathetic stick up that was. The Thai guy hits like a girl. Had the Foreigner not been so old I guess he would have given him a right old flogging. A blatant case of "handbags at forty paces."


    But I can't see much happening about this one. The farang blatantly instigated the physical altercation [idiot considering his age]. But the attack had ceased when the Thai guy got up enough courage to have a go himself. They should both be charged for dangerous driving and being clowns in a public place.


    Based on what? the Thai was a farging idiot and spoilt brat mental case.

    The falang was stupid to get out of his car, you wont win an argument racing these fools as they will run you off the road better to back off as you may also get shot.

    The Thai was in the wrong the falang was stupid even though he was probably right he should of let the guy just pass and forgot it.

    If he could have fought well he may be in jail now or might have been the victim of a gang assault.

    You aint got many friends in a stand alone in this country.


  13. 5 hours ago, Watchful said:

    The Commerce Minster is totally neglecting the potential huge gain in assembly type work for Thailand.  Look, he is correct in that Trump is really, really pissed at China for a whole host of reasons. (At the top of his list is the total mess in North Korea).


    As Trump hammers away at China, assembly work will move out. This work must be performed somewhere. Thailand should position itself to benefit from this situation and look at it as an opportunity .... not a problem.


    Trump says he will not sign the TPP which is good for Thailand and will keep car manufacturing here.

    He will be peeving off Monsanto which is also good.

  14. 23 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Glad there were no bullets left for him to take the coward's way out.

    Suffer inside for your lifetime, all, probably, over a loss of face.


    You mean he lost face for being caught out?

    Thai men think it is ok for them to move around but don't want their women to, most cultures are similar but don't shoot their ex's.

    Pakistanis throwing acid is horrific as well

  15. On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 4:10 PM, heybruce said:

    An export dependent economy affected by a protectionist, isolationist US President?  Who would have guessed that?


    James Rickard has been saying that gold will rise and stock prices fall for weeks now.

    It will all settle down after they have made fortunes.

    The big punters will have made a fortune on wall St.

    The money boys are scarring the hell out of the UK by collapsing the Pound ,just as they terrorised Greece by boarding up shops before the referendum on leaving the EU.


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