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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. On ‎5‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 2:41 PM, Johnniey said:

    I'm every year about half of expats consider leaving the country.


    The long-term newbie with 5 years fall off their pink cloud. The long-term expats learn how to have an attitude of gratitude and accept things as they really are.


    The main reason they are unhappier as they realize after a few years that the somewhat exotic dark-skinned Issarnite is not in fact desirable anymore.



    The above, plus many have been ripped of their money then Brexit collapsing the pound has made a few nervous.

    A friend has just been ripped by his wife of many years, borrowing on his house behind his back to pay off the brothers gambling debt.

    A once happy man now a very worried man.

    Returning home to most countries does not look good, the world is in a horrible state.

    Thailand is not to bad but it is not so safe anymore and getting expensive.

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Where's the chief of police commenting on this? Why's he not threatening Thai people  about the laws against dangerous driving? 




    Exactly, I would almost guarantee that if these trucks were filmed for another hour we would see the overtaken truck overtake the overtaker.

    They sit in their cabs drinking caffeine drinks , chain smoking, talking on cell phones and playing me first in the traffic without any respect for human life.:partytime2:

  3. 27 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

    Thanks for the history lesson Kiwikeith, the Vikings invaded Britain in the 8th century but eventually they dispersed. Who cares when the muslims came to Thailand they are not welcome now. Because Islam is still in the 13th century inbreeding with 1st cousins, decapitating infidels, practising paedaphilia, and shagging young boys and GOATS. They need to advance their mentality and get into the 21st century or be destroyed. You would be well advised to stop appearing to stick up for them. 


    Sorry you must have me confused with another poster.

  4. 3 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    Justice for the victims and a little sanity for their families 

    would be a fanciful wish on my part,

    it is to bad that money over rides 

    the law.


    If he is judged insane the case will be suspended until he recovers, which will be never.

    Judging by his behaviour prior driving record and driving through barriers I would suspect a psychopath.

    They never get better their brains are hard wired , no empathy or remorse but very good at telling porkies and acting invincible.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Never been able to comprehend that it was reported that the victims families were quite content with the verdict of guilty.


    Is it just to put these tragic murders to bed and get on with their lives or do they truly believe in the competency of Thai police investigations and justice ?


    We may never know.


    It was quite obvious after Hanna's sister spoke out that their family was not happy, the other Prat who went public had reasons I suppose that may have been influenced by Thai contribution.

    If both families were treated as she says then why speak out like a big dummy.

    Putting it to bed and getting on with life full well knowing that two innocent boys might hang would not be my cup of tea.

    I don't think I've met one person who does not think the B2 are innocent.


    It also shows that Britain's diplomatic relations with Thailand are more important than the B2.


  6. 30 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    It really doesn't matter if the prosecution submit a counter argument or what the Appeals court decides next year, this case will go all the way to the Supreme court for a final judgement. That could be a few years down the line.


    Of course it would be better if the prosecution offers no rebuttal to the defence's arguments, it's a case of wait and see - and who's pulling the strings.


    No rebuttal may give the judge an argument to say that he was satisfied with the previous evidence and not change the sentence.

    Either way the appeal is a world class comical act almost as good as the Trump and Clinton farce.


  7. 5 hours ago, berybert said:

    Doubt he was trying to overtake on the hard shoulder. Probably fell asleep and got pushed back on the road because of the drainage by the side of the road.  Drunk or drugged up. Just another day in paradise.


    Yes , does look a bit odd almost like a deliberate shunt, probably the driver falling asleep or out of it.

    Speed looks a bit fast as well, the speed limits here are to high and never obeyed.

    Loonies are everywhere causing havoc every day -- not good.

  8. 2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    I'm totally for keeping television locked down. There is education right there in not showing those ridiculous soaps.


    Let them operate but keep the noise down, it has been very pleasant so far.

    It is not comfortable to visit a bar with the noise so loud it does your head in and the competition all round is blasting out music to try and drown out the opposition.

    Keep the volume down permanently there is no need for it, a nice level where you can speak without shouting.

  9. 3 hours ago, beachproperty said:

    Just another live testimonial that life in Europe is more expensive than Thailand!

    Four kids ! wonder if they are her husbands or earlier.

    With 4 kids life is no bed of roses anywhere and LOS is not so cheap anymore.

    Imagine putting that lot through private schools here .

    When I'm in NZ my Thai wife works as it is to boring for her doing nothing and helps lighten the financial burden.

    She should be grateful, maybe she is bored with the husband.

  10. 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    In all of the years I have spent in Thailand I have never once witnessed a policeman issuing a speeding ticket. Where is the deterrent, other than your desire to protect those you have been entrusted to protect? Or your desire to see that your family members make it to their next birthday? Or just basic decency and respect for others?


    I quite  see cars every day on the Klong Rd that must be travelling well over 100k on a 60 k rd  and flashjing there lights at any in their path.

    Impunity to speeding fines, wearing helmits also never enforced until an officer needs to go to Mc Donalds.

  11. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Maybe they need to use the truth serum on Herbert,as that's the

    only way they are going to know what happened,and the whole


    regards worgeordie


    I quite often wonder why truth serum and lie detectors are not used.

    I think lie detectors can be beaten by some

    Imagine if the B2 volunteered to have truth serum and the interview had to be made public , oh my ----

  12. 7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    I thought that as long as you didn't eat the brains or organs from an infected animal (or meat from around the bite area where infection entered body) and cooked the meat thoroughly you were ok to eat infected animals. 


    Eating them raw or preparing the meat can be more dangerous though. 


    I'm no expert however so I'm probably wrong  


    All I can say is they must have been hungry.

    Amazing ,I know Thais eat lots of strange things but dead dogs with rabies ???????

    One good thing is that an effort was made to get rid of some of the horrible infested soi dogs all over Thailand.

    I have seen a policeman shoot a mad dog and everyone was happy as it wandered around biting people, then I hear of another story of a policeman fined for cruelty in shooting a mad dog.

    We all know a concentrated effort should be made to clean up these mangy dogs, it is cruel to them and the people they terrorise.

    One day ??? and counting.


  13. 4 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Ah huh...


    Should be plenty of suspects.


    Loan sharks tend not to be loved.


    Often for good reasons...


    Quite correct, I know a female loan merchant who bad mouthed a policeman who had not repaid debt to her, she retired from the trade when some mysterious character on a motor bike fired shots into her house at night.

    The policeman never repaid his debt.

  14. 6 hours ago, seahorse said:

    I put my son into pre-school here at  4 years old, the school has hardly any grass a few play things outside and the kids are in tile floored rooms siting on the floor most of the day where they are chanted the alphabet  and sometimes make a few paper things and a little drawing.

    The teachers a very nice people.

    The school loves to feed the kids sugar drinks and sweet things.


    I took him home to NZ for 4 months and put him into Crysallis Kindy a brand new facility that won the highest awards this year, spotless pristine and wonderfully equipped with a wide open play ground with natural earth and bark and heaps of scooters , bikes and slides , jungle jims.

    Wonderfully staffed where the kids sing and paint and play lots of games.

    I am back now and he does not want to go back to Thai school next month.

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