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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. According to published UK government data B4/5 is more infectious, so hospital rates will climb, but the death rate isn't, so far. It does not appear to be more serious, I just got Omicron again after my 10 Yr old brought it home from school, he's unvaccinated same as me, it's his second infection as well, the Thai wife got it again as well, she's double vaccinated. My son got a bad cough with flem for over a week, then the wife and I tested positive, both of us slight cough no flegm and were not sick, maybe slight fatigue one day and running nose with sneeze, but over it very quickly not even as bad as the flue, that's 2 adults and a childs story, we presume it's B4/5 as B2 we had 10 weeks ago and B4/5 is what is circulating in NZ at present, but they only issue you with a pack of rapid antigen test kits and of you go home and test yourself, most of my sons school friends tell him that they have it as well and it's school holidays at the moment and their parents don't want to report it, as then your locked at home for 11 days, this seems to be the norm with many of my friends and nobody seems worried, except the very elderly with other problems are still at risk.
  2. Shouldn't be a problem for Thai passport holders, its more a problem for airlines, why they can't collect it at the airport is strange as airlines would be taking a cut.
  3. Or rent one for life on a lovely coastal spot on the Thailand coast and live like a king
  4. Sounds like some of the dreamer’s that plot theses scheme’s have got the THC level to high in what they’re smoking these days
  5. I'm thinking the cars around shopping malls and markets will be the first recievers
  6. It's been going on for many years Pratunam was full of illegal gambling dens when it was the main red light area,when R and R started, then the Red light slowly moved around to Nana. You can still see the peep holes in many of the buildings and houses in the back streets of Pratunam, my friend had a printing bussines there for over 40 years he used to tell me how it was when he first started as a young man from Denmark in his early 20s, he sadly passed a few years ago but his business still goes on managed by his family, he could speak fluent Thai and he also had Thai citizenship
  7. The NZ pension even if you take it in Thailand is about 500 dollars per week about 46k baht per month, so falls short unless you have a Thai wife it will scrape in then, unless you have other income or can put something in the bank to top it up. So agent's work good but make sure you know that you're agent has reliable, track record,.
  8. Sri Lanka is starving to death, they owe 51 billion, very serious situation, while Jumping Joe and others have sent much more than that in weapons and Zelensky is asking for another 5 billion per month, these weapons are falling onto the Dark Web 30 K buys you a stinger, much of the rest are being destroyed and captured, but the world has nothing to help them or Bangladesh and other countries that are rapidly descending into dire poverty due to Nato Joe's proxy war, were all suffering now worldwide, if I had 26 billion I might toss a bit of aid to these countries rather than buy another super yacht.
  9. My 10 Yr old son just got covid from school, I presume its b4/5 as he already had B2 and all of us got that then, about 10 weeks ago. I'm not vaccinated nor is he the Thai wife had 2 shots of Pfizer and she got sick for 8 days the first infection. This time we isolated for 7 days and I never caught it nor the wife, but my son tested positive for 5 days. He had a bad consistent cough, and a lot of phlegm, the wife and I not even a snivel even though we were very much exposed while he was infected. This must show that natural immunity was present in unvaccinated and vaccinated. B4/5 is what's circulating around NZ at present.
  10. Not required in Denmark or England, not required in sports stadiums in Australia or New Zealand, not required in public places in NZ and Australia, except for supermarkets, and a few other places, the government doesn't tell you what type of Omicron you have, only provides rapid antigen tests, self administration, and tell you to isolate if positive, NZ people in general don't seem worried about the new variants, and Jacinda has said they will not be raising the alert level. It's over rover, hopefully.
  11. Everyone drives better stoned and drunk, including Thais, at least they think they do.
  12. Obviously not his fault, must have been the passive smoke from the Korean passengers he'd just dropped off, who forgot to take their Bong with them.
  13. Behind the headlines, Many Thais love Thaksin but don't speak out, the northeast love him, my wife tells me he's well liked all over Thailand, most she said think he's the better of 2 evils and Thailand was better off with him, but I don't think he will be back for some time yet, who knows what might happen in LOS.
  14. Dumbing down people with censorship and poor schooling is worldwide, it sickens me to think that soon we may have most children in Thailand going to school stoned, riding bikes with babies on board stoned and that will only get worse, alcohol and dope together spells disaster for Thailand youth.
  15. Most of the school teachers at my sons school have caught covid wearing masks, kids wearing them as well, supermarket workers have been catching covid standing behind petitions and wearing masks, people in rest homes and hospitals are still catching covid, wearing masks, I have an exemption and have had Omicron once 2 months ago, I have not been reinfected yet, meanwhile the school gave up and scrapped masks, people around the town are hardly bothering to wear them now, and no one seems to be worried or complaining about getting sick from the new variant, hopefully it'll stay that way.
  16. I guess it's a Bonanza out there, now you have to have a, professional ATK test if unvaccinated to enter Thailand from the 1st July, Cost is 90 dollars from local pharmacy b4 you fly to LOS, my Dr charges more, she said they are all at it making money out of this, she sends enquiries to the pharmacy, she won't bother with doing them, airport's are also doing them.
  17. I can understand loud behaviour from drunken young people but walking on railings high in the sky and diving off roofs into shallow pools like what happened in Koh Tau is really stupid and sad
  18. The ATK test kits issued by the Nz govt are made in China. They do detect Omicron, my son has tested positive again after a previous infection 8 weeks ago B2 probably so now it’s B 4/5 I presume but they won’t tell you as they only say isolate I tested negative, still negative after 3 days, he’s got a persistent cough We’re both unvaccinated I had omicron before as well, both of us never got sick , very mild and this time I am not catching it ,so far , but there is lots of flue around and ATK won’t be able to test that , symptoms similar to omicron
  19. Chang used to be loonyjuice but they have changed it a fair while back , prices were bound to rise with No tourists and lockdown, be thankful you’re in Thailand as beer has gone up 2 dollars a pint in some Nz bar’s
  20. kiwikeith

    Pot Vendors

    Maybe a free joint with your first 2 beers, and special smoking rooms
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