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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Obviously, you are right. But with many things, it's a question of motivation. How much do we want to adjust our lives to live healthier and probably longer? Another example: I ride motorcycle, and I don't own a car. Is it dangerous? Yes, Would it be less dangerous if I would use a car or train, etc. Yes. But I don't do that because a motorcycle is so convenient. And I drink beer, wine and whisky from time to time. Not a lot, but I guess not drinking alcohol would be healthier. Why don't I stop it? Because I like it. It seems to me that some of those healthy this and healthy that people are often not happy. They have to run, they can't eat this and that. And some people stress themselves about those things. Is that good for the mental health? No. It's up to our own priorities.
  2. But that's the point. There are lots of people who lived unhealthy and long. And others died healthy early. There is a lot more to it than healthy living.
  3. Wow, 200B extra per month. Now that will make a difference - or maybe not?
  4. I have diabetes, I take tablets, and it is under control. For me, and I guess for many others, nothing is really urgent until it is urgent. Let's say I would feel really bad, and the doctor would tell me that if I go on like this, then I would certainly die within a year. I guess that would wake me up. But as long as the doctor tells me that I should exercise and I should watch my diet, and if I don't do that then probably, I won't get 100 years old, then that is not so much an emergency. I guess another point is, that know enough people who died living healthy. So, the argument that I should live healthy to live long is simply incorrect.
  5. I am a little surprised about your numbers. They seem high to me. But then, I see only a small part of Thailand. I think a big problem with obesity is that many people, including myself, don't feel it is a big problem. I.e. if I would have regularly headache, then I would sure look what might cause them and try to make the situation better. Same with many other illnesses. But too much weight? Yeah, maybe I should do something, but maybe not today... There is no easy way to fix this problem.
  6. They still exist. But we all get used to lots of pretty women. Just go to the UK or so for a day. And then you will realize how many women in Thailand look good - compared to other places. About obesity in general. Some of us just like nice food and drinks. And for some of us we only gained weight when we got older. A little more, and a little more, and a little more. And then it's a question of the motivation to lose weight. The general "do that for your health" is often not a strong enough reason. Don't ask me how I know...
  7. I think the problem with illegal drugs is that people can't be sure what they get, like how much pure x is in whatever you buy? And what else is in there. I had my good share of whisky over the years. >90% no problem. I just make sure I don't drink bad alcohol, and I rely on my body to tell me when I had enough. And then I stop drinking. At least for me, that works.
  8. There are many more reasons like: I bet you can't drink 3 of those, or something like that. Most of us can be motivated to do stupid things from time to time.
  9. IMHO it is an art to make great espresso (the only "coffee" I drink). That green shop is not bad but far away from good. It's a chain of shops - I don't expect anything great. In typical tourist spots it's not surprising that many restaurants and shops do tourist business - expensive but not good.
  10. How many people are willing to pay for quality? And how many people actually know good quality? A good example is that American green logo coffeeshop. Do people go there because of the good quality? Or more likely so that they can make a selfie and run around with a mug with the logo on it?
  11. Do you know that was before everybody used YouTube?
  12. Same for me in a moving condominium in a high-rise building in Bangkok. And it took a couple of days, without social media, before the scale of the catastrophe became apparent. When the tsunami hit Phuket a friend was on a boat from Phuket to Phi Phi island. While he was still on the boat, he didn't notice anything special. But then, when he arrived, that was a big WTF moment.
  13. And especially nothing good will come out for Ukraine when an idiot thinks he is smarter than a chess master. But then, the American people voted for that guy because they thought he is smart. 555
  14. That is probably more likely than above.
  15. How about not ignoring the in average 50 daily traffic death on normal days, every day, every year, since forever in Thailand? Would it maybe make a difference when the police would enforce the laws? The police, and the politicians who let them get away with it, are the biggest disgrace for Thailand.
  16. Imagine Thailand would have investigative journalists who would ask these questions in public and demand answers. And then imagine those journalists wouldn't be harassed.
  17. I heard it from Konstantin Kisin, who grew up in Russia and moved with his parents to the UK when he was young.
  18. I think if we are grown up humans, without too much mental damage, then we adjust our behavior constantly. I like pleasure, I like meaning. I don't plan to do this a few hours or days, and then the other one. I just do what feels right. And that's how I end up with meaning and pleasure.
  19. I was a couple of time in Phnom Phen. I liked it over there. And it's not too expensive.
  20. And will he then use that extra money for all the American people? Or will he send more weapons to Israel? And/or tax cuts for his rich supporters?
  21. From what I heard from Russians, is that many Russians see that not as big as a problem like Americans see it when American soldiers die in wars. For many Russians that seems to be just part of life. I can't verily how true this is.
  22. No. But then, Ukraine could surrender any day. Then the war would be over. I understand that they don't do that. The problem for Ukraine is that they have only bad options. I am suspicious about Trump and Ukraine because he said multiple times he will end that war very quickly. But he never said how he will do that. The easiest way for him to end this war is to just tell Putin to take whatever he wants, because America, or more precise, Trump, just don't care. I even understand this from Trump's point of view. But the Ukrainians and Europeans won't like that.
  23. It depends. How about if that guy was not the smartest person on earth? Should he die because he wanted a lot of money? The people who offered the money obviously knew there was a risk, otherwise they would not have offered so much money. It's all the question of how much. I am pretty sure I would try a lot of things if the money is right. How about you?
  24. Who hired him? How excessive? If it was really excessive then everybody involved must have known that there is a big health risk. Was there any doctor consulted and/or on standby? Obviously, he should not have drunk so much. But I think the people who hired him to do that should be held responsible.
  25. Sure. But will the situation get any better with that nutter is charge?

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