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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The GOP politicians have no spine. So, most of them will shut up and let Trump do whatever he wants. And then they call it democracy.
  2. Trump thinks he is the king. And unfortunately, too many GOP politicians don't tell him straight that he is not the king and should not try to behave like a king.
  3. Somehow, I am sure that is what Trump "thinks".
  4. Do you think anybody down there wants to be American's friend? They want your money, that's about it.
  5. I think there are basically only two options: Countries who are openly against Trump. Countries which pretend that they want to work with Trump, but we can be sure they will put a knife in his back when there is a possibility. And then there is that little country in the middle east who is sponsored and supported by almost all American politicians. They obviously love America. And by supporting them no matter what America makes lots of enemies in that region.
  6. I come from Thailand. Biggest economy in the world going down, down, down. Just wait and watch.
  7. The question is how low does America have to sink until Americans realize this. And if they realize this, will they be able to reverse the situation? I don't think so. One of their biggest problems is that they just "know" that they are the best and greatest and all that. Most are not interested in reality. One day, when they start to realize reality, that will really hurt.
  8. Good luck that America would never ever do such thing in foreign countries...
  9. Yeah, many smart people have the problem that they still don't want to acknowledge how many stupid people are out there. Events like the election of Trump are those moments that shatter our hope.
  10. The principle is the same. Pay attention! Or did you learn that one in driving school?
  11. Please have a look at the following picture and estimate how many people will die on this road. Many, because there are so many potholes and obviously people die on roads with potholes? Or many nobody dies because they see potholes and drive accordingly?
  12. Just that statement shows that you are not the smartest cookie in the jar. Because some of us Europeans are way smarter than the average. In theory that should also be the case with Americans, unfortunately most of the smart Americans seem to hide somewhere.
  13. That is unfortunately true.
  14. I could lose half of my brain cells, and I am sure I would still be smarter than the average American.
  15. I thought I read a couple of those excuses from the MAGA fanboys. But I can't do it. It hurts reading so much BS. I think Americans always ask god to bless them. Please next time ask for brains and intelligence. You really need a lot of that.
  16. I know it's difficult for you to understand. There are not just lefties and MAGA fanboys. Some of us actually use our brains and look at each individual topic. Some of us are even able to spell words correctly and use capital letters. Obviously, all of that is difficult for you to comprehend. Maybe just watch TikTok videos, that is more suitable for your little brain.
  17. The majority over there is obviously stupid, uneducated and ignorant. And many are believers, give them a new messiah and they believe.
  18. Many of us would have thought something like: Good luck Americans are not so f@##$# stupid that they voted for that guy a second time. But then, now we have different thoughts...
  19. This goes too far. Next thing you suggest all those politicians should pay for their own lunch. Come on, that would be soooooo unfair.
  20. If you follow my posts, you will know that I don't think something is bad just because Trump does it or good because the DEMs want it. Saving money is obviously good. Exposing corruption is good. When I initially heard Musk will do this, months ago, I though it is a good idea to have an outsider looking into this. But now it seems to me Musk is a lot more than just looking. It seems he is personally shutting down whole government agencies. And he has full access to sensitive personal data. Is that necessary? I would have thought he can watch while others work and maybe after a month tell us what he found. Now it seems what he does is destructive - before first looking at the details. As I wrote already above about donations and politicians and corruption. It seems almost all politicians from all political parties are happy to receive huge donations from companies. As far as I know there are only few politicians, like i.e. Bernie Sanders, who does not accept such donations.
  21. I don't think a Thai PM has that right.
  22. Wonderful. He does 100 things, and 1 is a good idea. That's something.
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