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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The problem which you describe exists in some countries like i.e. the USA. I don't see that country as an example we should follow - even if most Americans think they are the center of the universe.
  2. If you think you can't find love with any girl then you obviously left your heart at home. Especially in Thailand there are lots of lovely girls who work in bars. Lots of guys traveled from far away to find a lovely Thai girl - and many of them in bars.
  3. They don't suck me in. If they suck you in, then maybe think about why that happens.
  4. She is already 47! And I am not so sure she would join any of us for a drink.
  5. I try the first serious answer. Go to jewelry shops in the city center. Or maybe visit Chinatown with all the gold shops. Probably they won't buy it, but I am pretty sure they can tell you about places and/or people who might be interested. I think I read somewhere that currently you can get a lot of money for these watches.
  6. Just talk with a couple on non-Americans about that country. Maybe talk about Trump and the 70 million Americans who support him. Make sure you don't wear a MAGA hat, otherwise very few non-Americans will even want to talk to you.
  7. I guess you could talk with the locals. And if you want to talk to expats, why don't you live in an area with expats already?
  8. That reminds me of a friend in a company with an expensive internet line. On every monthly statement the supplier claimed 100% uptime, even if that was false. One month the service was really bad and my friend, the IT manager, called the supplier and complained. They admitted that there was no 100% uptime, but they urged him not to complain. They explained to him that is he complains then they don't get their bonus. And to get their bonus, they always said the system was always 100% working. Thai logic. I guess with delivery companies something similar is going on. If they don't deliver x amount, then maybe they don't get a bonus or money deducted or something like that. This is why they claim the customer is responsible even if it was their own fault.
  9. I guess there would be pictures of her on those dating sites. And if she met guys in person after she met them online, they the dating sites must have been (also) for that local market. I never used those sites, but I guess it won't be too difficult to search on dating sites i.e. for a women about 27 years old, 150cm, 50kg, or something like that. And then look at the pictures. Her customers found her there. Pretend to be a customer and search accordingly. I never tried it, but I guess it should work.
  10. I think many people are at some stage of their life realistic about what is available for them. I.e. if a girl is ugly, will she be able to find a young handsome guy who loves her? Probably not. Ok, so then she looks at her alternatives. Some of us may have this romantic idea that love conquers everything. Like, I could live in poverty if it would be with the love of my life. But then, how many of us ever lived in poverty? If you never had a room with an AC and never had a car, maybe you dream about luxury life with AC and a car. Just an example. We don't all think the same and sometimes it is very difficult to guestimate how others think.
  11. Did he not know? Or did he know and not tell you? That reminds me that many people think the Thai police don't know what is going on. IMHO they often know very well what is going on. But you won't find those details in the official reports...
  12. I am pretty sure that most guys who were or are active in the Thai nightlife have a pretty good idea how long a girl is already in that business. Not exactly how many weeks or months or years, but an experienced bargirl behaves different compared to a new girl. And guys, i.e. new tourists, who don't have an idea about this, shouldn't start any serious relationship with any Thai female.
  13. In my condo the manager demanded the full commission. Somehow, she forgot that she was already paid to work in the building. Now we have a management company, and they have strict instructions not to tell anybody about units for sale and rent. I heard about another agent who was regular in our building. It seems someone didn't want to pay the commission, and she went to court and won. I don't have any details.
  14. Even if people don't post every detail by themselves, their "friends" do a lot. At some stage I was interested in a girl who had very few post on her one facebook page (or at least I couldn't see them). But her sister, obviously on her friends list, was so nice to publish some picture of the last birthday party with her sister and her sister's boyfriend... Some people may find disturbing to check facebook pages from their special girl and her friends and other contacts. But sometimes it's better to find out early what is going on and not too late.
  15. Maybe you are an old fat, stinking, sweating farang. I am not the youngest anymore, but that's about it. Many girls and women all over the world want an easy life with a guy who is nice to them and has enough money for a good life. My gf is small and brown. Most Thai guys would not be attracted to her at all. There are many Thai girls, mostly from up-country like that. Basically, they have the choice between some Thai Somchai, who was not able to find anything better (white skin and all that) or they hook up with a farang who likes brown girls. Some find a rich young farang. Others have the choice between a young farang with little money or an older farang with more money. Now you can guess what most of them prefer.
  16. Look at facebook! It's interesting how many girls publish all you want to know, or don't really want to know on their faceook pages. If she doesn't want to give you info to her page, ask any other girl in the bar and look at her "friends". Likely the one you are interested in is listed there. And then of course some girls have more than one page (at the same time or over years). But because they use the same or similar names, it's not too difficult to find those other pages - sometimes with astonishing differences. A private eye might be able to find more, but a little personal research will likely bring up already lots of information.
  17. Most of the time I buy ribeye, and I really like it. I think it is somewhere between 500 to 600B per kg. Two times, when ribeye was not available, I bought sirloin steak. I was disappointed. I won't buy it again.
  18. Ok, I guess I use the word innocent in Thailand a little different than other people use it, especially outside of Thailand. There are obviously very innocent girls, who don't even know that there is a connection between sex and babies. And then there are innocent girls who never saw a guy naked. No, I don't have very innocent girls in mind. For me, in Bangkok nightlife, the word means a girl who is a little shy, and especially shy going on stage and moving her body. She had sex already, but she doesn't perform like she is the star in a movie. She is one of those girls who the elder girls (have to) train first and tell her what to do, what not to do, and all that. Innocent - relatively.
  19. 1. It won't. 2. Believe it or not, I like it when girls work in proper jobs. But it seems many girls start in such jobs and then "move up". It reminds me of a very cute waitress who I saw for weeks in a restaurant. A wonderful girl. And then one night I walked in a bar, not too far away from that restaurant, and I noticed this new cute girl on stage. And I knew I knew her from somewhere. I guess it took a minute or so before I made the connection between that girl in bikini on stage and that innocent waitress. She was not the only girl like that. And talking to girls in bars it seems many of them worked in 7/11, some in Swensen's, etc. Sometimes they decide by themselves to move to bars, often it's the idea of their Thai boyfriend who has a great idea how they could afford that new motorcycle.
  20. I am pretty sure the women look at each other and it won't take 5min and they have some good ideas where the others come from. And it seems most "normal" women don't want to socialize with (ex) bargirls.
  21. Correct. A lot also depends on what the guy likes. I like a sexy girl with mini skirt and high heels next to me. Others want to be seen with a normal = boring women. Some bargirls can play any of these roles to perfection.
  22. That reminds me of a holiday in Thailand about 30 years ago. I picked up a new girl in Pattaya and paid her bar for two weeks and we made holiday in Koh Samui. A couple of days later a friend arrived. He also brought a girl from Pattaya who worked there already for years. When my girl saw my friend with his girl, she was shocked, and she said something like: But that is a hooker!
  23. Something like this? No, I don't want to know if it involves body fluids ...
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