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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. .com doesn't look Thai. Thai companies use .co.th and only Thai companies are able to use that.
  2. I also don't know. But I am also used to lots of crazy riders who ignore any safety margins. They just squeeze in any gap which they see. What would happen? Would there be enough evidence to find out what happened? Would the police investigate? I have my doubts. It seems what often happens is to look who has an insurance and/or more money. That's the one who will pay. I also would like to know the experience of others.
  3. Correct, you don't know. So please don't pretend you know. It is best for kids to have a mother and a father who take care of them. That is just a fact. Obviously in some cases that doesn't happen. That is sad, but impossible to prevent. It is preventable to let same sex couples adopting children. If they can't adopt children, then those adopted children don't have to suffer under that condition. One problem less to solve.
  4. I hope those same sex people accept the fact that a same sex couple can't have children. Do what you want to do with each other but please leave kids out of it. They deserve to have a female mother and a male father.
  5. Is that a problem for her or for you? If it is a problem for her then I am sure she will be motivated to try to avoid that. If it is a problem for you then the only thing you can try to do is motivate her.
  6. Just that ugly "car" in front of the door is a reason not to buy it.
  7. That's easy: Just confiscate all the money from those unusually rich politicians, police, administration, etc. It should be easy to find more than enough money.
  8. Maybe one of the burger specialists here wants to explain this to me. How to eat a burger? A long time ago, in a country far away, the only burgers were McDonald burgers. I learned that to eat a burger you hold it with your left and right hands and eat it bite by bite. But then, years later in Thailand, I ordered from time-to-time burgers in restaurants. And it seems many like to make their burgers in a size which is impossible to hold and eat with two hands. So ok, let's eat it on a plate. But how? Layer by layer? Or cut it to 1/4 pieces or 1/8 pieces or how to do it? What's the point of getting 5 layers if we have to separate the layers from each other to eat them?
  9. Looking at the picture above I find it amazing that you think that is the best burger in town. But then, maybe that is American taste... This one is much better, and only 5min away from Nana. But I won't tell you where it is. 😉
  10. Maybe it was mentioned here already: Toilet paper only becomes toilet paper if it is used in toilets. Otherwise, it's tissue on a role. I find it always funny when I buy something is a Thai supermarket and they would never every put plastic wrapped toilet paper or sanitary products in the same bag together with food. Will the new and clean toilet paper somehow contaminate the food?
  11. Corrupt politicians Corrupt police Corrupt administration Corrupt judges Where do we start to make it better? Is it possible to make a 99% corrupt institution honest? I don't think so. So, let's make a new one. And who should build the new honest version? And who will check if they are honest? And who will put the corrupt in jail? I think the best we can hope for in the moment is that more and more corrupt people will be exposed. That is at least one good thing about everybody having a smartphone and social media. And it's time to scrap that stupid defamation law which doesn't allow people to tell the truth. Will anything important change in the next decades? I hope so, but I don't think it will happen. Too many rich and influential people want to keep it just the way it is.
  12. The big difference is that the Germans thought long and hard what they wanted and possible consequences. And then they allowed it - with attached rules, to make sure there are mostly benefits and not more problems. But obviously that way of doing things is not Thai style.
  13. It's always fascinating when people announce that now, or within 30 days, they will do what they should have done since many years.
  14. Handwritten remarks can be very helpful, see Harry Potter. Ok, seriously, I don't know about the schools. But I know that some parents struggle with buying things for school. I am sure some parents will be happy to get books for free - even if they are not brand new.
  15. How about donating them to the school for future pupils?
  16. I drink alcohol from time to time. But then, I also don't have a problem if I don't drink it. As usual, it's a question of moderation.
  17. How about no drugs and no religion? Not because it is forbidden, but because people don't want it. Now that would be progress.
  18. The world would be a better place without drugs. But lets look at reality. What do you think will the above mentioned users do if cannabis is illegal? Will they just stop taking it or any other drugs? Or is it more likely that at least some of them will take illegal drugs? There are lots of problems with illegal drugs, this is why they made some of them legal.
  19. And I forgot to mention, then you have a medical condition which requires weed...
  20. Ok, privacy is an important point. So, what else do you do? Remove all other browsers - in case you installed any of them? Disable Windows updates? Don't use any programs which connect to the internet at least from time to time? The only way I see to guarantee your privacy with a modern PC is to disconnect it from any network. And I guess that is not what you want to do. A long time ago I used Wireshark to analyze network traffic. It's worse than the needle in the haystack to find something.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if there would be a decent budget for such work, and probably lots of people received lots of money out of that budget...
  22. No problem, just tell the prison guards you don't feel well. Soon a helicopter will arrive and bring you to the VIP section of a hospital. Then just enjoy your stay until you will be released because of medical reasons. 😉
  23. 555 I work with computers since DOS 3.3. I was an official beta tester of Windows 3.1. And I still make money mostly with programming. I never had the desire to remove any program inside Windows. What's the point? Save a little "disk" space? No professional does s@$# like that. Just don't use any program you don't like. Problem solved.
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