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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Did he drug her? It seems she fell asleep. Lots of people do that without drugs. The nipple things: I don't have personal experience with them, but I guess that these things can move and maybe fall off if they rub against a bed or whatever she was sleeping on. Did he play with her nipples? She said, he said. Maybe you are right, and all that happened. But I don't like this concept to believe everything any female says. Many of them say a lot to getr attention and the "he raped me" is high on that attention seeking list. For women it's easy to walk away from that. Many men's lives were ruined by (wrong) accusations. And last but not least: A teenage girl takes off her clothes and gets tattooed by someone who she doesn't trust (or has no reason to trust). She could have insisted that her boyfriend or a girlfriend were present at all times. She didn't. I hope she will learn from that.
  2. He plays games and uses his wealth and power. And his enemies play games and use their power. Thaksin should have realized that he can't buy everybody and there are lots of people who don't want to let him get away with his attitude. I think many of us are aware that in Thailand you might get away with lots of illegal or annoying activities. Until someone powerful decides to show you that you don't get away with everything.
  3. How do you know all this? Because she was asleep, and she thinks that's what happened or at least she tells that story? Of course maybe that is what happens. But maybe not. There is no way to tell from the few details in the article.
  4. In part you are right. I am sure there are enough Thais who just know they are above up on the social ladder. But it seems there are also enough Thais, obviously from the lower classes, who think they are below us.
  5. A teenage girl with such a tattoo. What a sad world.
  6. I don't think this is especially a Thai thing. In my condominium building are many nationalities from all over the world. Some say hello, some not, some like to chat, some pretend another person doesn't exist. And it seems all this happens with any nationality. I don't think about if anybody wants to say hello or not. Some people like to talk and make new contacts and maybe new friends. Some don't. Ok, I can live with that.
  7. I would love to read a series of articles from journalists who speak with Thai prisoners or their families. People who are in jail for relative minor crimes, old and sick, and how they are treated.
  8. - Slow charging, it will never go as fast as putting gasoline in the tank - How long will it take and how much effort and money to have an electrical grid which can supply enough electricity to charge all those vehicles (fast) at the same time? - The batteries are big expensive sensitive parts. One rock on the street and it might be damaged and has to be replaced. That is very expensive. And it can burn, like hell, and the fire can't be doused. - And will anybody use a 10 or 20 year old electric car? It will cost more to buy a new battery than a new car. And the batteries won't last forever. I am sure there are many more reasons.
  9. IMHO it is obvious that EV are not suitable for a large-scale solution. It works with some of them on the streets, but it wouldn't work if the streets would be full of EV. I guess hydrogen is a possibility. Let's see.
  10. I think with 16 he is old enough to know that he might lose and that it likely will hurt. That's life. I guess in an environment like that there are experienced people who recognize when something would go wrong. And I presume they will stop it if it get's too bad. In the hindsight I would have loved to do something like that when I was young. Maybe ask his trainers or others what to expect. I am sure you are not the first parent with concerns.
  11. I wouldn't mind meeting some members. But I certainly don't want to meet some others which are on my ignore list. I don't have any good experience with "big" groups of people. Like here in the forum, some would want to shine and control what is happening. The nice thing about this and other forums is that we can easily select what we want to see, and which comments we want to read. In real life it is not so easy to press that ignore button. 😉
  12. The way Viagra is used now was an accident. It was originally planned as heart medicine. Keeping that in mind I think everybody should think twice before using it. As far as I know officially people need a prescription to get it at all. What would you do if you would get 10 comments, and everybody would write something like: Take as much as you want, no problem. But later you find out 10 of 10 comments were wrong... For that reason, and make sure you survive another day, I still suggest asking a professional.
  13. Did you hear about the concept of facts? You should check it out. It's helpful - not only in politics.
  14. Obviously you are right. But interestingly I hear/read this the first time. It seems nobody is surprised that the sick man was not transported with an ambulance to private hospital.
  15. I hope Thais remember all this for the next election.
  16. I think one of the first questions should be: Do I have any chance to get any compensation even if the court decides I am right?
  17. Yes, that chapter is closed, and a new chapter begins: The miraculous recovery of the sick man.
  18. I hate articles about viral videos without those videos, or at least a link.
  19. Maybe he was a member of Just Stop Oil and he just prepared to glue himself to the road.
  20. Another problem is that the (traffic) police almost never do their job. Could it be that rider and drivers behave the way they do because nobody ever tells them to obey the laws?
  21. Do you think all wanted criminals should come to Thailand and get the VIP treatment or only the rich once or what do you suggest? What do you think will all the other corrupt politicians learn from this? Be honest, or you go to jail? Or will they learn something else?
  22. Have you considered talking to a professional about this. They are called doctors, and you can find many of them in hospitals.
  23. Thanks for letting me know. Welcome to my ignore list. You don't have to reply. I won't see it.
  24. How often do you want to use that stupid expression? Are you looking for a job as his housekeeper or what is your motivation?
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