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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe you should have a look at some of those videos where Israeli soldiers do exactly that. I am sure not all Israeli soldiers do that all the time. But at least some Israeli soldiers do this sometimes. And let's not forget: Hamas is a terror organization. The IDF is the official military of a democratic country. That makes it worse, a lot worse.
  2. Ok, agree. But if someone writes (probably hundreds of) posts criticizing people who criticize Israel, but in not even one of those posts he acknowledges that there are a lot of valid reasons why people do that, then it seems he is very one sided and doesn't want to accept that not only one side is responsible for the fights and the killings. Personally I see that there are people who make the situation worse on both sides. The big difference is that Israel has a lot more weapons and the support from the USA. Israel kills a lot more innocent people than Hamas.
  3. Maybe you work for free for a PR agency. At least that is what your comments look like.
  4. Sorry that I write something important in this thread that you don't like to see. Maybe join a pro-Israel group somewhere on fb where only pro-Israel comments are allowed. You will feel so much better over there in a bubble.
  5. I found a reason to buy many power tools for my condominium renovation. But until now no reason to buy a chainsaw - if possible with a 2-stroke engine. Let's think a little more about possible reasons to purchase one. 😉
  6. Israel occupies and suppresses people since decades. Now why is it that those people rise up again the suppressor? What would you do when someone would take your home and land away from you and then tell you to go away?
  7. I still wait that you condemn even one time the actions of Israel. As long as you don't do this I assume you are ignorant or paid for your comments. There is no point arguing with a PR agency.
  8. I understand the difference. One attack was done by a terror group for one day. It was bad and it was rightly condemned all over the world. The other one is done by the military of the democratic country instructed by the Israeli PM. It goes on already for more than 3 months. In the attack by the terrorist group roughly 1000 innocent people were killed. In the attacks by Israel at least 10 times the amount of innocent people were killed and huge amount of houses and infrastructure destroyed and food and medication blocked. The list goes on. Yes, one was bad for a day. And the other one is worse and lasted already more than 3 months. And the world is watching and doing little. In fact America supported and still supports Israel will billions of USD of weapons. They call it development support. Sad.
  9. Bla bla bla. Don't send weapons worth billions of USD every year to Israel and then the Israeli government might listen.
  10. Why is it so difficult for some people to acknowledge that what Hamas does was wrong and what Israel does is also wrong. The big differences are that Israel is doing it on a much bigger scale for months and with the money and support from the USA.
  11. I think it is sad that so many people, including many journalists and politicians, are against such an interview. Why? Don't you want to hear Putin's point of view? Some people say he lies. Of course he does, just like politicians all over the word. And it seems sometimes he tells the truth, the part which western media and western politicians don't want to hear.
  12. But even with that brain he is still a lot better than that orange maniac. Why do American voters don't look for someone a little younger and competent? There must be a couple such people in that big country.
  13. They exist since decades. Unfortunately, it seems they are relative cheap and bad or good and very expensive.
  14. And then there is Will Smith. I don't read much about celebrities but just seeing the headlines it seems he has difficulties.
  15. I think he was there for an hour or two before he was evacuated per helicopter.
  16. It's always interesting when some people think they know all the answers without actually knowing any facts. Do you know if she is able to work? Maybe she has to take care of someone. Maybe she is disabled. Some people can't work even if they want to work. I don't know the details of this case. My comment was just a general question. Because I am sure there are at least some people out there who are in the desperate situation that they need someone to support them - even if that someone is a bad guy. It would be great if there are any institutions in Thailand who would help people who really need help. Maybe such institutions exist. That was/is my question.
  17. Most of the time I gave up understanding America and American. But from time to time, I still try. At this time, does it really matter how fit Biden really is? The perception out there is that he has mental problems. And no talking will change this perception. What is so difficult for the DEMs to realize reality and look for a good presidential candidate? They have to do that sooner or later anyhow. Why don't they do it now? Because even when many people will still vote for Biden because he is still better than Trump, it would be much better if people would vote for a new candidate because they actually want to vote for that new candidate, and not just the lesser problem. America, quo vadis?
  18. Personally, I think that is the wrong criteria. Egoistically speaking, for me it is important that one or multiple females make me happy. My gf makes me happy since a long time, and I try to make her happy. But if she would not make me happy anymore, then I would look for replacement, short or long time. Leonardo DiCaprio seems to do it right. Find a girl which make you happy, and if you think another one would make you happier, then get another one.
  19. I am sure I could find such link. But I don't really put the effort into that. Maybe someone else did that already and has a statistic of what typically happens.
  20. I wrote health insurance because health insurances pay for hospital treatments. Sometimes those are travel insurances, sometimes private health insurance which are valid world wide, sometimes health insurance as part of another package.
  21. I don't know. I wrote this comment because I am sure this is a problem for the victims not just in this case. Sometimes people have to take care of small children or old people or there are other valid reasons why they can't work. I wonder if there is any Thai institution which helps people in situations like that.
  22. Yes, this is shocking. But I wonder what would happen if he goes to jail and then obviously he can't support the family anymore. Will any government institution take care of the mother and child? How will they pay for their food if he doesn't work anymore? This is just a question; I don't say the charges should be dropped. But I think we should be fair to the mother and look at reality. What are her options?
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