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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, with some delay. I still make the mistake to open my UOB app to look for the new statement after they sent me an SMS telling me there is a new statement. Mistake! Try again in a day or two, then there will be a new statement. Whoever is responsible for this is not just a little incompetent.
  2. According to UOB they normally don't send statements per email anymore. Citibank did sent the statement per email. According to them "for security reasons".
  3. That reminds me of my holiday in the Maldives many years ago. On "my" island they collected all the trash. And then they put the trash on a boat and shipped it to the neighbor island and they dumped it at the neighbor island - far away...
  4. Because nobody stops him. It's time that that changes.
  5. "Thaksin's New Tax Plan" Arrest him for meddling as an outsider in Thai politics. And arrest the PM for letting that outsider influence her or speak on her behalf. It's time to get rid of all those Shinawatras. Let them live and die in the desert.
  6. I guess it depends on where you will use your Thai. In business meetings we speak 99% English, I don't need Thai. With taxi drivers, food vendors, and service in restaurants etc. I often speak "Thai". And guess where many of them come from ...
  7. I guess the remaining DEMs have two choices. Go down and nobody remembers them anymore. Or get on the trough for a while and then go down and sure nobody wants them anymore.
  8. And that is exactly the way how many hospitals make a lot of money. The question should be: Does these tests make sense? Does it maybe make sense to do some not so expensive test first and then, if necessary, more tests. Unfraternally for many hospitals here it is not about what makes sense. It's about how they can make the most money - not just with the tests.
  9. Actually, it is not "so much". Sometimes my gf fries food. Then she/we could dispose of that oil that one time or she puts it in a metal container and then we can dispose it after a while when it is more (in a bottle).
  10. I don't know. But in general, there are differences with waste in a house or condo, this is why I mentioned it.
  11. Do only Americans behave like that? Or is that normal behaviors for Thais so there is no reason to complain if a Thai behaves "normal"?
  12. I live here long enough, but normally my gf takes care of these things. But now I think what the proper way is to do this. Pouring it down the drain is not a good idea, for many reasons. What is a good way to do it? Put the old oil in a plastic bottle and then put the plastic bottle in the recycle bin? Or soak paper kitchen towels with oil if it's not too much? What do you do?
  13. Imagine politics would be about how to best manage the country and not who gets power and money. I know, it's an absurd idea, but one can dream.
  14. I think the counting should only happen for the time the people are accessible to law enforcement. And fleeing the country should be severely punished. For all those people who fled the country and returned already, I never read that they got extra jail time for running away. Why not. Punish them! Then they would know that they only have the alternative to spend the time in prison now, or try to hide from the law for the rest of their lives.
  15. Maybe one day I will try them. Personally I never joined fb because I don't want to share my life with the world out there. I don't even want to share it with online "friends". Using the groups might be interesting, I guess I don't have to upload pictures of my food and coffee every day to join the groups.
  16. I used that the last time in 199x or about that time before WWW became popular. Does it still exist?
  17. Just go to Bumrungrad and tell them to test your heart thoroughly. And when you think it's all done, then the final test comes when you see their invoice. 😉
  18. I pay 500B per AC in Sukhumvit. Just do it, and make sure you have a receipt.
  19. With too much advertisement and too much AI "enhanced" news, and too many posters who "think" quantity is more important than quality, most of the fun is gone. Then there are the anonymized emojis. And the very strict moderation policy in the last years, now more moderate again, didn't help.
  20. I go to the same optician since many years. I never looked at my watch, but I guess checking my eye takes maybe 20 to 30 min, no rush. To be fair, I also buy new lenses in the same shop every couple of years. It's not cheap, the service and quality are great. And I think it's a good idea to do the best for our eyes and vision.
  21. Switch back to an older version which you like.
  22. I don't feel like laughing about all that <deleted>. In part I blame the media and "the internet". They want conflict and polarized groups. They don't want accepted real facts and people talking about facts. And then there are of course all those stupid people. I don't have much hope that any of that will get much better anytime soon.
  23. That reminds me of a Microsoft Surface PC which I bought at one of their authorized shops. After a few months it needed repair under warranty. But I couldn't start this process because the serial number was not accepted in an online form. Then I called Microsoft. It's some time ago but as far as I remember it took weeks to solve the problem. The device was real, the number was real, but their computer didn't like it. And then explain to MS that their computer is wrong, and they have to fix it. What a wonderful modern society we live in.
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