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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There are two easy options for her to avoid the same outcome: a) Do your work by yourself and be honest. b) Stay away from politics.
  2. I don't see any problem with visiting an optician shop and "is this better, and now, how about now?". And, at least in the place where I go, I know they have high quality equipment. And I don't think my eyes were ever the same over the decades. They got worse, they got better, they changed. That's life.
  3. Over the last years the DEMs were losing more and more support. Now sure this trend will continue.
  4. I buy all my medicine in Osotsala pharmacy near MBK. They have everything and they have good prices.
  5. Many of them are corrupt. IMHO the big difference with Thaksin is that he does it so obvious in the open. His "honest mistake" was so obvious - and he got away with that. His deals like giving as PM a loan to Myanmar which they use to buy a satellite from Thaksin's private company. The law changes for the mobile phone companies, the list goes on and on. And a couple of months ago he told us he will retire and take care of his grandchildren. And look now, he is front center again, just what he wants. Openly: I can do whatever I want. There will be consequences. As far as I am concerned, they should have jailed him for his "honest mistake".
  6. Thanks. I just measured 0.23V with two ACs and my computer running. And 0.54V when I run the hot water (8kW heater). Measured with a BRYMEN BM257s True RMS multimeter.
  7. In my case the electrician is a farang, me. Until now I didn't connect the earth and N in the breaker box. I have everything setup with RCCBs and RCBOs and until now no problem. Should I connect earth and N in my breaker box? Or leave it like it is? And if yes, why? The L, N and earth cables go from my condominium unit to the electrical room on the floor. In that room there is one breaker (I think 80 or 100A) for each unit and the electrical meter. I don't know if the N and earth are connected in that room. The condominium was built in 1994 in Bangkok, lower Sukhumvit Thanks
  8. Just make sure that everybody who was convicted to prison serves at least half the time from the conviction in an actual prison - not in a hospital. And if there is any possibility that the convicted criminals will repeat their crimes, then make sure they stay in prison. And move people with minor drug offences to rehabilitation.
  9. Where does your Yes apply to? Houses? Condominiums? And if condominiums, is the N and earth connected in the breaker box within the unit or the panel with the electric meters on each floor? Or how should it be? In my condominium building I get three cables into my unit. L, N, and earth.
  10. Are you really that ignorant or just ill-informed or do you work for Thaksin's PR? Or did you listen too much to Nit and Noi from that red village?
  11. Imagine you voted for Thaksin because he promised to give you 10,000B. You knew already how you would spend that money. And then the promise is changed and changed again and again. But obviously our experienced and independent new PM will fix it all. 555
  12. Probably he heard those rumors about lots of prostitutes in Pattaya. And then he arrived and found the family friendly resort. No prostitutes at all! And then he thought about the good times at home with his beloved camel...
  13. Is there something like a "gender equality struggle" in Thailand? That is a stupid concept from "the west" from some idiots who don't even know what a woman is. There are lots of successful women in Thailand, on every level. Nobody is holding them back. But there are also lots of women in Thailand who concentrate on being a mother and taking care of their family. They want to do that, like most women in the history of mankind. For some feminist that is obviously a red flag. Who cares?
  14. Obviously, we don't have to include all the little details. Yeah, sure. Land, it's like sand, it's all the same, it's dirt cheap, literally, everywhere, ...
  15. Thaksin is the only person who is responsible for what he did. He got away with what he called "an honest mistake" and from then on, he thought he is invincible. He enriched himself and his family and he broke many laws. And then, finally, there were consequences. Thaksin could have been a decent prime minister, maybe for two decades. But that is not what he wanted and what he did. He was greedy, very greedy, more than anybody else. And he was stopped. And then he involved his family members in his ego trip. And they had to feel the consequences. And now it seems he wants to do it again. And it's only a question of time before there will be consequences again. Thaksin could have avoided what happened 20 years ago, and what happens now, and all the time in between, by being honest and following the law. He didn't.
  16. If you would have to name one person, and one person alone, who fu@#@# up Thai politics for the last decades, who comes to your mind? I think there is only one candidate.
  17. Her getting the job as PM is obviously only based on her competence and wisdom. It has nothing to do with her family name and father. No! Absolutely sure! 1000%!
  18. Obviously, nobody knows. But it seems there is so much supply that it is unlikely the situation will change dramatically.
  19. So, to make the calculation simple for a property that cost 10 million you would expect rent between 800k to 1.2m per year? Like 67k to 100k rent per month? Really? Where?
  20. I hope Thaksin will be jailed and his party removed and all the politicians who followed his orders should be banned for life or so. Then maybe, just maybe, Thaksin and other will understand that the rules also apply to him. But if the authorities don't do their job and let Thaksin and his party do what they want, then maybe others will remove him. Let's see.
  21. Obviously, I agree that there could be bad situations with a bad neighbor, a new building in front of the windows, and things like that. But how often does it actually happen? When I still rented a condominium, I had at some time an annoying neighbor. When he didn't stop making noise I called security, and I called them again, and again. Then finally he got the message, and he didn't make so much noise anymore. Moving out is obviously an option. But personally, I hate moving, so solving problems without moving is another, maybe better option.
  22. Obviously, you are right. And obviously, the people in charge somehow don't see certain things. They must have look the other way or were sick on that day or something like that. TiT
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