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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am sure she waited for the cameras. And after the picture were taken her "job" was done. Yes, it is pathetic. But it seems this is one of those things which politicians all over the world do and which some voters want to see.
  2. Some people learn from their mistakes. Some people even learn from mistakes from others. It seems Thaksin thinks if he does the same mistakes again and again that one day he will succeed. I am sure someone will explain the errors of his thinking to him. It's just a question of time.
  3. Your budget is ok, just about. Don't get any fancy ideas. I.e. in bathroom and kitchen there are lots of nice items available from reputable companies which cost a lot of money. It's easy to spend more than your budget.
  4. For those people who suggest only renting. Is the place where you live now exactly like you want it? If you could change anything, would you change things? Over the years I lived in a couple of places which I rented, in Thailand and other countries. It was always good enough. But in every place, I could have listed many things which I would have liked different. Now I live in my own condominium, 100% renovated the way I want it. And if one day I want to change something, then I can change it. I like that it's just the way I want it. I also don't like moving from one place to another, I don't think many people like moving. And I think with older age we are all less flexible and want certain things the way we want them. When we are young almost any room will do the job. Later in life we want this and that and how wonderful is it if everything is just the way we want it.
  5. The bedbugs are included in the beds. Some of the cockroaches will also be included in the room. If you want more, that order some food. 😉
  6. And make sure no US court will ever convict you of anything - even if you never visited that country.
  7. Because it is one of those questions where expertise information is easily available. Let's say you would want to know when Yingluck was PM, would you start a discussion on AN? Or just look it up? There is no point discussing facts.
  8. Where do you want to live? I think looking foremost at the property price is not a good idea. You need shopping, maybe restaurants, bars, and all that. Do you want to live right next to that? Or are you willing to travel? And travel for 20min or an hour? I think it is a good idea to live where you actually want to be. In my case I spend at least 90% of my time within maximum 2km radius around my home. I like it here. Everything is in walking distance or maybe a short motorcycle ride. This guy has many videos about different districts in Bangkok. It might be helpful to find an area which you like or don't like. Bangkok Pat - YouTube And here you can easily research prices in different areas. Maybe not exact, but you get a good idea about the type and prices of what's available. Property for Sale in Bangkok Updated 2024 - FazWaz
  9. So what? Do you want politicians who work for you, or do you want politicians who want that job because they want to get rich and have power? Nobody is able to completely bypass the media. They all try to own their part of the media, and they try to manipulate everyone.
  10. I am sure both are fine if they are properly installed. The problem, as usual in Thailand, is to make sure you have someone with knowledge and patience to install this properly...
  11. Who will pay for this? Surat Thani province? If yes, fine. Don't burden the Thai taxpayer with a very expensive project which might benefit only a very small region.
  12. IMHO, if you can rent what you want for a reasonable price, then rent and don't worry. Don't buy as an investment. Obviously, you might be able to make money, but you can't count on that. After renting here for many years I finally bought a condominium in a > 20 year old building. I renovated it from scratch just the way I like it. And my idea is to live there until I die. Will I be able to sell it for a good price? Maybe. But I don't count on that. I bought it because it cost less than half of what a brand new one in the same area would have cost. And I renovated it exactly the way I like it. Many new places have many small rooms. I like the opposite. 2/3 of my place is more or less one room. I wouldn't be able to rent such a place. It's unlikely that I ever have to sell it because I need the money (urgently). So, for me that is a good solution. As far as I know the property market in Thailand is different to what many farangs expect from home. So, if you don't know exactly what you are buying in Thailand, don't do it.
  13. Personally, I have no issues with those guards. As far as I know, they make sure that not too many problems happen. Sometimes there are a little rough, but at least the bad guys get the message: Behave, or else.
  14. Let's concentrate on the important parts here: A massive Shinawatra project projected to cost around 6 trillion baht. I think the usual "commission" is 30% or something like that. It I didn't mix up all those zeros that is about 1,800,000,000,000 THB "commission" for the Shinawatras and their lackeys. Yeah, we can be sure they love such project.
  15. I would love to hear what those politicians think will happen with all those illegal casinos which exist now in Thailand. Will they all close and everybody will only go to the one and only legal casino? And what will happen to all those officials and influential people who now profit from the illegal casinos? Will they all just accept that that's the way it should be? No way!
  16. No, sorry, that was a different story. At that time Green Day and many of us thought George W is such an idiot that it can't possibly get worse with American politics. In the hindsight it is amazing how wrong and naive we were.
  17. And why does he do that? Because the masses don't care about the truth. They want to laugh and shout and point the finger at all those others. The bad people. Trump would have no chance if not so many people would enjoy what he does. And Kamala Harris is also not giving out clear information what she wants and supports. With her it's about vibes and coconuts and some shade or green and whatever. It seems that is what many American voters want. Otherwise, the leading American politicians wouldn't do it.
  18. American media is about money, like almost everything else in that country. Will that change anytime soon? No.
  19. The problem is that too many voters are so stupid and ignorant that they believe what they see in one-minute clips on their favorite "news" source. And then there are "vibes" and all that crap. Imagine informed and thinking voters would make decisions based on facts. Just writing this sentence makes it obvious how far away this is from reality.
  20. But obviously Thaksin is convinced that he is the hero and only he can do it. There is nobody out there who is able to convince him that reality does not match up with his illusions.
  21. If I wanted to know the details, then I would look it up in several history books. But then, I don't really care.
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