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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No But then, as far as I know nobody ordered the killing of my family. How many people were killed on orders of the America, UK, China, Russia, Israel, Myanmar, Philippines, to name just a few? I didn't count, but think about how many innocent people died in the last 20 years because of the military actions by the USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries. Did Russia military kill more people? And does it really matter if they killed 100,000 or "only" 10,000? It seems all countries and their politicians do what they want - independent of right or wrong. And the biggest countries with the biggest military normally get away with whatever they do. Do I like that? No. But that is reality.
  2. I guess I would have been upset about that years ago. Not anymore. Because if Thailand would not invite any politicians who did something bad anymore, who would be left? No Russia, China, America, and many more. Would that be overall good for Thailand? I don't think so. And then there is the argument that to improve relations and behavior people have to talk to each other.
  3. No, it's definitely not normal. Are you sure you tried to press it completely in? It seems sometimes they have some (child?) protection, and it takes a little bit of wiggling to press it completely in.
  4. He is obviously a very sick man. We should make sure he will be in a quiet hospital room for the rest of his life. Make sure there are no reporters or anybody else who could distract him from concentrating on his health.
  5. As expected, nobody thought this through. Let's promise cash to our voters and let's sort out all these little details later. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. Maybe Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I was there a few times for a few days in general I felt comfortable. Would I like to live there for months or years? I don't know. But I would give it a try.
  7. Don't you ever have anything nice to say? To be fair, there are not so many nice things on the front line.
  8. Come on, if you would have to give one of those guys a BJ, how much would you charge?
  9. Great, so tell us about your time in that soi 50 or 60 years ago. Was it already a tourist place at that time? Or R&R for the Vietnam war soldiers?
  10. Nothing like that would happen if the authorities would fight loan sharks - instead of working with them together. TiT.
  11. Maybe someone should show those tourists how many people die in Thailand daily in traffic accidents compared to shootings. Then they shouldn't worry about shootings anymore.
  12. Wait until they increase the minimum wage to about double the current amount...
  13. The stupid promise was for the mostly stupid people: We give you each 10,000 THB. Vote for us! That was the only important message before the election. That the money has to come from somewhere and that there will be lots of administrative "cost" are little details which the masses won't think about. Remember, about 90% of Thais don't pay income tax! It's not their money what will be spent.
  14. Did any of Thaksin's politician explain the details of the 10,000 THB scheme? Especially: Where does the money come from? How high will be the administrative cost? Where and for what can the money be spent? Who (shops) can receive the money from these wallets? What happens with wallets where the money is not or only in part spent? How is all this regulated? What is done to makes sure this is transparent? We can be sure about one thing: Thaksin and his party wouldn't do this just because they have such a good heart. They will do it for a similar reason like the rice scam: They want more power and more money - and maybe give a poor a little to make them feel better.
  15. And that's the best excuse he was able to come up with? Thailand is different from Denmark. Really? Who would have thought?
  16. Probably the younger guy criticized the workmanship of the older guy. BIG mistake! TiT
  17. My wife ran away with my passport. Officer, I have no idea why she would do that.
  18. I had a Non-B and my first job ended. I knew I would get a new job in about three months. So I left Thailand on the day when my original Non-B expired and I applied in a Thai Embassy for a tourist visa and I visited Thailand with that tourist visa. And then, almost 3 months later, I went out again to the same embassy and I applied for the new Non-B of the new employer. All fine. Just make sure you have all the necessary documents. I you apply for a tourist visa you need to have a flight booked out of Thailand when you apply for the visa. For a business visa you don't need that flight out, but lots of other documents. And make sure your old Non-B is cancelled before you leave. That is necessary to be able to apply smoothly for the new Non-B. And this is necessary even if you think all is fine because you leave on or before the expire date. Be aware of possible mistakes which you can't easily fix in the hindsight.
  19. I have no idea if this is a big problem. I guess you can argue that you made a typing mistake and later you saw the error and changed it. And depending on your story you gave the wrong version to one of them. Personally, I would not mention it anymore if you don't have a problem. And if you have a problem: Sorry sir, I make a mistake. It happens.
  20. This week is similar to last week. Today there was more traffic than yesterday.
  21. I was there almost 30 years ago, somewhere on a rooftop of one of the buildings in the soi. Open air and disco lights and all that. Cola from the bottle was a ridiculous price like 20B per bottle or something like that. Some girls from Nana wanted to go there and I could easily buy cola for them all night. ???? No further charges.
  22. We would be born as human. And then every couple of years we would decide if we want to be male, female, or anything in between.
  23. I "know" one of the richest guys from Myanmar. He likes to spend time in the bars in Soi Cowboy - since years. But if he would have to answer some official survey, I am not so sure that that would be what he would tell them. ????
  24. It depends. I.e. if someone would try to break in your house, would you try to stop that person? How about if a burglar would try to rob your neighbors or family members? I can't imagine going to a war in a country where I don't have a connection to. But I can imagine protecting my home country and the country where I live. And there are many ways to do that. I.e. I wouldn't be very helpful with a gun at the frontline. But I would help to build drones and things like that.
  25. To be fair, countries have travel recommendations for their citizens. And (travel) insurance companies have conditions like they don't pay if people travel to places which are in some risk category.
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