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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It might not be the best reason, but I like 4 cylinder sound. I had a VFR400 NC30 years ago and that was a great sound, especially near the 14,500 RPM red line. I thought about the Kawasaki 400 4 cylinder, but as far as I see that bike is made for racing. And probably service and spare parts reflect that. Currently a Honda CB650R (naked) is on my mind. 4 cylinders with enough power, but not tuned for extreme power like the CBR600RR, which is more expensive in every way. But I don't really know until now. My 2nd bike, the small 150cc Suzuki Raider works just fine to ride to the coffee shop and market. Let's see.
  2. I never understood the attraction of those bikes, especially in Thailand. They are way too big to get between the cars. So, what's the point? I want a bike to be able to get fast and with some fun from A to B. And not something big to wait between all those cars in the traffic.
  3. It's time again for one of my favorite quotes: Jack Nightingale in Stephen Leather’s Nightmare Nightingale blew smoke up at the sky. ‘Everybody dies,’ he said. ‘Life is a zero sum game. The best you can do is to enjoy yourself as you go along.’ ‘But smoking shortens your life.’ ‘Maybe. But it only takes the years from the end of your life. Not the beginning or the middle.’ Jenny looked at him, confused. ‘I have absolutely no idea what you mean.’ Nightingale took another drag on his cigarette before continuing. ‘Say I live until I’m seventy-five without smoking. And say I die at seventy if I do smoke. I lose five years. But really, Jenny, what am I going to be doing during those five years? Sitting in a bedsit somewhere watching the football, assuming I’ve enough of a pension to be able to afford Sky Sport?
  4. I am disappointed with KTM service in Thailand. I knew that I can't expect the same amount of dealers and service centers like Japanes bikes, but I expected that there would be at least a few good dealers. Until now I didn't fine one... So I think about selling my KTM and buying another "big" bike. I think about roughly 400cc to 700cc, 4 cylinders. A sports bike, not a super sport bike. But which brand? Are all Japanese manufacturers similar in their presence and quality in Thailand? Or is i.e. Honda preferable to Yamaha and Suzuki? Or the other way around? For me only Bangkok matters. 99% of the time I will be within Bangkok so I don't have to worry about service centers up country. What do you think? What experience do you have with different brands in Thailand?
  5. Obviously we can only use the information provided. If they are wrong then the answers are wrong. I know one Thai mother similar to that. She just doesn't care. Some people, and not only Thais, don't know or don't want to know that children need responsible parents to grow up and become responsible adults. Feeding the kids and giving them a tablet and WiFi 24/7 is by far not enough. In Thai villages bad behavior by one or both parents is often in part compensated by the grandparents, siblings, and the neighbors and their kids. But that is not so much in most of (cold) Europe. There is a lot less interaction with the neighbors. Obviously the father also plays an important role. But if he is out to work from 8 to 5 then a good part of the parenting is done by the mother.
  6. I completely disagree. People are different and years later maybe they get closer and maybe more apart. What's the point of staying in a relationship if it is obvious that the people grow apart, more and more? Obviously with Kids it is important to think about the kids. But staying together with a partner who just isn't the right partner is not a good idea.
  7. He owes the kids that he takes care of them, and not just financially. That doesn't necessary mean that it is best to live together with the mother of the children who obviously doesn't take her role serious. Maybe there is another woman out there would be much better in that position. But obviously it is far away from easy to resolve this situation.
  8. I guess one of the big questions is: What is best for the children? Do the children speak Thai? Maybe the best of all the bad options is that she and the children live in Thailand - with or without you. Good luck! You need it.
  9. Roger will be disappointed that you didn't buy the book. But then, I also didn't buy it. He gave me a signed copy. 😉
  10. The movie? If there a movie based on that book?
  11. You clearly have the wrong idea what this is all about. Try to see it from the point of view of corrupt officials and their friends in the construction business. We need contracts to make lots of money. And big contracts equal big bribes. If the streets would be perfect, then nobody would think about repairing them. So, make sure they are bad and will never be good. More contract and more money. It’s not really that difficult to understand.
  12. Some (maybe all) Dyson also have some features to clean (animal) hair which can easily clog ordinary vacuum cleaners.
  13. I have three vacuum cleaners. And they are all different and work different. First, I bought a "normal" vacuum cleaner, something like this. It removes small parts (like parts of cookies on the floor), and it removes most dust. It has a dust bag which has to be replaced maybe every one or two weeks. (to be continued below) Then I bought a Dyson. It has no bag and is relatively small. It is perfect for dust and tight corners. But above mentioned cookie pieces are already too big for that thing. Last but not least I have a professional "dust extractor" No bags, just a big tank. Perfect for cleaning of construction sites and anything else with cookie sized debris. I can also use it to suck water after I change one filter. It's great to get an area roughly cleaned. But for the final touch then I would use the Dyson again.
  14. He was a police officer. They are all like that - at least in their official description.
  15. If you follow the traffic, then you don't hit a standing object. And if everybody drives too fast, do you also drive too fast? Really?
  16. Yes, and because it is dangerous sensitive people drive slowly and make sure they have good headlights to see any obstacles. Assuming a road is clear, just like yesterday, is not a smart move. RIP
  17. 4000k is the color temperature (warm like a candle or daylight, etc.) It has nothing to do with the brightness. If you want to know about the brightness, then look for lumen or watts. Watts is not really a value for the brightness but in general, more watts = more brightness.
  18. There are lots of options. And, IMHO, it's good that there are lots of options, because we all have different needs and taste. If you want post some pictures of the old things here. That should give me and others and idea what you had and what worked. And then maybe we can recommend some replacements. Or you can learn yourself about the differences. This guy has lots of videos and a good website with all the details. https://quinled.info/ https://www.youtube.com/@IntermitTech
  19. And don't forget the human rights activist Benjamin Netanyahu...
  20. Correct. Please tell me which clean politician Thailand should invite? Let's start with the basics: He/she should not fight any wars except maybe in their own country to defend themselves. And they should not support any other country which does that. Where are all the clean leaders who sanctioned the USA when they illegally invaded Iraq? Where are all the clean leaders who say in public the leader of that country which bombs civilians and hospitals and cuts of civilian's water, food and electricity should be prosecuted?
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