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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Normally I ignore Bob, but with this title I thought I have another look. I was surprised. It seems sometimes Bob has it right. You asked: It's just you!
  2. We have all the time reports about new airports, and then we have reports about unused airports. We can be pretty sure that building new airports will bring lots of "commissions" in the hands of politicians. I suggest that airports in all those not so important places should be private investments. If those investments make sense, then it should be no problem to find private investors. And if they don't make sense, there are no investors, then probably they don't make much sense.
  3. Thanks for your answer. I understand your explanation. However, in my case there is just a bend like option 2 below the kitchen sink (in the apartment below my one). I know this because it is exactly the same what I see on my ceiling from the apartment above.
  4. I also hate when people talk too much in the cinema. It's just annoying.
  5. They do a lot of crazy things. I gave up trying to understand why they do things. I guess one must be an American to understand things.
  6. Thanks I have already separate valves in the wall for cold water and the heater input. Now I think about if I need valves at the output of the heater at all. If there is a problem, then I can anyhow close the input valve to the heater. And if it is a real problem with i.e. the short pipe to the bathroom (my heater is below the kitchen sink) then worst case I close one of those lines with an end cap.
  7. I think a good starting point is thinking about if we would have preferred to be born 10 years earlier or later. Or was the timing just right? For me I think +/- 10 years is about the maximum which I like. And now the question is, if we would ask people now, who were born maybe year 2000, what do they think? Would they have preferred to be born decades earlier, without internet, mobile phones, calculators, etc.? I have my doubts. So at the end of the day, I think we are mostly part of the culture, time and location, where and when we grew up. I guess few people would prefer 30 years or more change from when they were born. The exceptions might be people who experienced war.
  8. Good point. And imagine (I don't really want to), that you are somewhere in a university, and you want to convince the other students that there are only 2 genders. And all those other students look at you like you are some dimwit flat earther. That must be hard. And I am sure many ask themselves: Am I the idiot or are those other 90% of the people around me mad? Difficult times, indeed.
  9. It's good that Move Forward brings these issues to the open. Now imagine if there would be talk shows on TV and lots of voters asking for details.
  10. In a way it would be interesting to see real statistics why people kill themselves. But obviously the "why" is sometimes not so easy to establish, and I am sure some people want to hide it. There are rich people who kill themselves and poor people. It's definitely not only about the money. And then there are lots of people who officially don't kill themselves. But they do deliberately lots of risky and/or unhealthy things which makes it likely that they will die early.
  11. Ok. Please publish information how many other prisoners received similar treatment over the last years. Or should we somehow assume Thaksin is the most sick prisoner ever? And if there is a lot of other special treatment prisoners then please publish information about the wealth in influence of their families and friends. Somehow, I am sure there will be a pattern.
  12. One big problem are the definitions of above. What is an agent? Someone who checks the details of your property, maybe takes pictures, publishes advertisement, takes possible buyers to the place? Or is Noi, who has a shop nearby and tells someone a name, an "agent"? It seems many people who do almost nothing want full agent commission. And then the "closing of the sale": I am sure many "agents" have very different definitions what that means.
  13. "Are you having enough sex?" "As a couple, are you?..." These are very different questions...
  14. My rabbit has an fb account so that he can look at fb accounts if necessary. I don't have such account. But I think lots of teenagers have accounts with their real names. I think some schools even distribute information with fb. They have it a lot more difficult to just switch off.
  15. That is different. Even if all members on this forum would agree that they don't like OneMoreFarang, I could just switch it off and never use it again. With fb and real names and some people friends offline and online that is a lot more complicated to impossible.
  16. Funny enough, the recent lower battery on my phone was probably not the battery's fault but some app or background process which used more power. Most of the time I never switch my phone off. Recently I did switch it off, and after that the phone battery showed similar usage like months ago. Interesting.
  17. I wonder how much of those suicides are related to social media. There was a time when we could avoid bullies in school, at work or other places. We went home and closed the door. Now, with social media viral post anytime anywhere that is not possible anymore. Personally I don't use facebook or any of that. I wouldn't even know if someone writes something bad about me. But it seems many people use that all the time, and all their "friends" are on it. How long does it take to destroy someone on those platforms? And then? So much about "progress".
  18. Maybe they are your taste. Many of us prefer dusky Thai girls.
  19. Funny enough, I thought about that. When I asked an old man, probably the owner, in a little Thai "specialist shop", who sell these parts, he told me "no problem". I go to that shop since maybe 20 years and the same guy is there since forever, he is now probably 70 or so. I would have thought he should know...
  20. Thanks a lot for the detailed answer. I like the option A. It should be easy for me to add such a board. You write: "Dont use tapered in straight connectors and vv. You will ruin all." I understand. But on the first glance I didn't notice the difference (and now the parts are nowhere near me). When looking at the parts is it easy to spot the difference between tapered and straight? How to see the difference?
  21. Ok, sorry, I just looked at the internet for a picture which shows the size as an example. At my condominium renovation we use the green pipes - I was told those are the best option in Thailand.
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