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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I just saw an interview with Misha Charoudin, who is an active YouTuber from the Nuerburgring. In the interview he tells the guy who interviews him: Today you speak with the Misha of today. Yesterday there was the Misha from yesterday and tomorrow there will be the Mischa from tomorrow. We change all the time and we have all the time new information. Anybody should see in their life situations which they could have been better handled with more information - like they had a week or a month or a year later. We all have to make decisions in the here and now with the limited information which we have. That's life.
  2. Will any fugitive criminal, who arrives after more than 10 years, be treated like this? And if not, why not? He is a criminal. Throw him into jail and treat him just like any other criminal. And after he is 10 years in jail, under those conditions, then maybe he understands that he should have behaved better.
  3. In case we have the same "fried" in mind, who is very powerful. That friend only has to say: "put him into jail" and it will happen, no questions asked. It's nice to have powerful friends, until the moment that those friends don't like you anymore.
  4. There are only very few places where this rule is relevant.
  5. Pattaya beach road: ok Bangkok or any other city: not ok
  6. It seems they have to find all the time new superlatives. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Is it already that hot? Or will it be that hot in 100 or 1000 years? Or will it maybe be 2 degrees warmer in 100 years - and nobody would notice it apart from those loud activists.
  7. I like quality products and quality work. And that makes my renovation pretty expensive. And when it is anyhow expensive then why not make it look nice? Probably a few decades ago I would have called it super-duper. ????
  8. That is obviously a major concern which many of us farangs ignore. But is seems some Thai experts know very fast if there are any ghosts or not. Before I bought my condominium my Thai gf checked it for ghosts. After less than 5min she declared there is no problem. I didn't ask her how exactly she came to this conclusion. TiT
  9. Thanks. If that is the case, then all is fine. I just want to avoid thinking something is a small issue and then later maybe I find out it is a bigger issue. This is why I asked.
  10. It seems the size makes a difference about possible vibrations. In my case it is a "small" 8kg Electrolux.
  11. It's in a condominium with limited options. My gf wants it, and she is often enough in the kitchen. We have enough space in the kitchen and little (extra) space in the bathroom. The kitchen is a room with a door. That will allow her to cook "smelly" Thai food without me complaining. I am not a fan of a kitchen as part of a living room. There will be a kitchen work top (probably some stone) over the washing machine. For that reason, it makes sense to have cabinets left and right. I can have up to about 2cm space left and right and then the cabinets still fit on the wall. If I use only 0.5 or 1cm left and right around the washing machine, then I will use the remaining space as extra space around the fridge. Currently I plan for the fridge the minimum recommended space (including air gaps left and right). If a small gap is good enough for the washing machine, then I will use that. Big gaps won't look nice. But let's see. Thanks for all your answers.
  12. Thanks, I could do that. And maybe I will do it. But I try to learn also from other peoples' experiences. Maybe some people in this forum found out too late that they should have left more space left and right. That's why I ask.
  13. It seems many people don't want to buy "used" units. Used units are often a lot cheaper than new units and even if we add the price of a total renovation on top, then the units are still a lot cheaper. But few people seem to be interested. Why? I know renovating something in Thailand is headache, maybe a lot of headache. That might be one reason. I also guess that it is easier to get a loan from the bank (or the developer) for new projects.
  14. I will soon build my IKEA Method kitchen. I have a washing machine which will be between two cabinets. The standard cabinet width is 600mm. The washing machine width is, according to the manual, 596.5mm. It's some time ago that I used a washing machine myself, but as far as I remember they vibrate, especially spin-drying. How much space should I leave left and right between the washing machine and the cabinets? If I use the standard cabinet size, then that would leave me only 1.75mm on each side. Is that enough? Thanks This is just a sample picture from the web. My installation will be similar.
  15. What do you think will happen if Thaksin has Tuesday morning reason to believe that his PM won't be elected? Maybe a flat tire on his private jet?
  16. This is also what I wonder about? Does anybody believe even one word of what comes out of their mouths? It's coincidence that he comes back on the same day of the PM election. In case the PM won't be elected it will also be coincidence that he doesn't come on that day. He wants to take care of his grandchildren - in the prison cell? He has nothing to do with PT and Thai politics. Bla bla bla - nobody even tries to make up somehow believable excuses.
  17. Food. Vendors which sell mostly to Thais like a Pat-Thai seller in Soi 23 and a Nea-Yang seller in Soi 11. They used to sell in the same locations since years. I know the weed sellers are not in Soi 11 anymore. Maybe they removed more than just the weed sellers.
  18. I don't check every day and all the time. But recently on a couple of days I didn't see the usual street food vendors i.e. on Sukhumvit Soi 11 and Soi 23. There used to be some vendors who were at the same place for years. And now I don't see them - or any new vendors. Did I just look at the wrong days and the wrong times? Or are many vendors gone? And if they are gone, why?
  19. Recently I saw this Club Random with Bill Maher video on my YouTube page. I watched a couple of his videos and in general I like them. I was bored and clicked on this one. And then: Really? Is she the exception or are "all" American women like that or even worse? I would prefer to be a monk instead of something like her.
  20. Some of us, including me, just one quality tools which last "forever" and we don't have to worry that they malfunction or give us any other headache. Sure, professional tools are more expensive than the cheap things. But as some sales guys say: It hurts once when you pay for it and then they are great to use for years.
  21. I have a couple of Bosch cordless tools. Most 18V, one 12V. 18V tools have (mostly) more power, but there is no point to have bigger and heavier tool, if you don't need the power. I have this small 12V thing (Bosch GSR 12V-15 FC). It is small and light and fine for small screws and drilling holes (not in walls). I also bought recently this one (Bosch - GSB 18V-90 C), which is bigger and also good enough to drill holes into bricks. It all depends on what you need it for. There are lots of videos about these kind of tools in YouTube. I suggest watch a couple of them to get a better idea of what you need.
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