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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Let's wait for more details is she really was so innocent. Maybe she was. But maybe those classmates had good reasons to be upset about her.
  2. I wonder how many Thais planned already how they will use the 10,000B which will surely be in their pocket by the end of the year.
  3. Yes, but the good news is that some voters will remember this scam for the next election.
  4. How often was this changed already over the last couple of months? And it seems some changes just happen suddenly within a day. One would think for one of the most expensive popular schemes in the history of Thailand there should be a little more planning and organizing and execution of a detailed plan involved. But no, one day Thaksin wants this, and the next day he is in a different mood, and everybody pretends that is normal. Maybe someone should tell him and his lackeys that it looks bad changing something all the time. Amazing Thailand
  5. So, why didn't she report him to the police for all those abuses? Then maybe he could have been arrested a long time ago.
  6. Yes, and at least 100 more occasions.
  7. Compared to 10 or 20 years ago, a big difference is the lack of pretty young girls who like to dance in gogo bars. And because of that, many bars have trouble attracting (many) pretty girls. And the girls get away with lots of bad behavior which would not have been accepted years ago. What should the managers do? Fire them? And having even fewer girls? And because of fewer pretty willing girls, there are fewer customers. And those are more concentrated in the few "best" bars. Many bars make little or no money - but they can still launder money. The good times are over. And with all the online "dating" lots of that business will never come back. Good for us, the guys who lived here since decades, to remember the good old times. They won't come back.
  8. I think for many Thais this is about the community, being part of a group. And showing others that they do good things. Does everybody follow "the rules"? No. But at least many try most of the time. Would Thailand be better off without above? I don't think so.
  9. We all know that gifts help to make any girl and woman happy. And we give them gift so that they are happy and make us happy. Win/win. Some are only satisfied with a ring and diamonds, others accept cash.
  10. I don't count. And I don't lose. I just enjoy life.
  11. Lots of guys get no attention and no tender touch at all from any female back home. When they arrive here, and sit in a bar, and a smiling girl pours them a beer and maybe touches him a little, that is already so much more than what he got at home. He is happy, even without any sex (at least for a while). What's wrong with that? He gets the girlfriend experience. And that is a lot more than sex. He feels loved. Is it true love? Probably not. Does it still feel good. Yes, it does! And it's not only the guys who just arrived. I am almost 30 years in Thailand. And obviously I am not so young and handsome anymore. Do I like it when girls smile at me? Sure. Do I like it when a cute girl in a bar comes to me, tells me she is happy to see me, and ask me for a drink? Yes, I do. Obviously, I could think about that maybe she doesn't do this only because I am such a great guy. But why should I? I just enjoy the moment with a nice girl who makes me feel good.
  12. Imagine one young and incompetent leader selects a couple of young people to pretend to do something. But obviously she must be sure not to select anybody who could possibly look more competent than herself. What can possibly go wrong? ...
  13. Something meaningful. Wow. Why is it so difficult for some people to accept that there are also happy couples with a big age difference? Only because you can't comprehend it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  14. Does anybody think anything will happen against him? I predict she will apologize for her bad behavior and admit she wanted to provoke him and obviously she deserved what she got. And he will graciously forgive her - but don't do it again TiT
  15. The question could also be: Do you like it if your paid companion smiles at you? Do you like it when she tells you that you are such a great lover, nobody did it just like you? Or do you prefer that she looks at you with this "do I really have to see that guy naked" face? And afterwards: Your finished already? I didn't feel anything.
  16. If the paid or not paid companion does it right, then she does whatever you want her to do. I was told there is something like a girlfriend experience and a movie star experience. Maybe you want to go to dinner with her and you want that she behaves like the loving girlfriend. Maybe it makes you feel good, or you want that your neighbor thinks you are the hero that you found such a lovely girl or whatever. And if you are alone with her maybe you want that she performs like that girl in your favorite video. And maybe after you are exhausted you want to cuddle with her. Whatever. Do what makes you feel good. Personally, I had girls, and I walked with her hand in hand. And I had other who I didn't want near me - someone might see me and think bad about me. It all depends. Don't overthink it. Just do it.
  17. Probably they will trust the village headmen with distributing the cash. As everybody knows, they are all highly qualified, honest and all that. TiT
  18. Please update the story when he will need his next visa extension...
  19. I didn't know that guys bring their wife to Soi 6. What's the point?
  20. That is also my experience, with an agent. If your documents are all correct, and you need an agent only to help you to do things faster, then you should be able to easily find such agent, and not expensive. However, some people would normally not be able to get a visa (extension) and they look for agents who make the impossible possible. Or in other words, they do illegal things to help you. They are by definition shady.
  21. That's like people with sloppy writing. It does not just suddenly happen. Parents don't care and they want quiet kids and give them some screens. That is not good for the kids, at least not too much of it. All that is not exactly breaking news. It is well known to anybody who paid attention. But then, there are unfortunately too many parents who somehow "think" their kids will grow up and will be fine without any decent parenting. Here is a hint: It doesn't work like that. Any responsible parent should know this since years.
  22. From Stickman's website, I added the bold: "I left Thailand in early 2015. A few days before I left, a Thai expressed an interest in buying the Stickman domain name. It took months to thrash out the deal but in late 2015 I sold a majority share of the Stickman domain name. Part of the deal was that I would stay on and write the column, and to this day I continue to update the site and produce weekly column, albeit from lands afar. It shouldn’t work but amazingly, it seems to." Source: About | Stickman Bangkok So, according to himself, he doesn't live in Thailand anymore since almost 10 years. And he still pretends to know what is going on. Yeah, sure. Anybody who believes that doesn't deserve any better.
  23. According to professionals, it is a lot more difficult to install large tiles correctly. If you find someone who is good at that job, then fine. But if you don't find the top specialist, then better let them do small tiles which are much easier to install.
  24. That was officially confirmed. I think some time ago Stickboy interviewed Stickman or something like that. Stickboys website does not exist anymore, so I guess the record is gone.
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