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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. You can find almost anything here: https://www.onestockhome.com/en And then there are of course lots of other places like: THAI WATSADU | ไทวัสดุ ครบเรื่องบ้าน ถูกและดี etc.
  2. Really? IMHO the Thai police know a lot about what is going on. But then the big question is if they use that information to arrest the bad guys, or if the use the information to talk to the bad guys and collect commissions for somehow not seeing them. TiT.
  3. What are the alternatives? How long do you want to think about if you should pay 10B, nothing, maybe 5B or whatever. Or maybe go to the tourist police and complain.
  4. Yes, eventually. But it might be that he makes initially a lot of squeaking noise. But then again, that would be a great video for TikTok.
  5. Does it matter? This was not a split-second reaction. The attack on the police officer goes on for over a minute. Anybody with a working brain would have realized latest after a few seconds that this is a very stupid idea.
  6. Please Bob, go out there and do the same. Make sure you ask your wife to make a video and publish it. That would solve many problems and make many people happy. ????
  7. No. Not "a Swatch watch" People can wear almost any Swatch watch. It shouldn't be too difficult not to wear that stupid alphabet soup rainbow design.
  8. Why Samui? Why an island? Long time ago when I decided to live in Thailand I also thought about Samui. Exotic island, beach, all nice and quiet. And then I looked at reality: Everything is more expensive: Transport, entertainment, hospital, etc. And if you are seriously sick then you need medical transport to Bangkok. And then there are all those tourist, many of them forget on which side of the road they are supposed to be. If you still want to go there, then try at least a few months before you make expensive decisions.
  9. Now what could this be about? Is it maybe related to the name Shinawatra? I want my daddy back in Thailand. I don't know what to do without him. And I wouldn't do this stupid job if it wouldn't be because of him.
  10. It won't take 4 years for PT and their coalition to self-destroy.
  11. How can anybody give a clear answer to a party which has officially three candidates for PM and all of them have to follow the instructions of the not so hidden criminal owner of the party. And then there are of course the promises from before the election which are now not important anymore. How can anybody answer: Do you support any of our candidates when he will do anything - independent of what we promised? I think it's best if MFP is in the opposition and let the others f#$# it up. There is no possible good outcome in a cooperation with PT.
  12. Just throw him alone in a dark hole where nobody will find him. Give him twice a day water and rice. Problem solved.
  13. If I would buy a new PC (NUC, or others), I would buy 16GB RAM or more. If there is not enough RAM, then that makes a dramatic difference. The CPU is very seldom used to the max. And with an existing PC it is easy to see how much RAM is currently used. Just a sample:
  14. It depends on what you do. For most people the most basic model with do the job. Tell me/us what you (want to) do with your computer, and I will give you a recommendation.
  15. Lots of YouTube channels are (consistently) good. And many are bad. I find it annoying that some people take videos from others, maybe edit them a little, and then post them themselves (to make money). It would be good if we could automatically ignore those useless edits. And then there are these idiots who "explain" what experts explained already. Idiots making videos for other idiots. One of my favorites is Colin Furze. He has consistently great videos since many years.
  16. This is why my gf gives me 20B when I give her perfume. She "buys" it from me and that negates that rule. This principle seems to be normal with lots of Thai women.
  17. I never counted the non-alcohol days or promised I won't touch it for x days of weeks or whatever. If you do this, then it seems you have a problem with alcohol. I don't know how common this is, but for me it's like this: If I feel like drinking wine or beer or whisky, then I do that. Maybe I drink a glass or two, or maybe more. It depends on my mood and how I feel. If I drink with friends in a bar, then I might drink a lot. And at some point, my body will tell me: That's enough! And then I stop. That's it. And likely for the next days I don't want to drink any alcohol. And maybe a week later I do the same. Or I don't drink at all. It's a how do I feel about it today question. What's the point of making plans not to drink for 3 weeks? P.S.: I know one guy who has a reason to tell himself not to drink for 3 weeks. He owns a few bars and being there with friends and customers who get drunk or are drunk is difficult when sober. His solution is to go "to work" but don't stay until "everybody" is wasted.
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