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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Some do. I remember the "boyfriend" of a friend of my 1st gf in Thailand. He was old and all his life he worked in a glass factory. His face looked like it had 100 big bubbles. But it seems she didn't care.
  2. So you had a girlfriend and at the same time you went out with a 17 yo girl who had a crush on you. And "from time to time I had to remind her that I had a girlfriend". And you are proud that you did that and post it here to show what an attractive guy you are. Yeah, sure.
  3. Was that like the Nigerian scam: I have this gift for you, but first you have to pay the import tax. Or did they invest a little to get a big return? Or in other words: Why would a reasonable pretty, young and smart women give any guy a gift to build up a relationship?
  4. Why would you invest substantial money into an area you know little about? And if 5/5 people here would write: It's a great idea, do it. Would you do it? As far as I know buying a condo in Thailand to rent it out and make money is mostly best case risky and often a bad idea. A few people, who know the market well, might make money. But it seems there are not too many of those experts around.
  5. I gave up after reading maybe 1/3 of your post. You, like many others, try to simplify things to black and white. Good and bad. Women who want money and women who don't care about men's money. And it seems you think people never change. All wrong! There is seldom black and white. People change. And we are all mostly not rational. There is no: if you have type A this will happen and with type B that will happen. Lots of things happen. Some are predictable, some not. And people change all the time, sometimes in ways nobody foresaw.
  6. Just in case there are people out there who don't know the Blue screen of death:
  7. If it makes him happy - why not? It's like some people like gambling. They know it's likely they will lose money. But they still do it and enjoy it. Everybody does it the way he like it - even if it doesn't make any sense.
  8. And many guys try to impress the girls with their generosity. I remember a girl who I fancied some time ago. She worked in a bar and built a house. I told her that if she would be my gf, I would help her to build that house, like 10k per month. She told me lots of guys offered her already to pay everything up front to finish that house. Lots of guys are like that. And often the girls don't even have to promise anything. They guys just think if they paid all that money, she will love them forever. And then they find out that that assumption was wrong.
  9. That reminds me of my friend Frank, who is well known in Bangkok. He once married a beautiful first-class stewardess - when that was still something exotic maybe 30 years ago. After they married, she told him that she doesn't like sex. I think he calculated after the divorce that one shot was about 20k USD. After that he decided only to rent and never buy again.
  10. If you didn't see it until now you should watch at least one of his "how I built" ... videos. I used my hacksaw...
  11. Correct. I have to admit I was a little confused about the numbering system. There was a time when I built PC almost every month. Now it's seldom that I built anything with more than one "disk".
  12. It seems the show is something new. He works on bikes in his little shed since decades. He always says things like "I use my hacksaw". I am pretty sure that is the one and only hacksaw he ever owned. Amazing. I never saw a new tool in his shed. It seems he uses them all since forever.
  13. And riding a bike like that with a guy on the back at 180 mph (about 290 km/h) requires also some balls - especially at that age.
  14. Most of us who live here since a long time and who heard many of these stories don't tell anybody anymore to change. Because they all don't listen. If he really asks for advice, then tell him what you think. Otherwise, it's a waste of breath.
  15. It seems many guys do that to themselves. The women just inspire them a little. Like: I don't want to work in this horrible place. Darling, no problem, I will help you. I also don't want that you work here. But what should I do? I have no money. No problem darling, you are smart, you can run a business. But I have no money. No problem darling, I pay for the business... And then the guy feels like the knight in shining armor. Sex was never the most important thing he wanted.
  16. Yes, that was a great job. I don't know how many of his videos I saw, I guess at least 20. He is a fantastic engineer and mechanic, and he seems to be a nice person.
  17. When I look at western women > 40 then I am surprised that it still happens so often.
  18. I continue on my journey like the Mexican Fisherman. The Story of the Mexican Fisherman - Be More with Less (this is just one of the many versions of this story on the internet)
  19. Good post. And even if the girls have a half decent education and a job, many of those jobs don't have a good salary. One of my favorite bar girls was an accountant. Before she worked in a bar she worked in accounting. According to her she had 16k salary. Not enough to pay for a decent school for her son. So she looked for a sponsor and found one in a bar.
  20. That is a good question - not just with cashiers. I remember a girly-bar with a couple of hot university girls. Later one of them worked as property agent in our building. This time with office clothes. I guess not too many people who didn't "know" her would have thought about her past. And then there was the new girl in a company which I worked for. First day with made up hair and she was friendly to all the farangs. Then someone explained to her that now the coyote girl times are over - at least in the office. Not everybody had the same job all the time. Personally, I don't have a problem with this. But it seems some people care a lot. And to be fair, I also wouldn't be interested in girl with lots of "interesting" pictures online.
  21. Some girls just start working in bars and prefer not to. Good. Some girls did it long enough and don't want to do it anymore. Possible, but risky. And some girls enjoy their life in bars. Enjoy for short time, but don't marry her.
  22. Can you have such a girl? And if yes, what do you do with bar girls on Koh Changi?
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