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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Technology is a lot better now and any time before. With good and bad consequences. But the original question is: "Are people better now or back in the 1980's?"
  2. But now we have Blackpink! Ok, the music is good and not great. But they look better than all from above. ????
  3. You must have missed the East West conflict. It seems many people forget bad events which happened in the past.
  4. Things are different, some better, some worse. I think one of the big problems now is that everything happens so much faster than many years ago. Someone says or does something and likely minutes or hours later it is on the internet. And millions of people have an opinion about something without knowing any facts. And then people get canceled and lose their job - for nothing. And then there are of course all those super loud narcistic activists. I think all in all I am happy I grew up in the 80th.
  5. Look at successful YouTube channels with many millions of subscribers now and rethink your statement...
  6. I just read on a website which should not be named in this forum: "Thaksin scraps plan to return next week" It must be really difficult for his fans to book and cancel and book and cancel all those events to welcome their hero. Really sad...
  7. And I thought lots of people do things in their holiday which they can't do at home. But then, my last holiday to Thailand was 30 years ago. No smartphone, basically no internet, and the postcards needed more time to get home then I did. The good old times.
  8. Why can't they go to the bars, get drunk and play with the girls (or boys) like all the other tourists? I thought that is why people from all over the world come to Pattaya.
  9. Lots of people all over the world think sometimes about suicide. And then most of these people in most locations in this world have to think about how they will kill themselves. That takes time and maybe (trying to) buy poison or a weapon. In Thailand the next high building with low balcony is never far. There are only minutes between the desire and the action.
  10. Will someone who thinks he is important change his flight plan again? I will come on the xx yy. Sure!
  11. Does anybody really know who will be sucessful? Sometimes I hear about successful channels with millions of subscribers. And maybe I have a look at it. And then I ask myself: why does anybody want to see this? Just a random video from this guy. The video has 8.3 million views and he has 23 million subscribers. Does that make any sense to anybody? Watching temples is likely more interesting...
  12. Would it work for what? Get famous? Make a lot of money? There are lots of "I wish I had known this at the beginning" YouTube videos out there from people who are now successful. I never was interested in any of this, but this is what I learned anyhow: At the beginning you will be bad. Accept it and just get better. It seems many cameras will do the job. Make sure you get a good mike or mikes for what you are doing (i.e. for outdoor). Publish regularly, that is what subscribers expect. Be prepared to do this for a long time before you/she will be noticed and maybe become successful. And once you are successful then do more of the same. It seems you can't just take a break and relax and hope after that all will continue like before. Personally I think you and she should think carefully if you really want to do that. I will be a lot of hard work, especially the editing. And you have to do that for a long time before maybe you get successful. And maybe not.
  13. Nobody who voted for them should be surprised that they only care about power and their criminal leader.
  14. Up to a certain distance there it doesn't matter. If the distance if too far then the WLAN won't work at all. And if you are a little below the "won't work at all" distance then it will work slower. For some applications it doesn't matter, like if you look at news or check your email. For things like watching video in 4k it does matter.
  15. That depends a lot if the if the 1000 times are all with the same girl or with hundreds of them.
  16. I didn't say you can't have sex at all. But I am sure I don't have to explain to you that a 20-yo or 30-yo guy can perform more often and for longer time then someone in retirement age. And young guys have a much higher desire to do it. All in average of course. There are always exceptions.
  17. SATA3 is restricted if you use M2A_SB. Likely you will have additional SATA ports. Just use another SATA port like SATA4 and don't use SATA3. Then you can use your M.2 in M2A_SB. Problem solved.
  18. That is definitely a good idea. And "I Feel Love" I hope you heard it in a NY disco at the time when it was published.
  19. At least for my K-Bank Credit Card statement is the format is ddmmyyyy. And for another bank the format is ddmmmyyyy like 01Jan1980
  20. No Move Forward had most of the votes, PT was 2nd. In the moment it looks like PT will lead the next government, without Move Forward. That is a change from Prayut. Many of us would have preferred a bigger change, but it is wrong to say nothing happened. And until now this story is not over. Let's see what will happen in the next weeks and months. It also happens in so called first world countries that the party with the most votes doesn't lead the government.
  21. I wrote "the guys". I didn't write "every farang". Apart from that, what's the point of visiting Thailand if you don't drink and/or play with the girls? To visit all the temples?
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