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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why do guys marry women with children? The guy will never be her first priority. And often he will have to pay for the child. I understand that there might be a few exceptions when he loves her too much. But otherwise: Don't do it!
  2. And does that rule only apply to bar girls or any girl?
  3. I am sure it happens with bargirl. But I am also sure the same happens with "normal" women. Bargirls are more aware of the needs of men. I never married my long-time gf, who was once a bargirl. So I will never find out if she would change if we would be married.
  4. I think most bargirls realize that sex is important for many men. If they provide that service often enough and good enough, then their husbands are more likely happy and relaxed. If the wife doesn't provide sex, then the guy gets it somewhere else. That reminds me of two girls talking in a movie (I forgot which movie). One girl says she doesn't want to take it in her mouth. The other girl explains to her: There will be a girl who gives him a BJ. It's up to you if you do it or he goes somewhere else.
  5. On my list a long time ago I ignored a couple of people. But I still read some of Bob's comments. He is so funny. Not the way he intends to be, but likely he will never realize that little detail.
  6. Considering that you say "nothing even remotely attractive to me about that" you spend a lot of time and thought about those girls. Is it possible that you don't tell us the truth in at least half your posts?
  7. The question is obviously: Why does she do that? Are you the best she could get, and she doesn't want to lose you? In that case I better don't want to imagine what kind of wife you have.
  8. And with the bar girls it's likely that you have sex. A lot of it, and just the way you like it (otherwise you would have chosen another one).
  9. That depends. Most of the time I am happy with one of them. But sometimes the choice is difficult, and it happened that I bought 4 girls at the same time drinks. It was a lot of fun. But to stay with the theme of this thread, I didn't marry them - not even one of them.
  10. Yes, there are. But are they better than the bar girls? Obviously you will be able you married a good girl. But that's about it.
  11. Looking at your previous posts it seems you are the one who thinks girls should entertain you for free. And then you found out more than once that this didn't work out. I guess you will marry a cashier...
  12. Why? Do you like it? Would you miss it? Your financial situation is perfectly fine for Thailand. Why do you hesitate? And it seems there is no reason for you not to try. Live here for 18 months and see how you like it and how much you miss the USA. Many of us live in Thailand because we want to live in Thailand, not because it is cheaper than elsewhere. I wouldn't want to live anywhere only because it's cheaper.
  13. What does it mean to "OutWalked Your Thai Dog"? Is it also possible to InWalk a dog? And when is a dog a Thai dog? Does it depend on the race or the place of birth or what?
  14. I think it's the same, just from a different perspective. Like some people call some people freedom fighters, others call the same people terrorists.
  15. Some people believe that there is an old guy in the sky who made everything and knows everything. But obviously that is serious and no superstition ... ????
  16. Probably the police removed them so that the well known "real" dealers can do business again and pay the BiB their commission. Or the taxi mafia complained that they can't park anymore.
  17. I am confused. Not long ago he told us he wants to play with his grandchildren. He also said he doesn't care if he goes to jail. Can't he play with his grandchildren depending on the prime minister? Why is he constantly lying?
  18. 555 That was what he announced about a week or two ago. Because he didn't do what he promised maybe a month ago. And he didn't do that because he promised something else before. By now he promised at least 20 times (20!) when we will return. Why do people still pay attention what this serial liar utters?
  19. You wrote: "Back in the 80's, when someone gave you their word, or made a promise it meant something. Now people lie as easily as look at you." Should we just accept that as the truth because you said it? Or are we allowed to disagree with you?
  20. That reminds me of the good old times in the "Australian Embassy". I am sure some of you will remember that place...
  21. Really? Was that happening all over the world or only in some areas, i.e. "back home" where we grew up? I have and had friends and business partners who I could trust. Their word means something. And then there are of course other who I wouldn't trust - not just now and here.
  22. The images will not be removed. Googles search engine will not show them anymore. That is a huge difference.
  23. It's not my questions. It's the headline or this thread.
  24. In a way, I think "Are people better now or back in the 1980's?" can't be answered. If we would have a time machine and transport people from the 1980th to now they would not understand the world. And if we use the time machine to transport young people from now back to the 80th they also wouldn't understand the world. We are what we are in combination with the world around us. It can't easily be separated.
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