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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A farang friend check with his bank, I think SCB. They told him facial recognition is not working/used with farangs in the moment. Farangs can have 50k limit or they can sign a form in the bank to have (I am not sure) no limit or a very high limit.
  2. Until now I always renewed my motorcycle basic government insurance at a dealership where I bought a bike. I just called the boss but now he is not in charge anymore. Is there an online option like a website or an app to get/renew the basic insurance? Or do I have to go to a "shop"?
  3. He has (for old people in Germany free) government health insurance. But that is only valid in Germany, or by now probably in the EU. It is not valid in Thailand. Probably in his old age he won't be able to get a long-term health insurance for Thailand, and if he would be able to get it, then it would be very expensive. That is the same problem for many old people.
  4. Why do you have it on? For what? Personally I am pretty sure that the NSA and others know anyhow what we write and do. And I don't worry about any Thai ISP checking my torrents or anything like that.
  5. Can you tell me more about that? In which situations do people still expect to see a stamp? And what do they do if there is no stamp (if you know)?
  6. 99%of the time I don't use a VPN. I only use it if I want to look i.e. at the USA amazon page pretending I am over there. I use NordVPN. Until now it does the job.
  7. As far as I know from their doctor. They get it because they have a lot of pain.
  8. Thanks Before I registered the company, I made sure the .com domain was available, and I registered it already. I also checked if the co.th domain is available. I still have to register that. I guess by now I have enough company documents to register it.
  9. My accountant told me the rubber stamp is not necessary (anymore) and she advised me not to have one. So I have no stamp.
  10. Why would anybody give money to a guy on facebook who was not personally recommended or runs and official business? If people want to save money and take shortcuts, then they shouldn't be surprised when this doesn't work - the risk is high.
  11. I am in the process of setting up a Thai Ltd. company. Eventually I will be 49% shareholder and director or the company, with work permit. My long-term Thai gf is the second shareholder. I trust her. (Now a company needs only two shareholders. That changed over time.) I (think I) have a good accountant, who does all the initial work to setup the company, VAT, bank and many more things. There are many many documents to sign, obviously all in Thai. It's not easy to keep the overview. I asked the accountant, and she told me she keeps the original documents, and she scans them, and she keeps copies of the scans in the cloud. So it's unlikely that documents get lost. The question here for me is, which documents, or scans of documents, should I keep myself. I guess there are some important documents. Which? I don't want to keep hundreds of documents without knowing what is what. And I understand that my accountant doesn't translate everything for me. Which documents do you keep and/or check?
  12. Just looking at the link, this is "at birth". The life expectancy is a lot higher for people who are already 50, 60, 80 or whatever.
  13. I guess in most situations we don't have to plan much ahead. When we feel for an hour that we don't want to live anymore then maybe we should wait a little longer. If we feel for a week that we don't want to live anymore and there is no hope then it's up to us to act, or not, or maybe later. As far as I know people who are sick and everything hurts have often morphine at home. I know one guy with terminal cancer who said bye bye to everybody before he took a large dose. Another guy with health problems has a big stack of morphine at home. If he doesn't want to live anymore, he can end his life anytime with a deep sleep.
  14. No news on my Bangkok Post App.
  15. About the life expectancy: Many people get this wrong. If the average life expectancy is i.e. 70 that mean in average all people (maybe specific sex, location) live so long. People who die when they are 20 or 30 or any other age are part of the statistic. For that reason, if you are already 70, then your life expectancy is a lot more than the overall average. Here is one article about this: https://www.hsalist.org/resources/life-expectancy/male/70/
  16. It's also no problem for me, and I don't believe in any god. When I am dead, then I am dead. That's it. And until then I enjoy life. I have a couple of medical issues, i.e. diabetes. When I asked my doctor a couple of years ago about Covid he told me I am high risk. Finally, I think in 2022, I had Covid and I obviously remembered what my doctor said. And I thought: What now? And then I thought: All is fine. I lived until now the way I liked to live. If I die now, that's it. My Covid wasn't bad, and I didn't take any medication for that. And in a week it was gone. All fine. I don't know what I will do if I can't walk anymore. I guess life is still interesting. If it hurts every day and I have no fun at all anymore, then the balcony is not far. Let's think about that if I want to think about it.
  17. My idea was to give you something to start, like the Thai name. ดอกเราเตอร์ แกน Maybe search for that or similar items from the same manufacturer and/or seller.
  18. I guess that is what you are looking for: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/total-14-12-tacsr0104121-12-pcs-14-router-bits-set-i804702843-s1631400326.html You can also search for a picture of an item (in Englich) and then use that picture to search i.e. in Lazada.
  19. Yes, that reminds me of the father of a friend who might move to a home for old people in Thailand. Under normal conditions they can take care of him. But if he has a big medial problem, then what? That is a real problem.
  20. I agree with that. First of all, where do you want to live? In Bangkok? Or Pattaya or Hua Hin? Or somewhere up country? Do you have already any woman in mind who loves you so much and wants that you live with her in her village? Many of us, including myself, that that we know Thailand after staying here for a couple of months. And then, maybe 2 or 3 years later, we realize that we didn't really know it. And then 10 years later... You get the idea. If you think you want to live here maybe start by thinking you want to live here for a few months. If you still like it, then maybe for a year or two, and if you still like it, then stay. It seems too many make the mistake of deciding they want to live in Thailand, and if they don't really like it anymore, they feel like a failure for not living here forever. Don't do that. Keep your mind open that maybe you don't like it - for whatever reason. And I would suggest at least for the first two years or so make no long-term commitment. Don't buy a condominium, don't buy a house for your darling. Just live!
  21. Any food in any restaurant on that ship? I go relative often to a 5-start hotel buffet. I like it. But I am sure if I would only go to that place every single day for years, it would become boring. On the ship, I guess it would be faster boring. And about living on such a ship and (I guess) every few days another tourist city: Today 3h in Rome and tomorrow 5h in Venice. Is that holiday? For me, I don't think so.
  22. The only little contribution I can make is telling you that when you transfer money you can just call it "for purchase of a condominium" or something like that. You don't have to specify a building or unit.
  23. Cable is not that expensive. Why save 1000B on something like that?
  24. With the multimeter you should be able to see that is sends a voltage signal. But the signal can obviously be "wrong". And that is what you don't see with a multimeter.
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