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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The best is if you have a microphone which is steady in the same position in front of your mouth. Best are headsets.
  2. No, Albert Einstein looks like an intelligent person. Apart from that, you shouldn't take my comments, and probably many other, too serious. This is an internet forum for expats in Thailand, not a serious scientific conversation.
  3. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
  4. Maybe he should have managed his expectations. It's easy to avoid Thai jail. Follow Thai laws.
  5. I buy a lot from JIB. I especially like the fact that they deliver almost anything within 3 hours.
  6. I understand that sane people run away from crazies like Dylan Mulvaney or Lia Thomas. Many ladyboys in Thailand are just like normal people, my neighbor is one of them.
  7. https://www.tcstools.com/ I bought lots of great tools from them. Sometime I also send them an email asking for certain tools and normally they answer fast with sensible suggestions. The prices are according to the quality of the tools.
  8. If you have a work permit then you need, as far as I know, a couple of Thai employees. I was told this is what they check from time to time.
  9. There are lots of unpleasant dogs. But I think that is no reason to dislike dogs in general.
  10. I am since forever together with my gf. Most of the time we are happy and likely we will stay together until we die. In the time since we are together, I saw lots of couples marry and then divorce. It seems the marriage didn't help.
  11. If both love each other they can stay together and enjoy their time together. There is no need to marry and with that important financial decisions. I don't know if some men think when they marry a woman that that binds the woman to them, like now she is mine. No, that is not the case. And if she insist that you marry her now then think about why. Why can't she live another year with you without marriage?
  12. But do you want that? Especially in Thailand. It might be nice to be married to a woman from a rich family. But imagine you have some misunderstanding. And she tells her dad that you are so mean to her. Now what will her rich, and probably influential dad do?
  13. I agree. If you have a broken arm, then probably you can go to many places. With a bad heart you better think twice. And obviously think about what you can afford.
  14. Luckily all the important parts will come with my first delivery. If a front panel or two are a little late that is no big deal. And I will assemble it myself. By now I saw enough construction workers who are not even able to put a screw straight into anything and then use a drill to overwind (not sure if that is the correct word) them.
  15. This is just FYI, in case anybody wants to order a kitchen from IKEA. I used since some time the IKEA online planning tool to configure my new kitchen with lots of details. Now their promotion ends, so I thought it's time to press that button and order everything. That didn't work as expected. After I had everything ready configured, I pressed continue. It showed me that there are warnings, but no details about which warnings. Then one more time continue, and I expected an order form. Instead of that I had the choices of making an appointment or visiting the store. Interesting. Luckily IKEA has a hotline, so I called them. And within maybe 3 minutes I talked to a human who spoke English. Good. I asked how I can order online, and they told me to do that I have to order each item from my kitchen one by one. With over 100 single items that is a lot of work. So I asked them if there is another way. Yes, I can visit the store and then the employees over there type everything in. Great. So I had another look at my list of items (pdf) and then thought about if I should spend 2h in the traffic to the store or do some computer work. I decided for the computer work, and I used Excel to reduce the original 8 page order to a list with 28 different items. The list of the kitchen configurator lists every single cabinet and then details like drawers, fronts, etc. Instead of showing 4 x Cabinet A then list it 4 times, and all the details 4 times. So I had to convert this to a list like: 4 x cabinet 60cm wide, 8 big drawers, etc. Ok, I made that list with Excel. And then, to add all the parts to the order form, I created search links like this: https://www.ikea.com/th/en/search/?q=002.710.96 With that I could easily search and add to the cart - one item at the time. I had to go to the cart to change if I wanted 3 or 5 of the same. With most items that worked fine, but a few were not in stock. I looked for a button like preorder or remind-me-when-in-stock or something like that. No. So I called the hotline again. No, they don't have any possibility to preorder or let me know when things are in stock again. I should just try from time to time. Great. So I ordered everything which I wanted and which was in stock. Delivery Thursday afternoon. I ordered all this this morning. And then I wrote an email to them asking one more time about preorder and I included a list of the items which I still need. This afternoon I received an answer that items x and y are in stock now, they were not in stock this morning. And for other items they included estimated arrival dates for new stock within this week. Wonderful. So I tried to order the things which were in stock this afternoon but not this morning. And I could actually order them. I asked for delivery on the same day and time like my order from this morning. Sure, but the same 290B delivery cost like this morning. The hotline also told me that they will deliver to my apartment in a high floor, not just to outside of the building. So let's see how the delivery and rest order will work out.
  16. About the drones: I spend a lot of time to research everything I could find about frames, ESCs, motors, flight controllers and flight controller software, batteries, RC controls, and and and. And then I built two drones and made sure they are properly configured. And then I learned to fly. And then I spend my time with other things... For me the goal was clearly to build them and not so much to fly them. That was in 2016 when FTP Racing quads just appeared. I guess by now most people will buy the ready-made products. So whatever you do, ask yourself in which part of the hoppy you are really interested in... This is from my favorite pilot, Mr. Steele, one of the best in this world.
  17. Forget about that walking and just drink beer - just like everybody else. Everything will be fine. ????
  18. In my experience those updates, at least for Windows, happen more often. Most of the time my PC is on. Part of that time the monitor is sleeping and part of the time the PC is sleeping. And about downloading something from Pirate Bay. You don't have to do that permanently. You can also connect again on the next day or a week later. When I want something urgent then I let it run. But often the download parts are just not available at some time. Then just try again later.
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