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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I wonder if his daughter really wants to be PM, and be a servant of her father? Maybe she is happy that she wasn't elected. Maybe soon she can live a quiet life away from dirty politics.
  2. Good idea! I bought one of those some time ago. And I right away installed a different firmware (to run it with Home Assistant). Maybe I should have tried the original first... I will buy another one or two.
  3. Thanks The last Raspberry Pi which I bought was less than 3,000B. Now it seems they cost at least 3 times as much...
  4. Yesterday a nurse in a hospital tested me for Covid. She put that little stick up my nose as if she was trying to reach my brain? It hurt. Is that really necessary to have a valid test? Would it be good enough to put that stick just a little bit up the nose?
  5. Boris was like that since before he entered politics. It's amazing that anybody ever thought he could be a decent prime minister. He lied for all his life. He cheated all his life. Why did people vote for that guy? Amazing UK.
  6. Maybe he should propose a deal: He returns all the billions and he will be allowed to live somewhere in a village in Isan together with his family - working on a rice farm. That could be interesting.
  7. Because obviously it's all about him and not about the grandchildren. But the gullible Thaksin fanboys will love the story of the caring grandfather. He always wanted to be portrayed as the selfless supporter of the poor and innocent...
  8. Thanks, that goes in the right direction. And it gives me a name for what I am looking for. I guess I am looking for basic network monitoring hardware and software, maybe based on an ESP32 or something similar. In the moment I don't have any PC on that network, and I don't want to install a PC just for running such monitoring software.
  9. I there some little device which can be connected to a router or maybe WLAN which monitors the internet? And maybe shows an alarm on an app if the internet or WLAN doesn't work? I guess I could create something like that with an ESP32. But I am sure someone else invented that already. And maybe they sell it cheap on Lazada or AliExpress or similar. But what is the name of such a device? Any ideas? Recently the electricity was off in a place which I don't visit regularly and because of that the internet was off. I didn't notice for a few days. With a little device and app like described above that should be easy to detect and monitor.
  10. There is one very good local source for information: Ask the motorcycle taxi guys in your Soi. They will know where to go and they will bring you there if you like.
  11. I wonder how many of the women who rejected him inside the show tried to see him after the show without the publicity. There is a huge difference between what "modern women" pretend and what the really want.
  12. Obviously many bar girls want money. That's their job! But IMHO some are also happy just to have a friendly conversation - just like ordinary people.
  13. Bunnies should never eat bread. Bread is bad for them! Hay is perfect!
  14. My Thai is reasonable. When I ride with a taxi the driver often starts a conversation. If I am in the mood, then maybe we talk for 5 minutes or until the end of the ride. They ask questions about me and my life and I ask them questions about their life. I remember reading "How to win friends and influence people" decades ago. One advice was: Ask people to tell you about their live stories. Most people are happy to do that. And they will be happy that they had this conversation with them.
  15. Yesterday I saw a video from two online celebrities talking to each other and talking about the bad state of mind of many people. They also talked about role models, or the lack thereof. The online celebrity woman said she has no online role model. And it seems she was somehow sad or maybe surprised about that fact. But it seems it didn't cross her mind that maybe she should look offline. Do you know any real people who you admire? Why do people search for online role models when the online world is obviously full of narcissists?
  16. I would try to analyze the situation: Did the burglar take the obvious things? I.e. maybe a notebook or phone in the middle of the room? Or was something stolen which was "hidden"? Maybe a watch in a drawer. Or some documents? Was something expensive and in the open not stolen? Would a casual thief, maybe a drug addict, take what was taken? Or was there more to it?
  17. I never felt lonely here. If I would feel lonely, I could just go out of the building and chat with the motorcycle riders, or some food vendors. Or I could sit in the lobby of my building. I am sure someone would talk to me. If I would be in a village I could go to the market or a temple. Or in other places maybe I would talk with people on the beach. I imagine that some people feel like you describe if they have a certain attitude. It seems many foreigners just know that they are better than Thais. They know everything better and do all work better. And they are not shy to let those underdeveloped beings know that they are not so good. Yes, people with such attitudes might be lonely.
  18. Obviously there might be some cases which are not straightforward. My original reply was to someone who wrote it is more and more difficult for farangs in Thailand. And that is still something I disagree with. Individual immigration officers might be annoying. But overall, it is not difficult for us to stay legally in Thailand.
  19. About 2500 drug suspects were killed when he was in charge. Few of us will miss the drug dealers, but it seems too many of those dead people were called suspects so that the police could claim that they did a good job. There was definitely a lot of injustice. How many innocent people were killed will probably never come out. He has a lot of blood on his hands. That is clear.
  20. I am always confused where these impressions come from. I felt welcome in Thailand under any government. I don't blame them for having immigration laws. Every country has these laws. And many of us would hope those laws would be more radical "back home". Obviously, some regulations, like reporting every 90 days, feel a little stupid. But come on, that and a yearly visa renewal is maybe one day inconvenience per year to stay in Thailand. I don't think that is a problem.
  21. I am happy to wave whatever leaves at the prison entrance when they drag him in, screaming and crying. ????
  22. I wonder if he ever things about how wonderful life could have been for him in Thailand as a revered statesman if he wouldn't have been so greedy.
  23. When you sign an insurance contract then you sign that you allow everyone who ever treated you to release all the information. And you have to answer all their questions correctly. You might think: that short visit at the doctor a couple of years ago doesn't matter. And maybe it doesn't. But maybe the insurance thinks otherwise. I think the principle is easy to understand. If you visit a doctor now because you have a cold and you want the money for that visit back, then don't worry. But if you plan an expensive heart operation then you can be sure the insurance will check your past records for anything they can use against you. And if it is important then expect them to dig, and dig deep.
  24. If he would have returned 10 years ago then he would be soon out of prison. Maybe a few years more. If he returns now, then maybe they let him out at his 90th birthday - if he behaves. Come on Thaksin, come back! Don't just talk too much as usual. Do it!
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