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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There is a huge difference between being unhappy and traveling to Bangkok and put up huge barricades and stay there for months. Someone has to pay for it. Most people will not stop working to protest. They can't afford it. And looking at the past whoever pays for protests does this to get more power and or more money. It has little to nothing to do with politics for the majority of the people or helping the poor.
  2. It was mentioned in below thread and at other times in this forum. If people, including foreigners, work for Thai companies for some time and the employer pays for social security then, as far as I know, these people can continue to pay into social security after their employment. And with that they continue to have Thai health coverage. How does this work? Where to apply when with which documents? What are the limitations?
  3. Monetary politics like give me money tomorrow and don't think about the future. It's like all the people who are delighted when that nice loan shark gives them money. And then later they wonder why they constantly pay money back and still have no money.
  4. Great idea! Come home, go to jail, and give all your money to your grandchildren. And please don't involve them in politics if you care about them. And if you live long enough not to die in jail then maybe you will be able to live in a decade or two together with your grandchildren. Come home. Now. You will get free accommodation and food for years. We are waiting for you! What are you waiting for?
  5. So why don't Thais vote for honest and competent politicians? Why do they again and again vote for the same crooks or their family and expect a good result. That doesn't make any sense - at least it doesn't make sense if people think about it for at least a few seconds.
  6. Your view is obviously a little skewed. Here is a picture of one of the many red-shirt barricades. Not organized? Not financed? For months? Yeah, sure, continue to live in your bubble.
  7. I guess it depends a lot on the price for the service. I.e. some time ago I asked my insurance how much they would charge for dental cover. They would cover it. But the limitations were so severe that best case the insurance would cost what they would pay for in the worst case (for them). So it didn't make any sense for me to pay for that extra.
  8. Democracy? Is it democracy when people vote for a party who promised them each 10,000B if people vote for that party? The idea about democracy was some time ago that highly qualified people stand for election and that people with knowledge and experience voted for the best of them. That was obviously a long time before the internet and social media and idiots voting for lying entertainers. What is now supposed to be democracy is best case a bad joke. I can't respect uninformed crowds who vote again and again for known crooks and then expect that those crooks form a competent honest government. Which part is so difficult to understand that if you vote for corrupt crooks then you will have corrupt crooks as your leaders who do what corrupt crooks do. A hint: They don't do what is good for the people. So much about the current state of democracy - not only in Thailand.
  9. And let's not forget that at least some of these protests are well organized and well financed. Now who is doing that? The poor grassroot people? Or some rich people of groups with certain interests. Personally I don't see that Thais have much interest in protest - unless they are paid to protest or maybe teenagers who like the thrill.
  10. I am not sure about HomePro, but there are many shops which have the ACs separated by manufacturer. And they have a sales person for that manufacturer only - at least it seems like that. So if the sales guy from brand A talks with you he will sell you something from brand A, because he will get commission for that brand. Even if he knows that brand B might be better (in general or in your case) he has no incentive to point that out. If you want to believe the sales guys then I suggest you should at least find a shop with sales guys who don't just work for one manufacturer. Look if they tell you about different brands and different features. If they only want to sell you one brand, then I think that is a very bad sign. Different brands and models have maybe differences like they can be remote controlled by your mobile phone. Maybe you like that feature, or maybe you don't care at all. Look at the differences and decide what is important for you. There is no such thing as "the best".
  11. That's obvious, and not only in Thailand. That is why young women can sell themselves for lots of money (hourly pay of marrying a rich guy or whatever) to the highest bidder.
  12. You need a OBD2 module with Bluetooth and a mobile phone. That's all you need. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/gracestoreelm327-obd2-scanner-i1544678691-s4121606765.html With that you will be able to read lots of information from cars and modern motorcycles. Most of these information are current information about the (running) engine, maybe ABS, and things like that. Maybe you will be able to get additional information like the milage, but I think that depends on the car manufacturer. This will give you an idea which information you will be able to read: OBD-II PIDs - Wikipedia What you will be able to read depends mostly on the car or bike and not on the adapter (see above). Likely you won't be able to see more information with a more expensive adapter. This is one possible App to see the available info: Torque Pro (OBD 2 & Car) - Apps on Google Play
  13. I think many parents are to blame. When I was young, including a teenager, I was drinking mostly tea or milk at home. And proper cooked "traditional" food. The kind of food which people consumed since forever. Now it seems many parents give their kids coke and similar drinks whenever they want. And KFC and all that. Nobody should be surprised if there are negative consequence. It's still possible to live healthy and eat yummy food. It's up to us if we do that.
  14. Thanks. That is exactly what I will do - independent of any (additional) "good" health insurance. Having the Thai social security is definitely a lot better than having nothing. Do you, or anybody else here, have information how to continue with that Thai social security cover? I "know" about that principle since years, but I never looked into the details because I never needed to. Now it's time to look at the details...
  15. You wrote: "The woman has sacrificed 11 years of her life" Why do you think that? Maybe those were the best 11 years of her life. Or maybe only 10 great years and then one bad year. Maybe he sacrificed many years of his life. Or maybe they were just not compatible after some time.
  16. I am sure she will be able to sell durian independent of her clothes. Thais love durian. But she will be able to sell more if she motivates more customers to buy. That's marketing 101 - nothing wrong with that.
  17. Maybe read an article or two about ACs. Or watch some YouTube videos. Then you will understand it better and that will help you to buy it and understand what they are selling to you. It seems now you have about no idea of what you really want, and anybody could sell you anything. That is a very bad position.
  18. Here you can look up the price over many years. Don't ask me how accurate that information is, but it is better than nothing. https://www.fazwaz.com/
  19. If you want to live in one place for a long time and you want that that place is exactly like you want it and something like that is not available for rent, then buy it and renovate it the way you want it or build it new. If you buy anything don't expect to rent it out constantly for a good price. And don't expect that you will ever be able to sell it in reasonable time for a reasonable price. It might happen, but don't count on it.
  20. It seems I have to spell it out for you. I absolutely don't want to see any more of Thaksin and his family and his party. I am also happy if Prayut is not in charge anymore. And if anybody wants to prosecute him then please go ahead. This covers A and B. Now the big question is: Will many Thai people even try to vote for anybody who is not a well-known crook? Or a family member of a well-known crook? Will the majority even think about that there are many more options? I have my doubts.
  21. Apart from Covid, which we can't even blame Thaksin of Prayut for, I liked it more after Thaksin and his little sister. I liked and still like especially that is it quiet on the streets. No red-shirts, not fires, no no-go-zones in the middle of the city. If Thaksin and his party come back to power, what do people expect? Peace? Happiness for all Thai people? Or can we expect that he will try to divide the people even more? And obviously he wants revenge against all those people which he blames for his departure from Thailand - instead of looking in the mirror and admitting that there were good reasons why he was convicted to jail. I really don't want to see Thaksin back in power and history repeating itself and then telling you: I told you so. Please, no more Thaksin!
  22. I asked the insurance but not the HR yet. That is a good idea. I will ask them. Thanks!
  23. Thanks Sheryl maybe I will be able to stay with the current insurance contract a little longer, maybe even 10 years longer. But because that is a group contract for one company it is likely that at some stage that company and group contract won't exist anymore. So at some stage I have to change to a new insurance (contract) or be not insured at all. Now, with age below 60, it might be difficult to change to a new company/contract and with exclusions. I guess in 10 years it will likely be impossible. So, I have to choose between bad and worse.
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