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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I live in Bangkok in a tourist area. I am one of the "locals". I know the taxi no meter and they know me and maybe we say hello to each other, but they won't hassle me. I see how they and others every minute of the day hassle tourists. It seems to me nobody likes tourists. Vendors like the money and they like that many tourists don't know the local prices. But that's it. And I don't want to be such a tourist. If we travel anywhere, we are tourist. We are the stupid new arrivals who don't know where to go and how much to pay. Personally, I don't like that. So I don't travel to foreign places, and I am not one of those tourist.
  2. Define "one spot" I live for 20 years in Bangkok, and I am sure even if I travel the next 20 years within Bangkok, I still won't have seen every spot of it.
  3. 9.5 out of 10? Show a picture or it never happened. ????
  4. As far as I am concerned the only reason to move to Isaan, or the desert, would be an exceptional woman. But then, which exceptional woman would want to live in such a place?
  5. Why not? Ok, would you think about living somewhere in the desert? Probably not. Same same...
  6. What's the point? Does anybody except old men want to talk to you at those festivities? I think it's a lot more fun to be surrounded by girls who like to make us happy. And no, it doesn't have to be the same bar every night. Why restrict yourself to one?
  7. What is smarter to do for a woman: work to make money or select the right guy who will work to make money?
  8. And? Who put it there? I would be surprised is the guy with the magnets posted it. And if the doctor published it without permission, then I hope he will be prosecuted. Otherwise, next I go to Nana and then see a doctor and suddenly I see a picture of a body part published...
  9. And what happens if Americans vote again for Trump?
  10. Here you can find prices for basically anything connected to construction: https://www.onestockhome.com/
  11. If you want to say something, then say it. What's the point of *** and ... ? If you want to be ruled by the criminal fugitive that is not my problem.
  12. Did the doctor ask the patient for permission to publish this information? Obviously people should not cheat when they gamble. But even if they do that that doesn't give any doctor the right to publish this info without permission.
  13. Believe it or not, lots of girls like to play the photo model. But obviously it's up to you which pictures you take and what you publish. Better less than more is definitely a good idea.
  14. If anybody has the absolute majority in politics, then they have the right to rule. But obviously they still have to follow the laws and the constitution. And the politicians are still subjects to the laws. If they do something unlawful, then they should be prosecuted and convicted. That seems to be a problem in Thailand.
  15. It seems most pictures, not just from girls, are somewhere from the internet. Linking to those pictures or putting copies of those pictures in other publications is what "everybody" seems to do. And like I wrote earlier: I have some pictures which I made myself, but I never published them or plan to do that in the future. They are just personal memories.
  16. About "small bikes". You don't have to look at the sad ending.
  17. That reminds me of my first girlfriend in Bangkok. We had the good times and sometime the not so good times. And then one day there was the big crisis - I don't remember what it was. And then she decided in such crisis there is only one way to solve it. She asked me to follow her and then we arrive at this fortune teller lady... Sorry, I don't remember the end of the story, that was over 20 years ago. But I still remember that she decided that was the best possible way to solve the problem. And it didn't end up with me paying lots of money or anything like that.
  18. That is definitely an interesting question.
  19. About the grapevine in Nana. Before the invention of the mobile phones, it seemed the girls knew everything, or at least everything they wanted to know. If a guy had a gf in one bar and he walked into another bar, then likely his gf knew it even before he sat down.
  20. I have to admit I never rode 200km/h with my bike. It had the restriction removed, but I never tried. Just the acceleration and especially the sound were fun.
  21. Do you have a work permit with that company? Sometimes, I don't know how often, the authorities want to see pictures from the registered address rooms. Just anything will probably not work.
  22. I know a Thai woman who bought a storeroom, about 4sqm size, in a condominium and her company is registered at that address. Maybe you are able to find something similar. In that case there are no foreigners and no work permit involved.
  23. Yes But it seems the masses prefer people who talk a lot and promise a lot.
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