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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That is definitely something that happens. If we expect A and hear B, then B is not part of what we expect. Apart from that, I know many foreigners who live since many years in Thailand, and they speak Thai. And 90% of their conversations are with their wife/gf or other people who talk to them all the time. And those people who listen to them all the time understand their Thai. But then, if the same people with their "family Thai" use that language with another Thai person, then that suddenly does not work anymore. A little wrong pronunciation is enough for no understanding. I heard a couple of those guys in restaurants. The Thai staff try to understand them, but often the pronunciation is so bad that they just don't understand. And then they switch to English. And yes, I include myself in above. My gf understands my Thai. Some other Thais understand it as well, but others not so much. I don't blame Thais if they don't understand my Thai.
  2. First, I wanted to write an answer simply: No. But when I read about above, I remembered one of those. I forgot to give her money, and she thought I gave the money already to the mama-san. Then, later that day I remembered that I didn't pay. She was not the kind who accepts remote payment per credit card. So, I visited her again and paid also for my previous visit. All fine.
  3. It seems you are looking down to your monitor. Not good!
  4. It seems to me you look at the wrong place to solve your neck problems. I.e. the height of the monitor compared to your head makes a big difference to your neck. Do you look straight or up or down? Or maybe at an angle? And do you sit comfortably? Or do you sit in a position which is comfortable enough for your body but then you have to told your head in a way that hurts your neck? Maybe look up some article or videos about body position and sitting at a desk and positioning of monitor, keyboard, etc. And maybe let someone else look at you when you sit on your PC. Do you sit in the way the experts recommend? And maybe let that other person look at you not only after you sit there 5 min. Try an hour later or maybe several hours later. Maybe you sink into your chair when you get tired.
  5. I use Microsoft or Logitech ergonomic mouse or trackball since years. They cost roughly between 1000B to 3000B and I used them all for years. I think everybody should make sure they have comfortable input devices for their computer which they use every day. Even if the 3000B mouse would only last one year, that less than 10B per day. I think that is a good investment in our health.
  6. Ok, great. But then I am confused that you mention your neck's titanium disks. How are they related to work with mouse and keyboard? You write about neck and shoulder pain, not about arm, wrist, pain in the hands, etc.
  7. That is certainly a good point. If you have a good seat, then you can sit and relax. Then use a decent ergonomic keyboard and mouse and all should be fine.
  8. Did you try something high quality like the Logitech Trackball? You don't have to move your arm at all. And your wrist is in a natural position.
  9. So, they are only 99.41% corrupt ant not 100%? Sounds about right.
  10. There are transsexuals out there. And in Thailand they still make a difference between real women and trans-women. I think that is fair enough.
  11. If they would grow up with caring parents, then they would not even think about providing sex for money.
  12. Maybe, maybe not. But we can be sure their parent made some big mistakes or didn't care at all.
  13. One or two officials will walk around, watch for a minute, and declare mission accomplished. And all will be fine again. 😉
  14. 75% secret service 25% traditional service only So where are the shops which prominently offer sex services without any secret? Another 200%?
  15. I believe many of those suicides are real. In other countries when people want to kill themselves, they have to think about how they can do that, then maybe buy something, etc. It takes time. In Thailand, the next balcony with low rail is everywhere - at least in the cities. From the moment that someone wants to die to the moment he actually dies is maybe only minutes.
  16. I knew a guy who upset the wrong people, not a gf. He was scared all the time, and then he left Thailand. Live another day and all that. I heard about enough upset girlfriends, but I never heard about anything drastic actually happening in or after such a relationship. But farangs with a big mouth who want to do "Thai" business and/or who borrow money from the wrong people, their life expectancy is limited.
  17. Just in case anybody wants to see a little more about that area. In general, Bangkok Pat seems to be well informed.
  18. You didn't have to move. You, or maybe the alpha in your relationship, decided to move. Maybe start with that issue. If you figure that out it should help you, and not just with the location of your home. I also gave you a sad emoji. And not because I have any problem with On Nut - but obviously I live in a cooler part of the town. 😉
  19. Good. When they close then there will be more guests for the other restaurants. It seems all the time new restaurants open and all the time some people think they can make a lot of money with them. Think again! It's hard work and just doing the same as everybody else is not good enough. There are lots of good restaurants out there which exist since many years and people go there again and again because the quality is good, the service is good, and the prices are not too high. Many restaurants wouldn't fail if the owners or investors would think twice before they open them.
  20. What is the point of all this? Do blacks only make politics for blacks and whites for whites and women for women and gays for gays or how does that work. I thought they are all Americans and should all make politics for all Americans and America. It seems many over there make a problem out of something which shouldn't be a problem.
  21. "Ex-Pats targeted on Sky Train" What a stupid headline. Nobody is targeting ex-pats. If you want to be a group of targeted people, then call it old foreigners in Thailand who think they deserve a discount. I am an expat, and I am not targeted. How much tax do you pay, or did you pay in Thailand? Do you think you deserve to get a discount? And are you so poor that you can't afford the very reasonable adult price for a ticket? Stop whining!
  22. In 6 months I changed my job, it's great, I earn so much more. In 12 months I really have to work in this new job. I was so used to an easy life in the office. They told me they will fire me if I don't work harder. Some time later They fired me. Now I don't know how to pay for the house and the car and the credit card bills. Life is not fair. To be continued
  23. Did he spend any time looking at the different options before he started his "career"?
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