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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I don't post pictures of my wife. But long time ago, when I met her, she was at least as cute as the one from the picture. A small brown Buriram girl. πŸ˜‰
  2. How heavy are you? Many of those variable height stools like in the picture fail soon. I bought this one from IKEA. IMHO it is comfortable to sit, they have a rest for the feet, and this height adjust mechanism is very sturdy.
  3. And talk with some girls and ask them who tells them what to do. Their mothers do that. What the mother tells them to do in none-negotiable. If they father says something, that is more like a suggestion. Men and women are different. They often aspire to do different things. And they get what they want in different ways.
  4. How many bricklayers are female in those modern countries? If not at least 40% of them are female, is that a problem? Lots of women don't want to go to the army. I know women who own companies and have good jobs like lawyers, doctors, etc. Many women are boss at home. They manage the money, they decide what the children do, etc. Men and women are different. And men and women often want to do different things. Like: There are more female nurses and there are more male construction workers and engineers. Because that is typical male and female. They can do other things - if they want to.
  5. I work at home and outside of home. She is most of the time at home, or maybe she visits her family up country for a few days. Most of the time we are together, and we like to be together.
  6. They can setup a Thai company and own 49%. And this company would own the bar. Then any company business is exactly that, company business. Nobody can just take money out of the company. The company could be setup with multiple independent Thai people, i.e. 3 with each 17%. It is possible to do this in a smart way - if people want to do that and are willing to pay for it.
  7. Do they want to work? Or do they want to get away from "home" or him?
  8. My gf does the cooking and cleaning and all that. It has to be done, and I don't want to do it. The alternative would be to hire a maid. My gf does not have much formal education. She would only be able to get a job which is not well paid, or a job in the night life industry. She and I don't work that she works at night. And there is no point that she works in a minimum wage job so that we can use the money to pay for a maid. When I met her and we got together, it was perfectly clear that this would be the scenario. I like it, she likes it, all is fine.
  9. Who of us would "buy" a business back home in the name of someone else? And maybe that someone else is someone with another language which we can't speak and can't write. It's a stupid idea. And there are enough guys out there who did this stupid idea and can confirm that it is a stupid idea. So why do it? Because my one is different?
  10. Obviously, there is a difference between what is legally allowed and what is possible. If I own (1% up to 100%) a company, and I give someone else the key to the safe or the ATM card or the password to transfer money out of the account, then this is a risk. If the farang does not trust that person, then he shouldn't take that risk. But at far as I seen this this is a civil case, he can't go to the police and ask them to arrest his business partner.
  11. First, I watched only the first minute or so where the farang lists the amount which the Thai person "used". How did the Thai person get the money? Cash from customers? Deduct/transfer money from the bank? Later I saw that the owner is not really the owner. Maybe he paid for everything, but he is not the official owner. That is obviously a bad idea - already since decades.
  12. Try IKEA Buy Bar Tables & Chairs Online - Dining Room Funiture - IKEA Maybe it's not what you want, but at least it will give you some ideas. I bought two chairs for my kitchen. My gf likes one which has a big cushion. I prefer the one just wood. It's definitely a good idea to try to sit on them to find out what you like.
  13. Maybe he tried to escape from them. Like: Leave me alone!
  14. Just looking at the two candidates, there is no doubt that Kamala Harris is the better person. But then, there is also politics. Obviously, the GOP has some bad politics. But the DEMs have also lots of crazy woke and DEI politics. IMHO woke is often just crazy, and I understand why people don't want to vote for a party with those crazy woke ideas. But then, is it so bad so that the alternative, GOP and Trump, is any better? Why is there not a sane party and candidate in the center? No woke crap, and also no right-wing ideas.
  15. The missing son definitely looks very vulnerable. Help me to find my innocent child!
  16. The Thai: "everything my name" Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? Moron!
  17. I only heard the beginning: Frang accusing a Thai that the Thai is taking lots of money out of the bar - apparently with the knowledge of the farang. Why did he allow that to happen? If he allowed it, then it's clearly his fault. And if he didn't allow it then the farang should have gone to the police and report the thief.
  18. Is it normal that an official organization follows a request to find an adult person, and "volunteer" indicates that this might happen for free? Is there any indication a crime might have happened? I wonder how the concerned father will feel if he finds his son, enjoying his life to the fullest.
  19. 555 And I guess you have a gold frame for the same price. Yeah, sure.
  20. Alex Jones? I thought we are supposed to use only somewhat reliable sources.
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