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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. As far as I know, not too many men like super thin fashion models. Victoria's Secret Angles are pretty much according to the taste of many men - and they have little to do with ordinary fashion models.
  2. Obviously we all have different tastes. And it seems the beauty standards are different all over the world. But let's stay in Thailand. Go in any bar and look which girls the guys pick first. Here is a hint: They don't choose first the old and ugly women. For me personally I don't find all girls below 20 sexy. Some are, some not. And the same is the true for girls over 20. Some are sexy, some not. But somewhere maybe above 30 there are only very few which I would call sexy.
  3. I wrote that already many times: My alternative is an honest competent leader. I don't know why Thai people prefer corrupt liars. Abhisit was, as far as I know, a decent politician. But Thais didn't want him. It seems part of what they didn't like was that Abhisit was smart and educated.
  4. I never met him. How about you? I used that picture as an example of old guy with sexy girl. As far as I see it there are basically two groups of guys: a) Guys who like sexy girls and are not too shy to be seen with them. b) Guys who like sexy girls but pretend they don't. Some of them repeated that often enough that they believe it themselves.
  5. I am not the one who repeatedly votes for the same corrupt politicians.
  6. How often do I have to repeat it: If lots of uniformed idiots decide then don't expect a decent result. That's why rocket scientist study and write exams. They are not elected by the masses.
  7. I think his biggest problem is his definition of children. These are children: These are teenages:
  8. I would prefer a democracy which does not allow serial liars to stand for any election. And I would prefer a democracy in which only informed people can vote. The problem in many countries in this world is that too many uniformed idiots vote for too many liars. Obviously it would be very difficult to solve this problem. But this is what I think.
  9. To be clear: I, together with many others, welcomed the last two coups which removed Thaksin and his clone. I also gave soft drinks to those friendly soldiers on the street.
  10. I understand your point. And I am sure it is difficult to change Thailand. But I don't think it is impossible. I still have hope that one day Thais will be fed up with corrupt leaders. I don't know if that will happen in the next 100 years. And then there is another point which, IMHO, is important. We can agree that all of them are more or less corrupt. But some are better in hiding this and others do it plainly in the open and brag about it. I prefer the guys who take their envelopes and are quiet about it. Thaksin became famous for his blatant show that he could do whatever he wanted. He rubbed it in the face of everybody that he is above the law - at least that is what he thought. That is definitely part of the reason why he is my least favorite.
  11. He probably thinks she waited a year before she did this bad thing which people should not do and best not even think about.
  12. I want a competent honest government. But it seems that is not what the majority of Thai people want. And looking at this forum it seems lots of farangs also want that criminal fugitive back. Strange.
  13. Let me try to explain it in another way: There is another politician on this earth, he has about 70 million supporters. He was already president and maybe he will become again president. Do I like that? No. Even if 100 million people would elect him, I would still think he is a maniac - to use a nice word. It seems the fact that many people, maybe even a majority of people, support one person does not mean this person is suitable for the job. IMHO it is sad to see how many idiots vote for crooks and expect to have a decent government.
  14. I can't answer your questions. But I heard enough stories from Thais how they think things should be. And the mother making lots of money so that the grandparents can take care of her children is part of it. Don't ask me why. In general I think there are so many aspects of Thai culture which don't make much sense to most of us. We can observe and see how things are. But understand? I don't even try to understand it anymore. It just is.
  15. Why? Is it better to be controlled by greedy corrupt business families?
  16. What do you think do most guys think about Hugh Hefner in that position? Do they think: He should sit with a woman of his own age? Or do they more likely think: I wish I would be next to her.
  17. There are bits and bytes. 1 byte = 8 bits. or 1000 bits = 125 bytes. That is probably part of the explanation. In advertisements and text bits and bytes are often just a b or a B. Not same, different.
  18. I received more than enough attention with my sexy young girlfriend some time ago. Did I care? No. Because I am sure most guys would be happy to be with a sexy girl. And obviously most women don't like competition. Do you really think about what other people think or point at when you select the girl you want to go out with? If you really do that then, IMHO, grow some balls.
  19. Yes, I liked that Thaksin was removed. It would have been better if the courts would have removed him, but obviously they didn't dare to do that. And the fact that I liked that the military removed Thaksin and his little sister doesn't mean that I support everything they do. It would be great to have honest and competent politicians in this country. And it would be even better if Thais would vote for honest and competent politicians. But it seems most Thais prefer corrupt and often incompetent politicians. There is not much I can do about that.
  20. That obviously doesn't matter. The only purpose is to the Thaksin back. And obviously he doesn't want to use his own money to buy the votes.
  21. That's the point of having taxes, yes. No, tax should be used wisely, not just given away to buy votes.
  22. I never saw such a video or button. It seems you look at the wrong sites. Or maybe you have too much clutter on your computer.
  23. Why not 100,000? And why not a refill every month? After all, it's other peoples' money. Give it away! And why? Does it make any sense? Can Thailand afford it? Or is it: We promise everything so that people vote for us so that the criminal fugitive will be in control again. And then he will have his revenge and he will make himself and his family even richer. Does that make any sense for Thais and Thailand? No. But will the uneducated masses vote again for populist policies? Of course.
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