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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Did you talk to your neighbor about it? I think maybe the reason he is pointing that camera in your direction is that "intruders" might come from the direction where some strangers are working. Maybe without the camera some workers would look what is going on on the neighbor's property. And with the camera maybe they will think twice about what they are doing. I think pointing a camera to a possible risk area is not unreasonable. But I think best is, ask him - with an open mind.
  2. Where? Do those Cowboy and Nana girls have uniforms because the Thai owners (if there are any) want that the girls have a Thai style uniform? Or is it more important that many western and Japanese customers like schoolgirl uniforms, etc. I like uniforms ????
  3. American Buddhists are mostly American. I guess that explains it. ????
  4. I am not sure how much we can adapt about the food. I guess there is always a part of us which wants what mother cooked for us a long time ago. When I arrived in Thailand, with the intention to live here, I wanted the real Thai experience. I only ate Thai food. First, I liked it. But there was a moment when I just had enough of it. Now I eat sometimes what I was used to "back home", sometimes Thai food, and sometimes Japanese, Italian, etc. At home I eat mostly the same as my Thai gf. But when we go to restaurants, i.e. with a buffet, her food is mostly Thai, and my food is mostly "western".
  5. From Dilbert cartoon dropped by US newspapers over creator’s racist comments | US news | The Guardian Adams called Black Americans a “hate group” and suggested white Americans “get the hell away from Black people” in response to a conservative organization’s poll purporting to show that many African Americans do not agree with the statement: “It’s OK to be white.” [...] “If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people ... that’s a hate group,” said Adams, who is white, on his YouTube channel on Wednesday. “And I don’t want to have anything to do with them.” [...] Adams’s initial remarks came in response to a conservative Rasmussen Poll that appeared to show that 26% of Black respondents said they disagreed with the statement “It’s OK to be white”. Another 21% said they were not sure. End of quote I understand his point. When 26% of Black respondents said they disagree with the statement “It’s OK to be white”. and another 21% said they were not sure that means 47% of the people in that survey are racist. But because in this case the black guys are the racists, and the white guys are the "victims" that is somehow seen in a different light. Personally I think it's ok to be white or black or whatever. Who cares. And realistically there are racist people in all of those groups. It's not a typically white attitude to be racist. Talk to each other and learn that we can all live happily together. Cancelling anybody for a relative harmless remark is stupid.
  6. Not really. I prefer them with a little something. ????
  7. Slowly I understand why people buy new. Because it is difficult and expensive to renovate. I had an experienced project manager and a good contractor. But some workers are just not good. And the contractors seem to have problems finding good workers. My renovation is almost over and I am happy that it is done. And we had some problems but not real big issues. But after all the headache for over 1/2 year I understand better that many people want to buy something new and finished. And then there are the extra costs. After I bought my condominium, I still lived/live in a rented condo until the renovation is finished. That cost money. And I think new projects have sometimes (often?) good financing options. I am pretty sure it is a lot more difficult to get a loan for the purchase of an "old" unit.
  8. Sometimes, maybe even often, the price difference is worse than that. A newer building in "my" soi, not even 500m away, charges about 3 times as much per sqm. Ok, that's new. But when I compare what I paid and what I spent on an expensive 100% renovation then the new building is still more than double expensive compared to the 100% renovated condo. Obviously there are the facilities inside the building. But personally I think the difference is just too high for new units.
  9. Maybe she likes that, and this is why she visited you. ????
  10. And it seems many sellers have the same problem. They don't know what they can/should ask for. And that brings big price differences for no apparent reason - at least for "old" units and buildings.
  11. I think the uniform is not too bad. But I am ok if they want to take it off.
  12. And in general: Most people here agree that it only make sense to buy something if you want to use it yourself. Don't hope to sell and make money anytime soon. And don't think it will be easy to rent it out and get regular income. Maybe all that is possible, but you can't rely on it.
  13. This will give you a good overview: Thailand Property - 40,512 Condos & Houses For Sale | FazWaz Obviously it would be perfect to see up to date and accurate prices. I don't know if you can find them on that website or anywhere else. But what you can find already: - any condominiums in a certain area, shown on a map - basic info like when it was built, number of floors, etc. - rough idea about prices, especially compare if building A or B or C is in general more expensive. - size of units. In many buildings are only a few kind of units. I.e. maybe you look for 120sqm and they just don't exist in some buildings. Last year I bought a condo in one high-rise condominium in Sukhumvit. They had/have maybe 15 floors with similar corner units. Many of those units were available to vastly different prices. In the building which I checked most needed renovation - that's what I expected. I couldn't find any logic with the prices within that building. Theoretically I would have thought units in higher floors and needing less renovation should be more expensive. No. The most expensive unit which I looked at was in a horrible condition. At the end I bought a unit in one of the highest floors for the best available price in that building. If there was any logic, I didn't see it.
  14. What do you talk about with typical country people? They might be nice and honest and hard working and whatever. But to me it seems we (farangs in general) have little in common with typical country people. And yes, sometimes I talk to them. But I don't find much to talk about.
  15. I also miss them. Unfortunately by now they are all old or dead already.
  16. Anywhere in this world healthcare is cheaper than in the USA. This is why international insurances have policies which exclude the USA or are a lot more expensive if the USA is included.
  17. I think I have to report this to the moderators. ????
  18. I think that is the first sensible post I read from Bob. Thanks Bob.
  19. And if you are unwell then visit a local doctor in Thailand. Because they are aware of all the local diseases. If you think a "good" doctor back home knows better what to do, then likely that is a mistake. Because that doctor back home is likely no expert in tropical diseases.
  20. I did that once with my first Nana gf - about 30 years ago in Soi Rotfai. It was exiting. ????
  21. then you are doing it wrong. Where would you go to find trouble? Obviously you can find almost anywhere trouble if you provoke people. But if you are the nice guy with nice language and not threatening and not looking like Rambo then you should be able to go (almost?) anywhere in Bangkok. And if you are not welcome then people will tell you. Let's say you walk into a "restricted" gambling area. Someone will tell you to go somewhere else. If you insist it's up to you where you go then there are obviously consequences. Just be nice and listen!
  22. Why is that a moral issue? It's only natural that she will be horny from time to time. You do your friend a favor if you make her happy. Otherwise she would maybe go with strange bad men.
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