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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. My opinion is my opinion. Not more, not less. I don't pretend to be the representative speaker for all people, and sure I am not representing idiots. It's up to you if you like it or not, I don't care.
  2. I prefer a smart minority compared to a stupid majority. Democracy only works well with well informed people who understand what is going on and what they are voting for. As long as the farmers still vote for the highest bidder and as long as they get their news from Truth Today or the red village leaders, democracy does not work in the way it is supposed to work. The same can be observed in other so called first world countries. Idiots voting for idiots.
  3. It must be really hard to be the little sister in a rich and influential family.
  4. What do they always tell the people: Just say no! I remember when Yingluck was initially reluctant to do the job for her brother. First she said no, and then she did what he wanted. I wonder how often she asked herself later: Why didn't I just say no - and live happily ever after?
  5. And there wouldn't have been a coup, and another one, if Thaksin would have worked all Thais and Thailand and not mostly for his own pocket.
  6. Nature is nature. Nature is not god. It has already a name, it's called nature. I am sure I recommended this book earlier in this thread. Maybe read it. Richard Dawkins explains it in great detail.
  7. I guess next thing you will repeat: Brexit means Brexit. Yeah, sure.
  8. There are no red-shirts on the streets of Bangkok anymore. Life is quiet without those looters and arsonist. Hopefully it stays like that.
  9. In my experience in Thailand women feel old when they are 30. And in a way I agree with them. I, and many others, would never start a relationship with a woman over 30.
  10. Are you serious? According to you something can't come from nothing. And that is why it must be god who did it. Why? And if god did it, where did god come from? From nothing? Or from something? Because if god came from something then your logic is wrong. And if god came from nothing then your logic is also wrong. There are lots of things which we and even the best scientists don't know. But that is no reason that god did it. A good example are the "things" which Einstein discovered. According to your logic if Einstein or someone else would not have discovered this then that would mean god did it. No!
  11. Life must be hard for those old and lonely women. I wonder if some of them at some time think about how many guys they rejected when they were young.
  12. I am sure she can buy sunglasses which look just like that for 100B or 200B somewhere on a tourist street.
  13. He owns the party. He tells them what to do. Maybe we see a different person who utters the words. But the source is the same, the fugitive criminal.
  14. Sorry, I don't think so. In other countries with other work ethics the ISP people would admit that maybe they had only 96% uptime. And they would do their best to make it better in the future. And I met also some people in Thailand with that ethic.
  15. And it happened in secret. Imagine people would realize that finally even the UK government realizes that Brexit was a bad idea.
  16. I hope they all go to jail. Or at least disappear from Thai politics. And you know why? Because I lived here all the years when Thaksin was directly or indirectly in charge. Every day bad news. And later every day another scandal. And then the red-shirts and all that. If he or comes back to power, then we can expect more of the same. And that includes another whitewash attempt and another coup. Please, not again!
  17. That is definitely the best definition of 'Second Coming' I ever heard about.
  18. Just imagine! And then imagine more. And then some more.
  19. And I thought god is that guy in the sky who is watching everybody.
  20. Imagination is great. It's not only fun, it's necessary for creativity. And it has nothing to do with god.
  21. I agree with the connection to nature. And that is not really surprising because we all exist on this earth together since a long long time. But what does have god to do with that?
  22. See what? Reality? There is no god, it's not too difficult to see that. Anything else is just imagination.
  23. Even if we can't explain everything in the moment, that is no reason to believe in a god who somehow knows everything. Like: I don't know why the sun comes up in the morning and goes down in the evening. There must be a god. Or maybe not? It's amazing that this thread still exists. A lot of "He exists". "No, he doesn't"
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