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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Obviously he has to pretend that he never made lots of money with all that corruption. You know he is an honest man. 555
  2. With Thaksin we can be sure that at least 90% of what he says is made up to what he thinks people want to hear. Unfortunately for many years many Thais believed him.
  3. You are joking, right? Thaksin would love to be PM until 90 if people would let him do that. Finally he seem to have understood that the majority of Thais don't want him anymore and don't want his party anymore. So instead of losing an election he doesn't even participate in it. This way he can at least dream about he would have won it if he would have participated. Thaksin does nothing for any noble reason. He did lots of things to benefit himself and his family and he was often smart enough to convince the masses that he is their savior, and he only does it for them. Good that by now more Thais woke up and don't accept his BS anymore. And for the record: I was here since before Thaksin started in politics. And when he started about the first thing that happened was his so called "honest mistake". They should have, and could have, legally stopped him at that time.
  4. You have to expect to always pay tax and customs. Be lucky if you don't pay, but you shouldn't expect that. If you don't pay tax and customs, then you paid for the item and don't get your item. Which will sooner or later convince you of above.
  5. Yeah, why am I not surprised that you are not familiar with the concept of facts. But maybe that makes life easier for you. Wear a MAGA hat, prey, shout hurray and all will be fine in your mind. 😉
  6. It seems that many guys in Thailand don't trust their gf or wife. For that reason, for many the first thought is that you want to do something like that. If you want to do something relating business and not relating to any wife or girlfriend, then it makes a lot of sense in this forum to make this 100% clear. If you do that, then you won't receive many comments like above.
  7. It could be. But I don't think much will happen. Years ago, people said that Chalerm knows all the dirt about anybody. That made him pretty much untouchable. I am also sure that other politicians will know lots of bad things about Chalerm. Now, will all of them publish what they know, and they will all destroy each other? Or will they just continue like usual, nobody exposes anybody else.
  8. Charlerm is the poster boy to show what is wrong with this country. He should be rotting in jail together with Thaksin and many others.
  9. I am surprised that you are not aware of this fact. Maybe you should read from time to time those sources who criticize Trump. Sometimes they do actually report the truth... He lies all the time! How can anybody believe a guy who lies constantly?
  10. If someone lies about the size of the place where he lives (11,000 square feet compared to 30,000 square feet) how can you trust such a person? And it's not just to trust him in business it is trusting him with the whole nation, 300 million people, the job of commander in chief, ...
  11. No, it was more like: Don't walk on Sukhumvit at night and wonder how many of the women are women and why they are there.
  12. It seems for most politicians it's about winning and having the power and not much else. Many GOP politicians accept Trump now because they know this is their only chance to survive in the GOP. Many of them didn't have much good to say about Trump before 2016. And recently the DEMs were talking a lot about how they can win the election with the old Biden. The fact what we is/was not able to do the job anymore seemed to be a minor issue. Winning is everything. Sad.
  13. Somehow your view of leftists is wrong. A) Maybe you talk about the most left of the left, maybe 5% of the population. Yes, those might be those gender study idiots. B) If you consider anybody left of center, maybe about 50% of the population, you should be able to find out that they don't have much to do with what you describe above. Maybe you noticed that some of the left, especially the once with the big mouth, claim that anybody in the right is a nazi and a racist and all that. Are you a nazi and a racist? I guess not. Are you right of the center? I guess yes. There is not just radical left and radical right.
  14. I guess the woke idiots and DEI crowd and all those are summarized as The Left. Then there are those who want unlimited immigration, no police anymore, nobody gets arrested, and all that. And let's not forget the idiots who don't know what a woman is. Personally, I think they should just be called Idiots.
  15. I am sure they get answers because they are very much related to Thailand, which makes them perfect for this forum. And many of us made many mistakes with the girls, and over the years we learned. And some of us are happy to help people to navigate difficult situations so that they don't make all the same mistakes as we made.
  16. What do you want to find out? If you want to hire a PI to find out if your favorite Nana girl only loves you, then I am pretty sure many serious PIs wouldn't be interested in that job. But I am sure you will find some who also ask you what you want to hear. If you i.e. want to make a business contract and you want to find out more about a specific company, their CEO, etc., then I am sure you will be able to find serious PIs.
  17. I understand "I see the left ruining my country.". I don't know too much about the USA, but I know there are too many crazy leftists who ruin it. And they are very loud. And about Trump and his lies: Is it really better that after 3 years and 30 (or how many?) court cases which confirmed that he lost he still believes he won? One way or another, he does not accept. Maybe in his mind and in his talking, maybe "only" in his talking. How can reasonable people who deal with facts communicate with such a liar? How can leaders of other countries all over the world communicate and make arrangements with such an unreliable person who does not deal in facts? Take for example his penthouse in Trump Tower which he repeatedly claimed was 3 times as bigger than it actually was. If you talk about something which has size X or 3 times size X you talk about something very different. And that is just one of many many examples. It is impossible to talk with such a person about reality if he doesn't accept reality. IMHO for a long time the choice was not The Left or Trump. The choice was The Left or many other options. Why do so many people support Trump?
  18. Thanks So, do you agree that Trump is lying all the time? Just one example is that all the time he tells everybody he won the last election. After more than 3 years he had enough time to understand he didn't win.
  19. If you would not have written the last sentence, then I would have suggested a setup with Omada and maybe two of these AP. I use them and they are very fast. But I don't think the setup is trivial... EAP245 | AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Ceiling Mount Access Point | TP-Link
  20. Who will listen and how will they judge the situation? Trump will lie and lie and lie, and if he has the chance, he will talk over her. For his usual MAGA fans this might look like he wins, like: Look at this strong man, he just talks, and he talks louder than her. Intellectuals will likely know that he lies, and that shouting won't make it better. But the problem is obviously that intellectuals don't have to be convinced that Trump is not suitable for that job. And I don't have any hope that the usual MAGA crowd will even try to check the facts.
  21. I am actively following the luxury buffet diet. Go to a great buffet, eat anything you want, maybe add a little wine, and enjoy. Obviously don't forget the ice-cream. Repeat. I do this regularly since years. It works. I feel good, and I enjoy my diet.
  22. Option A: You will die Option B: I have this present for you, and you will pretend all is fine. It's your choice.
  23. I think in NYC they have the regulation that for anything stolen <5000USD nobody will go to jail. So, the same people steal again and again and again things for less than that amount. Absolutely crazy.
  24. What a <deleted> stupid idea! It could have easily ended like this: "He did it." were her last words dying in the gutter of the street.
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