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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for your replies so far. So which poison, available in Thailand, have you successfully used so far? Year ago, in another apartment, I looked on the internet for solutions. I found a couple of suggested solutions, but none of them worked. Then I discovered Blattanex Gel, see above, which worked great. But it seems by now the (Thai) cockroaches are mostly immune against it.
  2. We often buy products from fresh markets. I guess that might be a way how those creatures, or their eggs, arrive.
  3. It seems unavoidable that cockroaches come to the kitchen (in Thailand). In the last years I used successfully Blattanex Gel from BAYER. Now, it seems that still works a little, but not as good anymore as it used to work. I also use spray (various brands). But there are still some cockroaches which don't want to die. What do you use? Are you able to kill all of them? If possible, I would like to use something, like the gel above, which I can put in corners of drawers and similar places which I normally don't touch. With spray, everything gets sprayed. I don't really want to clean everything that I want to use just before I use it because maybe I sprayed it (by accident) earlier.
  4. No, now he can plan for his retirement. More than overdue.
  5. I use both, on the WWW on my desktop PC, and the app on my phone. Recently the app had some kind of quiz game. I clicked a couple of times on the skip button. Now I couldn't skip anymore, and I had to answer some stupid questions which every bank user should be able to answer. I wonder what will come next. Maybe a couple of pages of cartoons to read before I can use the app? Annoying!
  6. He is just not capable anymore. It seems many DEMs asked the question: Can he win? IMHO that was the wrong question. The question should be: Can he do the job? No! I wish the DEMs the best and I hope they will come up with a good choice. But I don't have much hope for them for this election. They should have started to look for dynamic young inspiring candidates years ago. They didn't. And they completely f@$ up the election until now. Will they be able to have a good presidential candidate and convince the voters until November? I hope it but I don't think it will happen. And last but not least: I think Americans deserve Trump. He and his behavior are typical American. I just hope he doesn't f#$# up the rest of the world.
  7. I was there a couple of times around 1996. At that time, it looked already like a place from long time ago in need of a renovation. I remember there was a picture outside the disco with some young girls dancing girls, probably from the time when it was opened. I think I spotted one or two of those girls in the picture in the disco, expect they were at least 20 years older. I won't miss that place.
  8. And do you think you are able to spot any camera wherever he parks "in the city"? Don't bring yourself into legal trouble because of this.
  9. I can't name anybody. But I know that a big issue is how long the colors will survive with sunlight over time. So even if it looks good on the first day, it might look very bad over time. I hope you are aware of this.
  10. Impeached? Yeah, what a good idea. Except his buddies don't impeach him. You should remember that part from the first time.
  11. Currently Trump is not the president. That is the big difference.
  12. Did you follow the supreme court decision that the president can do whatever he wants? Just read what members of the supreme court write who disagree with this.
  13. Look harder. But then, it isn't hard at all to see lots of evidence. Maybe for just watch any news which you might call liberal. Yes, they omit things which they should show. But they also show some details which they right wing press omits.
  14. Ok, in a way I understand that. But what do you think about the fact that Trump wants to be like a king? He can do anything he wants, and nobody can do anything against this. He will fire anybody who he doesn't like. People have to kowtow to Dear Leader, or else. Is that what you want?
  15. I like some of his policies, I don't like other. Same with Biden and many other politicians. But for me I look first at a person and then at his politics. I.e. some people are very religious, and they try to live according to their religion. Maybe, probably, I don't like their religion. But I accept that those people are the way they are. They believe certain things, and then they act accordingly. Fine. And then there are other politicians who do whatever comes to their mind and they lie left and right. I.e. being married a couple of times, having extramarital sex, and then pretending to be a devote Christian just doesn't work. And then with some people together they say they absolutely don't want abortions, and a day later with other people that is suddenly not so important anymore, better don't mention that one. If you want to know what is wrong with Trump, then just watch or read what many GOP politicians said about him in the primaries before the 2016 election. That's how he was, and that's how he still is. But those spineless politicians want power, and they worship their leader. Pathetic!
  16. He lies all the time. The lie that he won the last election is just one obvious example. He hires people and calls them the best, and often soon later he fires them and calls them losers. He doesn't accept and criticism. He is a cult leader. Follow the leader is the first law. And often he just behaves like an ahole. The list goes on and on and on. I understand that some people support Trump because they like his politics more than the alternative. But the man himself is just an ahole.
  17. Some farangs are employed at Thai companies, and they have the same Thai health coverage as Thai employees. As far as I know they have one hospital assigned where they should go if they need a doctor. And then, as far as I know, everybody with that health cover should get urgent emergency help in any hospital in Thailand, including private hospitals, in an emergency. I guess if a Thai person is in an accident, then emergency services might assume that this person has the same coverage as most Thais. And if a farang is involved in an accident? Do they assume that a farang has a "farang insurance", and will they likely bring that farang to a private hospital? And when the farang arrives at the private hospital, will they treat him same as a Thai emergency case? Or will he more likely get the expensive farang treatment? Let's say a farang is in such a situation and unconscious, and then he wakes up a week later and tells the hospital that he is a Thai employee with only that health coverage. Is it possible that the hospital will expect from him to pay an expensive bill because they treated him like a money making farang and not similar to a Thai person with a similar accident? How can a farang who has only Thai employment health coverage ensure that he won't end up with a huge hospital bill?
  18. Yes, I agree. And then there is the US president, who is losing his mind, and not just since a month or two. And all the leading democrats who must have known this for a long time and ignored it. And the obedient followers who still want that guy as the president. So, yes, Trump and his enablers and followers are bad. And Biden and his enablers and followers are bad. I still don't see a bright future with Trump. But I also don't see a bright future with Biden. Both parties and presidential candidates are bad.
  19. Yes, they exist. And how about "lower class"? And how about females? There are lots of arrogant people who ignore the rules everywhere.
  20. Same same, not much different: Giorgia Meloni: Journalist told to pay damages for mocking Italian PM's height (bbc.com)
  21. If he is legally employed in Thailand, then he has the same health coverage as employed Thai people. If he chooses to go to a private hospital and (pretend to) pay himself, then that is entirely his self-made problem.
  22. When I go to Nana that makes sense. For most other situations not so much.
  23. Mankind is not intelligent. Some individuals are intelligent. And then the mostly stupid people vote for populists to lead them.
  24. And often the law is in conflict with common sense. Like: He called a fat woman fat. And he will be punished because he said the truth.
  25. I remember maybe 10 years ago or so one Kardashian got robbed, I think it was in Paris. And when news outlets reported about this, they tried to describe her like "the author" or "the model" or anything like that. But they failed. She didn't have any job with a name. Now, nobody even tries to connect them with any job, they are just called influencers. And to be an influencer it seems to be enough if just enough people "follow" you.
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