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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And are you qualified for this? There seem to be many people who know everything better than the doctor. Obviously, doctors can be wrong. But, they studied this for years...
  2. Who films that? It never happened to me, but if I would be in my car in traffic, and I would absolutely have to pee, and if I wouldn't have a bottle or something like that, then I would probably also pee outside. What's the alternative? Pee into the car?
  3. Is it any kind of alcohol or only beer? It seems for many people it makes a big difference in which form they drink alcohol. The alcohol itself is maybe not the issue.
  4. I saw in another video this video below. Normally I don't watch FOX so I don't know anything about them except their reputation. Is this video showing the truth about that mayor in San Francisco? Or is that some joke? Did it really happen?
  5. It's always sad when people start a thread, then there are numerous replies, but the original poster is never seen again.
  6. It does not stop. But it goes down and down and down. Years ago, it was impossible to think I could go out at night and not even f&$@ one girl. Like: I need that. By now: Ok, she is not bad (the kind I would have taken out after max 10min when I was younger), but now, no, she is not really so exiting. Maybe another one, or maybe no one at all tonight. I am tired anyhow. 😉
  7. They said? Did anybody from the health insurance, not the agent, talk to you? Normally they only write. So did you have that in writing? The agent, the person who sells the health insurance, might have said this to you. But that doesn't mean anybody official told him so and it doesn't mean he has that in writing. I was recently refused for any health coverage. I am sure my medical condition, including diabetes, didn't help. But they just told me they won't cover me, and not why. And diabetes was not the only medical condition on my list, so it could have been various reasons.
  8. In general insurance refuse you or accept you under certain circumstances. As far as I know they never tell you why. Obviously, you can speculate why, but that's it. A speculation.
  9. I learned how my childhood influenced my actions long after I was a child. And in many ways that wasn't obvious. And I learned that our childhood influences what we do (a lot) and it's up to us if we just see this as a reason that we are how we are. Or we decide to change our life and don't use our childhood as an excuse for how we are. We can change - if we want to do that. Another important lesson I learned was about other people. In group therapy there are maybe 5 to 10 people together for maybe 2 hours, once a week. And everybody hears the stories of other people, and the questions from the psychotherapist. So, after a while, we understand the people around us much better. It's long ago and I don't remember many details. But I remember that when I started, I thought about some of the others in a way like: I don't like this person, or that person in strange, etc. After hearing their stories for many months, I understood more where they come from and why they are the way they are. And that helped me to be careful with judging other people (now). For most of us there are good reasons why we are how we are. That doesn't mean I like everybody who is different or strange. But maybe I accept that he is the way he is for good reason. Another question I remember that "patients" often ask: Is that normal behavior. Like, do I behave like a normal person? And the answer from the psychotherapist was normally something like: It's normal for YOU. Like, with your past and your life until now, your reaction is normal. For someone who lived another live, it might not be normal. But don't try to be normal only because other people have different expectations.
  10. Most people who need counseling don't realize that they could benefit from counseling. I attended psychological group therapy for a couple of years in my 20th. Did I really need it? I don't know, probably not. Did I learn from it? Yes, a lot.
  11. I am who I am. I don't try to play a role or be someone else. Some people like me, others not. Fine. Being the same all the time and not trying to play a role makes life so much easier.
  12. Thailand is the wrong place to try this. If you can't ride a bike already, learn somewhere far away from Thailand's streets and vehicles.
  13. Should we blame China and their companies to be able to offer many things cheaper than the rest of the world? If none-Chinese manufacturers can offer better quality, then I am sure they will keep customers who want high quality. If, however, China can compete in price and quality, why should people spend more money? It's business. If companies and factories are competitive, then they will stay in the business. If not, then not.
  14. Many women from all over the world might be the best wives. But it depends a lot on the guy they marry or refuse to marry. There are some idiots out there who mess around with sleeping hookers, and then they are surprised when women reject them...
  15. Yes... It's amazing how difficult they make it for their customers to pay with the card and how difficult they make it to see the card statement to know how much we have to pay to UOB. But they have at least 100 other functions which at least I never used. Amazing.
  16. He shouldn't do that. But I am sure he enjoyed that ride. Sometimes I wish I had a truck just like that. 😉
  17. Does this only happen to your bike? Did it happen to anybody else in your condominium? I think first you should find out why it happened. Maybe it was the condominium management who blocked your bike for whatever reason.
  18. I think I read in the Dale Carnegie book many years ago that he suggested that you can write letters and then put them in a drawer and never take them out of that drawer again. You can try something similar like just don't press the Submit button.
  19. About in this order: Lunch at The Oriental Hotel? A Thai oil massage followed by a happy ending? A visit to Kinokunia Book store followed by a good cup of coffee? A couple of Guinness at the pub followed by a short-time? Is it a workout at the gym followed by a protein drink from 7-11? A trip to a crowded shopping mall and a wander around aimlessly buying stuff you don't need? A hot-pot lunch followed by an afternoon film in the theater? A boat ride on the river from Taksin Bridge up to the Grand Palace? A wander around the bustling fresh markets in China Town? Surfing the net and reading annoying posts on AN like this one? A run around Lumpini Park followed by some good street food along the backside of the park? A trip to the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC)? Stocking up on supplies at Lotus, Big-C or Makro? Buying a bunch of fruit at Or Tor Kor Market? A fat spliff, followed by 3 chocolate bars, then contemplating your navel for hours and never leaving your bed?
  20. "Your" logic makes sense. But that is not reality. Some people are stretched to pay amount X now. And they would be hard pressed to pay X + 20%, especially regularly. Raising the prices will almost certainly result in fewer customers buying fewer things. Overall, less income and less money to pay rent, staff, etc. I know from good quality restaurants that they pay more for the ingredients now. But they don't raise their prices because they know above. Is it fair? Not really. But that's reality. And often prices are made to suite the market. I.e. if most vendors offer their dish for 50B, then better do the same so that people buy from you. Even if your ingrediencies are more expensive than those from the others. I go regularly to a small coffee shop, which is not from a recognizable brand name. The espresso is great, and it's expensive. And I buy it because I like it and I can afford it. Now the shop has fewer customers than before. There might be various reasons, but I am sure the price is an issue for many people. That's life.
  21. I live in a high floor in the middle of the city, and I am seldom near standing water. I can't remember when I last saw even one mosquito.
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