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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Too many stupid people and too many egoistic people. Years ago, before "the internet", there were also many of above. But they were not as visible as now. Now lots of loud idiots can publish for free their idiotic ideas to the rest of the world. And many idiots feel just like home joining those idiots. And it seems that is getting worse.
  2. Maybe someone can create a list of all the hubs Thailand wants to be, and when those hubs were announced, and what happened to them. I guess Thailand is the country of the most hubs which never happened.
  3. Maybe I missed something, what does that story have to do with the/a mafia?
  4. Ok, she is already a little older, but I like the schoolgirl look.
  5. I saw often enough girls returning to the bar where they used to work, together with their children of any age. Sometimes only in the afternoon, sometimes in the middle of the night. I guess often it is only to show they others the happy family. But it doesn't change the fact that young children are in the bars. It seems often the rules are ignored.
  6. But then, we read from time to time about (Thai) rapists who did it again, after they were in prison and then released. They all should be for a long time in prison - or executed.
  7. The funny thing is that CrowdStrike is supposed to be a/the company who fixes those problem and don't create them.
  8. Let's party, spend all that money. Oh...
  9. The brain should be used like any other tool. Use it when you need it. And leave it aside if you don't use it. I.e. if you have a walk on the beach, just relax.
  10. You, and everybody else can do that. First is to realize that thinking excessively about the past and/or the future does not make much sense. And after you realize that you will have more time for now, and you will enjoy now and don't worry too much about the past and future anymore.
  11. A long time ago I learned about how to handle problems. The first two steps are: a) What is the problem? b) Is it important? If not, then move on. It does not really matter what you eat. Why waste time and energy to think long about that? I handle that like this: When I am hungry I "ask my body" what I want to eat. Something will pop into my mind. Likely I will be able to buy it or make it. If not, then let some other thing pop into my mind. If nothing "pops" now, then probably I am not hungry. Do something else. Later on, something will come to my mind what I want to eat. With other thinks, like what did someone say or mean by saying that two weeks ago, I would realize it does not make much sense to think about it. Two weeks later we remember only a small part about what was said a long time ago. We remember little, and our understanding now will most likely not be better than two weeks ago. Except, if we have further information, like something happened with the person who we talked about. But even then, there are often so many possibilities and outcomes that we just speculate about what might have happened or what possibly will happen, etc. Is it worth spending time to analyze that this might happen, or that, but it could also be something else? Relax, let it happen.
  12. Yeah, that was my point. They didn't have real jobs. And I would be surprised if many of the women who regularly look for customers online have any real job, except maybe gogo-dancer. There is not much point working in a "real job" for peanuts if you can make a lot more online.
  13. And how do you know that? Many years ago, before "the internet" I looked for girls in Thermae. With my ignorance I asked them about their work. They all seemed to have a regular job, at least that is what they told me. But they were out until 3am or later. And I don't remember any of them telling me the next morning that they had to leave early so that they can go to work. I don't know the numbers, but I would be surprised if many of the (online) P4P girls have a normal job. Why should they work for a week in a normal job if they can make the same amount of money within a couple of hours?
  14. The situation wouldn't be as it is if the DEMs wouldn't be so bad. They could have looked for new younger candidates since Biden won. They didn't. They could have opposed the stupid radical left agenda with DEI and all the crap. The crazy left wants that, but nobody else. And then there are all those illegal immigrants. I am pretty sure the DEMs will lose, because they made so many mistakes that they deserve to lose. I don't like Trump and I would like to see an energetic decent knowledge honest president. But nobody can elect such a president if he is not on the ballot. And when the DEMs lose, then half of them will blame that Biden was their choice. Or that Biden was replaced, or whatever. They won't look inside their own incompetent leadership. So sad.
  15. I had the Thai customers in mind. I don't know how easy it was or should have been to realize those cars were stolen.
  16. I wonder how often the customers will get all their money back.
  17. 100 girls are (half) naked in front of you, and you check your phone if something exiting happened.
  18. In principle I agree with you. But, when we consider that they likely get minimum wage, something like 300B per day, then I understand that they are not too motivated. I guess if they would do a good job they might get promoted. But how far? Maybe so that in 5 years they make 400B per day?
  19. I don't know who is involved. And I am pretty sure there is not just one person. Many must know what is going on. And many must have actively looked the other way - probably for years.
  20. From his GoFundMe page: "a single-person bike accident" = nobody else was involved. Just in case people want to group this together with all the other usual traffic accidents in Thailand and maybe the not so great driving skills of many of the locals. David was involved in a single-person bike accident in Thailand on Saturday morning. He is currently in critical care in the intensive care unit in Phuket Hospital. David has sustained severe injuries, including: · Bleeding in the brain · Deep wound on the forehead · Multiple broken bones in the face and skull · Multiple severe fractures across the face · Broken bones around the nose and eyes · Split in the roof of the mouth · Broken teeth · Depressed areas and more fractures in the skull and forehead · Various cosmetic wounds on the face
  21. Mostly I agree with you. But I also know at least one rich guy, with an expensive health insurance, who wants that the doctors make every possible test they might think about. Like, if there is a 1% chance that that test might show more, than do it. And I guess some people would blame the doctor if he would not suggest that 1% option. It's still up to us individually what we chose.
  22. When I go to my usual hospital, they always attach a small paper with my hospital number and some other details to the current procedure. And on that paper is written "patient pay" or something similar. Because the first time when I visited that hospital, I didn't have a health insurance. It seems that helps that whenever they plan or "advice" something more expensive to ask me if I agree with that. Sometimes it seems to me obvious that what they suggest is just an unnecessary more expensive option. Sometimes I agree, because I think it makes sense. But the whole point is, they ask me. And I am pretty sure "patient pay" is a good motivation to ask me, because they actually want to get paid by me. So, maybe make sure that the hospital/doctor think you pay by yourself. Then they will likely ask. And obviously you can send the bill to your insurance, if you have one.
  23. On the other hand, many companies ask for a record of everything, and many people provide only few information about their medical records. Like, when I told my doctor a couple of years that my heart hurts, it wasn't so important. The problem is obviously, that insurance company find out, because you give them the right to check all your medical records. And then, later, the excuse "I didn't think that is important" doesn't help. The last time I tried to apply for a health insurance I gave them lots of (bad) news about my medical condition. After many years, lots of little things come together. They rejected me. Did I like that? No. But I would hate it even more, if I would pay, maybe for years, and then one day when the expensive treatment happened, the insurance tells me they do not cover that because of preexisting conditions. My advice: Give them all the information which is on record, anywhere in any hospital or clinic. If you do that you might have to pay more, or they might reject you. But you won't pay money for nothing when at the end they don't pay when it matters.
  24. For me, the other way around. Sometimes I drink a beer or two. But when I know there will be a couple of hours of drinking, then whiskey (soda) only.
  25. I am sure there are good reasons why investigative journalism seems to almost not exist in Thailand. Journalists want to stay healthy. And what's the point of reporting crimes when the authorities are often directly involved in this. TiT
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