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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Financial: Yes Mixed race children: Yes And then there is the fact that many farangs like brown small girls with a cute nose. Basically, the opposite of what many Thai men want. So, many small brown girls will have the choice between a farang who wants them the way they are, and a Thai guy who might take them if he couldn't find a white tall Thai girl.
  2. What kind of logic is that? Like: I had no traffic accident in the last 10 years. And for that reason, I won't have an accident in the next 10 years. Really?
  3. I saw lots of those toys for sale on Sukhumvit. They must be legal. Otherwise, that couldn't happen. 😉
  4. My credit cards are good for that. I fear the hospitals will use that without asking me. Obviously, it's nice to get a good treatment. But it's even better to get a good treatment and the social security pays for it. 😉
  5. The person who started this thread wrote: "I am not a computer geek so Windows 11 will be new for me so what is the main different?" Same same.
  6. And because he didn't start a war a couple of years ago guarantees that he won't do it in the next years? Really?
  7. And obviously we will all be relived if Trump is in charge of those. What could possibly go wrong?
  8. I received a social security card in Bangkok last year, 2023. My accountant arranged this for me. I don't know if that happens automatically or if she requested the card.
  9. Yes, in theory that is true. Unfortunately, some of us are unable to get private health coverage because of preexisting conditions.
  10. The winner will be: No president. Let them try that for 4 years. Maybe after that time there will be better candidates and maybe more citizens understand that voting is a good idea.
  11. Unfortunately, that also does nothing. They continue, and if the police stop them, they pay a small fine. Some time ago when I forgot my driver license in Bangkok the usual rate was 100B.
  12. Thanks. I found in on Lazada. This is 400g for 299B, there are other sizes available. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/diatomaceous-earth-food-grade-100-400-i2447244429.html
  13. Nothing is decided yet. I just don't want to hear anymore those prediction when one thing changed that now everything changed. Obviously, the situation changed. But it's not only her age or about abortion or about immigration or this or that. It's a combination of a lot of things which influences people.
  14. Thanks. Do you have names and brands for the products which you use and which work?
  15. When I saw the headline, I immediately thought about Thaksin.
  16. "All we need to know"? Really Who has these very limited ideas? In another article I read today that the fact that Kamala Harris is 20 years younger than Trump will change everything. No, it won't! It seems to me too many journalists try to write another story and another story all the time. And somehow, they try to convince us that just now something important happened. How many voters change their mind all the time because something has changed? Few, very few.
  17. Yes, that was my experience maybe since a couple of months ago. But now I see they eat it, but some just don't die.
  18. Does he provide warranty for whatever he does? And does he have a huge insurance cover so that he is able to pay if things go wrong? All is fine if everything works. But if there is a problem it can be fast a big problem.
  19. I am a computer geek. I have some PCs with Windows 10 and others with Windows 11. Usage is almost the same and I didn't feel the need to change the OS on any of them. When I buy a new PC, then I will use the newest Windows. But in the moment, there is really no need to update from 10 to 11. The "end of life" for Windows 10 is on October 14, 2025. So, in a year from now everybody should have updated.
  20. That reminds me of that rich guy who always bought the newest ThinkPad with Windows. And then he attended some Apple presentation, and he bought the best Apple. And he told me how wonderful it is. A few months later he bought again the newest ThinkPad with Windows and never used the Apple again. Summary: Some people like Apple, others like Windows. They are different. I worked on an Apple a couple of times, and I never had the urge to change from Windows.
  21. Really? IMHO, I see almost no difference and no learning curve at all. I know there are lots of changes in the background, but nothing important for basic users.
  22. Since someone reactivated this thread, I just found one possible solution.
  23. What's the point of questions like: "Should you give a stranger your account number for no reason?" If people answer that with yes, then you can't help them anyhow. I wonder what the bank does if people answer the questions wrong. Maybe: We just blocked your account. You are too stupid to use this app.
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